Why Bank of England Governor Mark Carney might have seeded a blockchain revolution by embracing fintech and cryptocurrencies.

in #steemit9 years ago

In a recent The Globe and Mail article Blockchain  Revolution coauthor Alex Tapscott is pointing out that former Bank of  Canada Governor Mark Carney who is now the Bank of England Governor  might have stopped the Brexit panic by laying out "an ambitious vision for how fintech and blockchain can transform the global financial system and Britain’s economy" in his Mansion House speech

Tapscott is suggesting that the bank is implementing the blockchain so that "anyone, anywhere, can move, store and manage any kind of asset, from  money and securities to intellectual property and votes, securely and  privately without a trusted intermediary such as a bank or government."

What is not being discussed as much in corporate media however is the fact that "Mark Carney spent thirteen years with Goldman Sachs before heading the Bank of Canada." as Prof. Michel Chossudovsky points out in his Global Research article.

He goes on to reveal that "At the time of his 2013 appointment to the Bank of England, he was not a  citizen of the United Kingdom: Mark Carney was the first foreigner to occupy that position since the founding of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England in 1694."

"At the time of his appointment, the issue of U.K. “sovereignty” and Carney’s citizenship were hushed up by the British media."

Chossudovsky asks a valid question in his article in which he further discusses the role of Goldman Sachs whos bankers "are strewn across key policy-making arenas across the world like no other financial institution."

His questions is: "Is there a Trojan Horse within the Bank of England with Goldman Sachs sitting on the inside?"

In light of the fact that Goldman  Sachs faces the prospect of potential legal action from Greece over the  complex financial deals in 2001 that many blame for its subsequent debt  crisis, I recommend to listen what former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis has to say at this "First they came for Assange..." event which on the 19th of June 2016 simultaneously took place in 14 cities worldwide on  the importance on whistleblowers, transparency and democracy.


going to be interesting when Don & Alex Tapscott pick up on Steemit... :-)

I agree - there are a few more "blockchain celebrities" I'm looking forward to observe in that process as well ;-)