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RE: Alexa Rank Just Keeps Dropping

in #steemit6 years ago

I don't think any other front end manages more than 10% of the Steemit visitors, so overall it's still dropping. It is concerning as I would expect Steem in general to be doing better by now. We're still waiting for Steemit Inc to do some real marketing. I'll ask Ned about this at Steemit. They have the funds to do it.


I don't believe marketing (at least not advertising) is the solution in this business. I don't think there's any track record of social networks growing primarily driven via advertising of any kind. Some cryptos have grown via viral and "social" marketing, ie. astroturfing, but the latter is fairly unethical and probably wouldn't be sustainable either.

We actually have had loads of users come into Steem. The problem is that they don't stay, which implies marketing efforts would be wasted.

I think there is a place for some sort of marketing. I know Ned and others make appearances at events around the world, but we have to look beyond the fairly small crypto community. Groups like @promo-steem should be having a presence at music and literature festivals. We need creative people getting on board and bringing in their fans. Even if we just get into some niche areas it will help. We need Steem to hit some critical mass so that the media pick up on it as they have with other platforms. There have been a few high profile stories before, but it's never been quite enough. Steemit could be funding those who get the word out even if they don't do it themselves.

I've seen some discussion about the high number of fake accounts getting created through Steemit. That is a serious issue that needs to be addressed too.

The high profile people we've gotten into Steem always eventually leave. We've got to focus on why people are leaving more than getting more people to join in the first place (when the network is such a mess that people just leave anyway).

There are issues with people just supporting their friends and not the new users who could add real value. Steemit has done very poorly at getting real celebrities on board and retaining those who do try it. Of course they have to see value in it in terms of audience size and that's a chicken/egg issue as we need big names to attract the masses. We need to work with those who have a big following elsewhere to bring some of them over so their votes can support those producing the good content. It needs people who are not just trying to get rich before the bubble bursts. I do still have some hope.

I really thought that with the adpocalypse steem would be able to attract many high profile content creators due to its lack of censorship. Several did come the 'Amazing atheist' and 'We are change' to name but two but I was sad to see them receiving so little attention . Steems Lack of censorship should be capitalised on especially in this day and age.

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Please read my comment below. It's also b/c of how the site is designed & how difficult it is to use, not to mention there are no groups people can start & join, etc.

Most people on FB join groups, they don't want the whole world reading what they have to say.

paid promoters dont work as you can see from the countless youtubers and celebrities that were paid to join and once joining and posting
misinformative posts to get users to buy into steem under false belief it is something else, all the while getting $1000's a week which is immediately cashed out

those clickbait marketers dont care about anything, except how much they can get paid now but i suppose is the foundation of steem cant change it now since it works so well

Correct, BECAUSE, as I commented in another thread a few minutes ago, the site is TOO difficult for the average layperson to use.

NOW more than ever Steemit could be getting TONS of new users b/c FB is censoring ALL types of content that is all about the TRUTH, & since the gov't controls FB, Twitter & YT (even G), they DON'T want people to know what's REALLY going on out there.

Last week I sent over 200 people (mainly women) the link to sign up & to my page.

I have a feeling that NO ONE signed up, & several thought they had to pay to sign up.

A few in the FB group mentioned MeWe or WeMe LOL, & they all went there b/c that's more similar to FB.

I've complained about the whole interface here before, including the fact that there's NO text editor, & I have to waste time using code, that isn't even REAL html, to code my articles.

I mean if I can't even use REAL html, then what's the point???

I'm really seriously thinking it's time to go elsewhere sigh

I'm making no money here, the price has dropped a TON since Nov., & I'm just frustrated.

I used to get 1-2 new people following every time I posted. Now I don't.

I want to be able to bring people over, not have over 200+ people look at the site & then run away.

That's TERRIBLE!!!

Thanks for listening.