[ANNOUNCEMENT] Steepshot (ex. SteemStagram) Android alpha test version

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

We're happy to announce Steepshot, a platform that rewards people for sharing their lifestyle and visual experience.

You can use it to share cool pictures you've taken with your mobile phone, curate and comment photos your friends make and never worry that any third party will censor your images.


Since @pmartynov has presented the concept at SteemFest 2016 in Amsterdam we've become a team of enthusiast engineers ready to continue improving the app.

More information

The project was strongly supported by the community and the development of the app was started. Since then we've been working on the architecture and core functionality of the mobile part.


Today we're launching public alpha test version of Steepshot Android application for Steem.

Our plan is to provide everyone with a simple and transparent way for sharing visual content and curating visual experience of other people. But first of all, get some feedback from amazing Steem community!

How the app works



@pmartynov, @vitality, @anch, @korzunav, @kirill.volkov, @nikitz


We're going to take advantage of Comment Reward Beneficiaries functionality from Hardfork 17 by taking percentage of rewards from posts and comments.


Download Link

Download Steepshot Android App

P.S. 100% of rewards from this post and any other post made from @steepshot account will be used to help us improving the quality of the app and adding new features. Donations are appreciated.

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Awesome job, just did a test post and made some quick notes on the experience here :)
Keep up the great work guys

Looks very promising! I don't use instagram myself so I don't really have much input but it's always good to see steem being used in other apps! Keep up the good work and when it's ready I'm sure we'll all help promote it

This looks really neat! Something I have been pushing for strongly for quite a while... Just wanted to make sure though, this is being built on the steem blockchain right? If so, how will you keep other things posted on steemit.com from showing up on steepshot?

Yes, it is being built on Steem blockchain.

We're auto-adding 'steepshot' tag and 'steepshot' app label to json_metadata for each post made by Steepshot app and will use this info to filter out all other posts.

Very inventive, love this concept it also likely explains the recent spike in custom json metadata that i noticed on the network :) Keep up the good work guys!

This is great!
I'll be interested to see how Steemit and Busy adapt to these new specialized front ends. They'll need to enable some filtering just like Steepshot is planning, but in reverse. The current "new" and "trending" pages won't really hold up well if flooded by blockchain content from sites that have formats akin to instagram, twitter, and youtube.
The sites will need to adapt to either present everything in an appealing way, or focus on written longer form content.
These concerns aside, I'm totally in favor of all of these sharing the same Steem blockchain.

This is awesome news!

Soul_Eater_43 The Cryptofiend tweeted @ 05 Mar 2017 - 23:15 UTC

[ANNOUNCEMENT] #Steepshot (ex. SteemStagram) Android alpha test version — @Steemit steemit.com/steemit/@steep…


Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Upvoted and resteemed ! Will need to try it out , it sounds good and great for steemit !😉👍

Looks good! Do you have a website?

How do you filter content from steem blockchain to have only pics ?

For alpha test version, we're using regular expressions to parse picture URLs out of the content of existing Steem posts and showing the first picture from each post.

In future, we'll only show the content created by our application, filtering out the content made by other clients.

That will be cool - I think having apps that create their own posts will actually be better in the long run - it will allow each app to create it's niche and reduce content confusion.

Probably by allowing only four tags, with "steepshot" being an automatically added tag, which is checked for before loading it into the application on the user's phone.

But I dunno, I'm not associated with them.

Yes, as you've mentioned, we'll use filtering by "steepshot" 5th tag or json_metadata steepshot "app" label (or both).

Oh, I'm happy I was right then.

But must this use the existing Steem blockchain?

It might be more reasonable to start completely from scratch, and create your own currency, even if it's just ported from Steem's code.

Building lots of apps on the same blockchain is a good thing, not a bad thing. Metcalfe's Law means that the networks will benefit in terms of value far more if they're part of the same one rather than fractured apart.

We're moving forward step by step with current focus on mobile and web clients for Steem blockchain.

Although we love Steem, we don't exclude the possibility of moving to a separate Graphene-based blockchain in future.

What would be the benefit of creating another blockchain?

We're currently working on a website and hope to announce alpha version soon.

I don't understand how to register an account. What is a posting key?
ps ok. i have found it in steem settings
pps but still says - invalid posting key

Thanks for installing Steepshot!

We can see 3 possible reasons of your issue:

  1. The posting key has been incorrectly typed or copied
  2. Your username (korneta) has been incorrectly typed
  3. Public posting key was used instead of private

Please let us know if that was helpful.

Things just got interesting....

Excellent, the best of them networks social paid with Steem, these projects are incredible and certainly help to increase the value of the Steem; D

So now we have Instagram integrated with steemit
Great, thnx for the good work @steepshot, following you

Congratulations! Way to keep the faith and stick to it since Steemfest! I'm impressed!
Upvoted and re-steemed.

Great news!!! Well done... Good luck with it!!

is this going to be open source?

We plan to make it open source gradually as far as it is practical for us.

The code of the client that our app is using is already open.

This is such a powerful event for us all here and especially the ones using the app itself. AWESOME! thanks for sharing. All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

Let me know if you need any IOS testers (when you get to it of course) also if there is any other way I can help just say.

Yes and ditto! Do you know if they are in IOS beta yet? I can't seem to find that info...

No I'm not sure.

Fantastiche! Resteemed

thx for your work, guys. Looking forward to see Apple versione :)

I'll be watching for iOS, good work

I tried to log in and it says : unable to log in with provided credentials.
I put in my name karenmckersie and then i copy pasted in my posting key !?😉

Did you register in the app?
If not, there's a Registration section in this post that shows how to do that.

I downloaded the app. And all that comes up is "Login "so i put in my name like i showed you then i put in my posting key . I also tried it with my private posting key .also all that comes up is username and password so im putting in my posting key where it says password! Anyways i tried lol !

Could you try to register first before logging in?
You can switch between log in and register screens by pressing create an account button at the bottom of the app.

Why the need to register? If it is based on the steem blockchain it should be same log in no?

Posting keys still confuse a lot of people, so we've decided to let the user map a normal password to a posting key once during the registration and then use this password for further logins.

However, this process will probably change in newer versions when Steem Login and Signing Service for Third-Party Applications is released in Q3 (according to the Steemit Roadmap 2017)

tell @jesta about this method to let user map a normal password to a posting key once during registration so he can incorporate that into #chainbb

Possibly use steemconnect to remove confusion in regards to the posting key.

Ok ! I didnt see that because when i downloaded it it automatically brought me to whwere i am and the only thing it showed was a log in spot at the top of the page , i will go back to the app on my home page and start from scratch , that sounds more like how it should work , but it just didnt come up ! Its hard for me to explain it , thanks again !

We could possibly make the registration screen to be the first one instead of the log in screen. Will discuss this across the team.

Your feedback is valuable to us!

However, this process will probably change in newer versions when Steem Login and Signing Service for Third-Party Applications is released in Q3 (according to the Steemit Roadmap 2017)

Is this going to allow users to login with a more simple password?

Ok finally i got it to work ! Now i will check it out ! Thanks 👍😉

Yes i tried that it doesnt work , i will try again later , thanks

This is great!Support a variety of mobile phones, it is necessary.
However, the contents of the edit on the phone, the design of the interface is still very challenging.Rub one's eyes and wait。

Oooh thank you for using my profile as an example! I really do love this fusion of steem with instagram, I think it will lower the entry barrier significantly to many people. I hope the iOS version can be rolled out soon as I'm not using Android but i'm very excited about this indeed!

Yes, fantastic. I love this idea, and am downloading the app as we speak to give it a try!

Are we able to post pictures yet, or comment !? I like it but if we can i cant figure it out after i type in the tags i cant get my keyboard to go down so i can post ! Lol ! This will be awesome once its totally working , very cool ! 😉👍

Never mind i went out and back in then somehow it worked ! I will just need experiment with it and learn how it works thanks again ! Its cool !

It tells me my Posting key is invalid and ive tried both public and private but still not working..

apk можно где-нибудь раздобыть?

upvoted and following....interesting indeed.

That is awesome, up-voted and followed!

I loged in it but crash all the time and canot post photo .

Very good application it was time for a new market

Holy cow. It's the real thing. Awesome work.

Theres a problem in that every photo thats put on steepshot is posting again on steemit ! And if we dont put a tag it wont post , now all my posts are coming up double when I only want to post the picture on steepshot as I already have the main blog posted on steemit ! Is this an issue that will be fixed !? Thanks !

This is a neat idea :) managed to register okay and connect it to my Steemit account after reading the comments here.

Now I'm trying to make a photo post. Took a bit to work out how to add tags, but got that sorted. Now though, it gives me an error when trying to post. Says creating post is impossible, Cloudinary API error "Invalid URL for upload".

Eta. Nevermind, I pressed the back arrow at the top of the create post page to return to trending. It showed the Login button in the corner, so I logged in again and started the post from scratch and it worked this time.

When I go to my profile in the app it shows the one photo post, but says I have 2 photos in the text above the post list/grid.

Cool to see yet another way for people to get into the Steem ecosystem.

Great addition to the already available user interfaces. I also think you may have chosen one of the coolest names so far. =)

Very good...
Upvoted and following!

Great job!
I can't install it on my phone because it say me that the app is not compatible with my Samsung GT-I9060 :( I think my phone is too old :(

Question: can u explain where the data is stored and how the economic model works?

Both of these questions are answered in their post, data is stored on steem and they plan to make use of the comment reward split facility that is being implemented in the next hardfork for monetization. :)

Great job team. This will add value to all users!

kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Es un complemento perfecto!!! Steemit para escribir tranquilamente y compartir... y esta aplicación para compartir imágenes!!! Esto se anima!!

Can't wait to test the iOS alpha! I have many pictures to share with you :)
Maybe we should introduce a pictures only section on Steemit soon? Would make it easier to navigate through pictures
Edit: I guess "Photo Feed" is the pictures only section?

Nice work guys! You all are blowing other social media sites and social apps out of the water. :D

Curation rewards must increase! Just they must distributed more equally... And that will happen because the reward line will change to more linear

Uploaded and following. Sounds good. Will be downloading Beta version.

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