"@zoeroces" speaking in words of "@steemsecrets":
Hi, i am @zoeroces and i am a minnow but "whale" inside and i am speaking in the words of @steemsecrets.
To shine on steemit, you will also very much need to understand "humans" and ofcourse, you will need to recall that the beautiful state of steemit now, involved "history".
So the next time you see something that you become hastily discouraged about e.g an investor whale seemingly earning too much in your eyes, even for limited content or from self-voting or such whale, using the downvote button etc; before you hurriedly get in the mix or jump into conclusions, consider some of 3 giant scenarios first:
Number 1. Many investor whales have larger stake in the platform and isn't it only logical, from a human standpoint, that since they brought in such large investment, they would want to guard their investment and perhaps, gain some incentive from it?
Now, what they see fit for their portion of the steem platform, can vary from those of other whales or from us; but isn't that also normal?
And looking at it critically, humans falter and when humans falter, then, a next thing we can look at, is "forgiveness"!
Hahaha, not every human who falters is bad, for many had "great intentions" when they faltered!
Number 2. Did you also know that some of these whales may have bought into steem, when the price of steem was up to 3 dollars and stuck on here, even when it went as low as "cents".
Number 3. Did you also know, that for long periods in the past, before a consensus was agreed upon, allowing an eventual fork that made the "rewards" linear, thus, favoring minnows and dolphins in terms of "the power of their votes"; many whales had agreed on "an experiment" where they wouldn't vote at all or much, losing lots of curation and even post rewards.
So, what am I saying?
To really shine on steemit, you will need to understand "humans", involve some "history" and sift even the apparently not-so-good to find good in it; because overall, many things on steemit are subjective, because even in a community of reputable "humans", what you may not like; others may favor!
Sumptuous Meal For Thought
- did you visit "steemit" history or did you jump steps?
- Are treating "steemit" like you would "real life"?
- There is a "lot of facts" that you don't have, so why hurry when it comes to conclusion
- There is sense in nonsense
- Be whale inside-out
Message From @steemsecrets
Please follow awesome @zoeroces, if you picked something of special value from this post.
Kindly follow @steemsecrets on steemit, not to miss out on releases and please keep tabs on its Dtube channel for shareable videos.
Note: We will celebrate each minnow as whales and whales as whales, for "you are whale to me!"
Each one will learn while teaching this rare knowledge and will become "whale inside" after each endeavor as we build a shareable library of the fastest-rarest "Steemit" speed-up knowledge in the most assimilateable sweet bits.
Then, "fulfilling success" we will attain!
Knowledge dispensed is "life knowledge" underlyingly and this applies on steemit and beyond. Please see the other releases on @steemsecrets if you haven't.
At the end of each exercise, each participant will be "whale inside" on steemit, in the ocean and in real life.
Follow @steemsecrets, so that you never miss out on any release! Contact us to share in the celebration by featuring on our channel, else we will be contacting you soon!
If You Want To Watch & Share A YouTube URL Of The Video Above:
@zoeroces a minnow on steemit shines as she reveals the 7th release of the fastest-rarest Steemit speed-up knowledge in the words of @steemsecrets.
Additional reference:
- Steem Secrets #1 (Delivered By @sunnylife): "You Are Whale To Me!"; This Is Where Your Steemit Journey Should Begin.
- Steem Secrets #2 (Delivered By @ankarlie): "You Own Steem". We Take Steem To The Moon.
- Steem Secrets #3 (Delivered By @enjieneer): "Rewards" On Steemit Involve Way Bigger Things Than "Money". Abeg, Shine Your Eyes!
- Steem Secrets #4 (Delivered By @gerel): Shake The Steem Blockchain With A Piece Of Awesome "YOU", For "There Was Life Before Steemit".
- Steem Secrets #5 (Delivered By @allerie00): Much Of The INTEL That You Will Need, To Attain "Steemit" Success, Lies In "History".
- Steem Secrets #6 (Delivered By @itsjessamae): The Rarest INTEL About Steem Wallets. For Success Even On Steemit, "Respect" Is Involved.
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Its another #secretRevealed again and its a privilege to be here once again all thanks to @steemsecrets team led by @surpassinggoogle.
Humans are very hard to understand most times and its so important to excercise quiet a lot of patient when relating to them at times but one very sure point is that you cant do without associating yourself with fellow users on the platform irrespective of how hard its to engage with them, you just have to know and move closer to them then you can see their true colour. Humans are dynamics so we cant act or behave the same way but we muct try as much as possible to put our differences a side and works hands in hands together only then we can achieve success together.
A whale in making @nuges reporting.
A friend of mine while giving me some tips on steemit reminded me that it is just like every other social media because it still consist of humans so if you understand how to interact you will understand the steemit blockchain
I agree with you, the interaction or the realtionship building in this platform is really important to fully understand how this platform works and what it can offer to people. It is another secret to success here. Your friends and team mates are the ones who will help you all the way up. I am grateful to have found my ever supportive friends who have also helped me with this journey or should I say, this great adventure of being a Steemian :)
It's friends and different sub groups that help us grow on the platform and I happen to be in one where everyone is growing at a fast rate
Good for you @langford! :) together lets take steem to the moon! :)
that was really good advice!!
Patience is key when dealing with people. People are unpredictable and could be impossible sometimes. Our firmness in our disposition to forgive their errors is the very key to our peace and undisturbed success. Real secret revealed here.
Important thing is to interact whether a person is hard to understand. just give all your strength to understand them. And then we allows flaws and try to forgive instead.
I totally agree.
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Still, humans are unpredictable and really would not do the good always because good is relative and subjective
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Good Communication with others on the platform is imperative for understanding.
Join steemit chat or discord, discuss with other minnows, dolphins and whales.
The knowledge you gain just by talking with people with experience cannot be overemphasized.
Yes, and that way, you will learn a lot more from them. :)
Plus sift the not-so-good even, to find good therein
acknowledge sir done following @zoeroces.
Thank you, sir @veejay2312.
Indeed, we need to understand first before to be understood. We must understand their situations so that we can see the whole picture. From their there will be no misunderstanding.
Sift the good from even the not-so-good. ☺
Please support @surpassinggoogle as witness by voting #steemgigs
Truly, this post is Worth the Wait!~~Happy 7th #SecretRevealed!
@sunnylife -- declared "I am a Whale" @ankarlie -- said "Let us take steemit to the moon." @enjieneer -- showed our "Real Rewards" @gerel -- reminded us to be the "Real You" in Steemit @allerie00 -- advising us to "Study Steemit's History" @itsjessamae -- emphasized the importance of "Respect"
#SecretRevealedNumber7 And now @zoeroces, sharing us to be "Slow in Making Conclusions" or just don't "Jump into conclusions without any basis"
What I learned from my field (Data Scientist) is that before you actually make a conclusion you need to have facts, data and even the history of what you are reporting for, by that we make sure that our conclusions are correct and without any bias. It is easy to criticize a whale especially if you never experienced to be a Whale, the thing is that we should THINK LIKE A WHALE and try understand them, why they do things..etc., come to think of this they are also humans. Part of this growing Community.
Nagode! (Thank you) @zoeroces, @steemsecrets and @surpassinggoogle for sharing this 7th Secret and for making this series of #SecretsRevealed possible. More Secrets Revealed to Come!
From a Future Whale,
It is very imperative that we speak based on facts because we cannot be certain of the reason behind any action. Sometimes we are just too quick to judge
Yes , being honest to people mostly the ones you love will make them love you more and the people that you only know will become close to you
I agree with your point on whales but on the contrary, not all whales are naturally good. While some are arrogant, some show nonchalant behaviour towards socialization here irrespective of how had you try to socialize with them. @surpassinggoogle is a role model and his kind is rare to find here.
I agree, and we are blessed to have a supportive whale in the name of @surpassiggoogle who is willing to help us, invest in us -- Future Whales
You have spoken my heart in a profound manner. Indeed @surpassinggoogle is a rare breed of whales.
Absolutely! He is one of a kind and hard to find. I'm pretty sure that a woman who will meet him will very lucky. :)
You have really been following #steemsecrets. I recently heard about it and I will start keeping up because there is much to learn as a minnow who hopes to become a whale
Make friends with a lot of people here, understand and forgive them when they make mistake so theyll do the same to you.:)
@steemsecrets. These are all great word comin form great minds like you and you mentees. Well I will like to also say something in the voice of @steemsecrets but I don't know how to participate. But all the same nice job @zoeroces. Thanks to @surpassinggoogle for giving all this great minds a voice to be heard.
Very well said! We all need to be human and get in touch with ourselves.. To succeed in Steemit always be positive and think like a human
Understanding and forgiveness is the key, sweetie. :)
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I couldnt agree more. :)
It is a reminder to all of us @emdesan, I loved what you said. But in reality the modern world is slowly changing the real purpose of humanity. But thank God there are initiatives here and out to restore the program of human.
Yes, because all of us know that God is good all the time.
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Great secrets you have shared.
Forgiveness is very key when it comes to attaining success in life.
Wish you avery happy and bright future.Thank you so much for sharing this @zoeroces
Thank you for stopping by and watched it too. Forgiveness and add an understanding to it. Wish you all the best, too! More power!
On point
dear sir ! watching all post of steemsecret which are so beneficial to whole community !
the whole team of steemsecret contributing well and much appriciate your work and helping the community! yaah it does not matter whale or dolphin we have to help the community! we have forgive it the best weapon!#steemsecrets best of luck!
Please support @surpassinggoogle as witness by voting #steemgigs
You have delivered the message awesomely, congrats!
Another good points to remember but this made me think that i can never be a whale haha
Thank you so much sir @long888, who's one of the most supportive people around me. We will all become whales someday as long as we know how to understand, forgive and help one another, nothing is impossible. Ill be with you, Sir, support you, same way as you and my #steemitachievers family to me :). Thank you so much and God bless!
I appreciate your support to the group. Continue to share your talents and abilities and be an inspiration to others esp. the new achievers...
Proud co-steemitachievers here!
The subject is somehow complex because sometimes it feela like they are taking advantage and raping the rewardpool then you have to understand that they worked for and invested in everything they have on the platform.
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Yes, it complex. the logic is not to rush into conclusions. Overall, read this:
Looking at what the "big whales" are getting could lead to discouragement and such could be termed "greed".
of couse we should look up to whales as mentors and motivators but not "in the earnings".
nothing good comes easy, even the whales had a hard time to build their blog to what it is today.
@steemsecrets and @surpassingoogle is really taking time to unveal the hidden secrets behind being a successful steemian.
kudos to the good job you are doing bro.
May Jehova guide and protect you @surpassinggogle.
Well said, Sir @mrposyble.
Please support @surpassinggoogle as witness by voting #steemgigs
This is one of the best video's and information that new minnows should watch and read if Dtube is not responding. They have included script.
The whales have invested a large amount of money in this platform. They are holding this as steem power instead of withdrawing it. If they are not given incentives then they might not find it worth while to stay invested in steempower. Thus they might power down crashing the price of steem.
At the same time if whales do not distribute some of their voting weight among the minnows, then looking at less profit minnows will stop investing their time and money on steemit, thus crashing the price of steem.
This actually works both ways. Thus i believe both should be patient and help each other to grow.
I agree, sir. I love to have a lot of friends here. Talking to everyone in steemit is enjoying. You gain more knowledge and friends. And at least you can even help others, mentally, emotionally, financially and most of all spiritually :)
This is really helpful and am looking forward to the next steemsecrets revealIn my own contribution, jumping into conclusion without evidential facts can really be dangerous. Before you arrive at a conclusion in anything in life, one needs to be careful, make series of research on the issue at hand, known if it had occurred in the past and how it was handled, find out the future possible detriments of that which he is to conclude upon before drawing it at a close. @zeoroces thanks for the insight you have brought via @steemsecrets
Thank you so much and God bless
A reality check for all of us. While it can be disheartening at times, why not look at the positive side and believe in the goodness of people? And yes, as a saying goes:
And once you forgave, you will feel free from everything and only left is ♥
So sweet. So sweet. Are you reachable?
I followed her already @surpassinggoogle! Thank you for all that you do. ❤❤❤
I agree that knowledge transfer is essential to keep it alive! Will watch out for the next "secrets" they would reveal! 😊
Sift the good from even the not-so-good. ☺
There are so many messages in this article alone. This one i love.
Very true in every aspect of life. It is like you keep hearing people say that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
Good day!
We just have to know how to handle it. Forgiveness and understanding is ♥
Very well said.
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We are human being first before we are human doing. Something that many people forget about.
Forgiveness is an important thing in life, because every human being has never escaped error,
In steemit as a small fish it is necessary to support a large whale ,,
Yes. Indeed. Minnows or whales, doesnt matter. Helping each other is important. Forgiving is 😍
Yes who has given articles or blog, doesn't matter. It should be depended on qualities of articles. Undoubtedly this post is helpful for us.
Yes because every human being was wrong and ever err,
To err is human, but try to correct it.
It is one of the keys to success here- to help one another. :) thanks for this another secret revealed @zoeroces.. :)
Youre most welcome, sweetie. ♥ everywhere is the key
Forgiveness make a great man. Without support actually it is not easy to cross in the way of success, it may be in steemit and other way.
Forgive because none of us are perfect. :)
Absolutely ♥
Resteemed this post!!!Another lesson learned!spread the words of @steemsecrets....thank you for the person behind this-@surpassinggoogle ...;)
Thank you so much for the support. :) Hope it will leave us all a lesson :)
It delivered clearly. This will help for all of us here. Yeah, minnow but whale in a heart.
Youre most welcome and Thank you so much :)
truth is that most of the times we just conclude not knowing what happening in the other side but as time goes on and things become clearer we understand and we regret ever concluding.
thanks nice post
You're welcome and thanks to you, too. Bless you family <3
Jumping to conclusions is never helpful. Many are taking the time now to talk a bit about the history of the platform. And that is good for newer users to know.
Of course, the minute one starts here, they are creating their own history. And that is really all we can control.
I can't control if a whale upvotes me or downvotes me. All I can do is to create the best content I can and be courteous in my interactions. Everything else is not mine to worry about. Actually, it is just a waste of time to try to figure out why someone does this or that.
Everywhere in the world are going to be people we agree with and we disagree with. That is life.
To try to convince someone to see it my way, I can only do by presenting my view well. Forcing my point, complaining about someone with a different view, getting upset - all of that is only going to harm me.
So, why do it?
You're very right, dear. Negative thoughts and jumping into conclusions will never take us anywhere even in the place of success. Put God first in everything we do, understanding other first before they do to you is the key to success. I'm a minnow but whale inside. :)
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Thank you so much, everyone for being supportive. This blog will leave us lessons on how to become better person to others to be successful in life. Love for everyone. ♥♥♥
This is so true. Thanks a million @zoeroces. I am quite so happy that I am learning all these so early. I just started steemit last month and have learnt a bunch. Just wondering what I have been doing all this while
I sincerely agree with you @zoeroces. jumping into conclussion subjectively without looking at the situation from another angle or perspective is a disastrous one. As humans, we all have reason(s) for doing things. So, it is very important for us to know the reason behind another person's action before rushing into conclusion.
Yes, being negative in the first place without investigating what is really happening will only show ur real negative attitude and will never lead to the right place. God bless you!
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Thanks to @steemsecrets team for another #secretRevealed....
History is indeed crucial in anything one want to engage his/herself in because without knowing what happened yesterday, it will be so difficult to predict what tomorrow will brings and its also crucial to understand the being behind those users you are seeing on the platform as that's the only way to be like mind and remember like minds will always think and act in the same trend.
Thanks to @steemsecrets team and @surpassinggoogle for this lovely message once again.
Yes history is very vital and @steemsecrets has filled us in on the foundation of steemit. It was very informative as it was educative. The history will help us understand why things are the way they are today and also help us build something that will endure for all times, just like our founding fathers did.
I wanted peeps to also know that there was a time for periods that whales weren't voting. So what will people do then. We did something still. Plus, prior to linear rewards, 500 sp may likely give 1 or 2 cents compared to almost 20 now, cos after the hardfork to implement the change, more power was giving to minnows and dolphins. the experiment occured to see how it will look like if minnow and dolphins had more power.
Thanks for that desire @surpassinggoogle
Indeed no one can ever get to his direction without knowing the past or the history. It is important to look back what has happened before to appreciate what tommorow brings and to somehow know the possibilities that could happen in the future. Thanks for this another secret revealed delivered by @zoeroces! It is such another good read for this day and looking forward to more of this @steemsecrets! :) There is really a lot to learn for minnows like me and this gives me the urge to continue my journey here in this platform :)
Its way to difficult to predict the future. But the past can be played over and over again so we could learn from it.
Yeah, history is so dynamic, there is no new thing under the sun. History is repeatedly happening.
History and knowledge is indeed crucial, most of the whales you see today are risk takers, people willing to go the extra mile and put in the extra effort to achieve their goals.
If we all adopt the attitude of Work Hard,Work Smart with the right knowledge, we will become whales both within and outside.
@surpassinggoogle done in following @zoeroces and found voting steemgigs as witness. God speed
Thank you to both of you :)
Following @zoeroces already, i love her poetry.
Thank you very much, dear! :)
Thank you to both of you :)
Typical explanation of the true essence of understanding time and seasons and processes that lie within.
Everything has a history and we are currently making history here. From minnows we will become whales hopefully
Very well said!. ty
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History makes us more humans. It will allow us to have something to look back once we already achieve something valuable in this journey of ours.
It may not be a smooth journey, but little by little, pages by pages, post by posts, we are already making our version of history of being a minnow to someone who will extend help to other steemians in order to inspire more for me and for you to keep steeming.
thanks you sir @surpassinggoogle.
Please support @surpassinggoogle as witness by voting #steemgigs
You are right dear, We know what happened yesterday but we don't know what will be happened tomorrow. Because of that there is no surety to live but there is a surety to death. So as human beings we should polite and honest in our whole life. It is not only for steemit life it also for whole life.
That why we have to enjoy every moment of our lives and do goof things to others. God bless, sis :)
there is a lot of history that minnows now dont know and when they see something happen that they feel is wrong, they are quick to conclude and join in the talks or downvotes or doing posts to tear down others without all the facts.
Exactly! But thank God, we now know history and this will help us not to be quick in judgment.
They find it difficult to first of all get the correct history before they start acting and that's too bad because some of them will even do more than that if they are the in such whale shoe.. That doesn't mean what they are doing is wrong or correct but one must first look for the reason for such action before judging or condemning them.
Nice analogy
You are whale to me
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Plus every tech was made for humans
On point
Nice post , was very informative....thanks as always sir @surpassinggoogle
Please support @surpassinggoogle as witness by voting #steemgigs
done already before you told me
Surely you can't expect less from them because almost everyone will want rewards for his/her investments so people should stop criticizing users like these when you come across them because you will do almost the same if its you just that we should be considerate and know that wealth or status that you can't use to elevate or impact others equals to nothing.
Thanks to @steemsecrets team and @surpassinggoogle for the #secretRevealed for today.... Whale in making @holabisi.
Exactly its easier said than done, majority of people will find it so easy to criticise them now all because they are not in that shoe but trust me when you are not there its not ideal to judge because you dont know what they are feeling. Some might have invest his/her totally on the platform so its normal to firstly look after his/her self before others.
I was drawn also to this statement. The big fishes or whales have also invested a lot and struggled a lot to get their way up. I mean, they won’t be doing what they are doing now if they haven’t worked for it before. It is truly justifiable if they also want to gain in return. They are just like some other minnows who are striving hard and working their asses off for their lives. Other people should cease criticizing them because they don’t know their struggles. Lets just be fair enough. We do what we do for the sake of ourselves. Maybe in the near future we all become whales and no one gets to beg for upvotes or rewards. :)
This post is a reminder of the sacrifices that has been made towards improving steemit and also employ those of us that are new to steemit to constantly add new ideals (values) to the community.
Yes each of us has a mission to contribute to steemit and to help it progress more in the future. :) Together lets take steem to the moon! :)
I totally agree!
You are right. It's even the hope that we can become whales someday that keeps us going
That is part of being human, to falter in our steps and when we do, we should learn forgiveness for nobody is above making mistakes.
In short, no body's perfect. :)
True. We all make mistakes and it's only appropriate to be considerate with people when they error too. No one is a saint and no one is worth condemning.
Ofcourse it is very natural for us to guard our investments because we expect to make profits off our investments but as we do that, it is only right also that we think of others. Think of how we can also use our investments, at least part of it for humanity. This is what counts in the long run.
Absolutely, being unselfish will gain more friends around you and in times of needs, Im pretty sure, theyll be there for you :)
I hope this is not coming so late

Thank you for it. We suppose to celebrate valentines day, everyday. Spread the love ♥
Yes dear, @steemsecrets and @surpassinggoogle needs to be celebrated. They are just awesome
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The dead sea is known for not giving life to anything. Even in guarding our investments, we should remember Where we are coming from, how it has not been easy and with that, be able to show empathy to those who are less privileged than us.
Very well said.♥
It is always what this platform promotes. Whenever someone has reached success and become whale it will be the time for them to give back to the community who once helped them. Some people do it through hosting and organizing contests and even have free giveaways. I hope people who are reading this another @steemsecrets revelation will look back soon and initiate to help those who are yet to start their journey in this platform. :)
Humanity comes first in all things . well said. I have a friend who dedicates some upvotes to beggars at our school gate
Doing good things to others who needed help the most is really make us feel good amd God will bless us more. Tell him to keep it up ♥♥♥
Oh! That's to sweet of him. Ofcourse God is a rewarder of such people.
In the end we are all humans and it's just sometimes we should think about others but being a whale is not easy
As humans, its only natural that self interest comes to play but the act of selflessness is one we should all practice just like terry, a whale with a heart for minnows.
Very correct. Wise thoughts here ma'am. I couldn't agree any less.
She certainly raised a massive point I for one dobmot go about judging people who self vote or are big earners writing just little contents however, the thing about new users is they they allow the earnings of whales deter them from really doing anything good on the platform
As a minnow sacrifice is required you will need to loose sleep,stay awake, kill your pride and get social loose yourself and get more creative
If you're a being intimidated then don't go to the trending pages.
Stay safe work hard and work smart.
We're whales within
Omg! I love your comments, guys. I stay awake late and think of a good thing to do. Post something that people will notice. But if i failed to my post, yes, I feel sad but thats not gonna stop me to do everything. Not for my self but for others to. Upvoting and helping on something they ask me, it really feels good inside. :) ill throw 😍 for u.
Plainly said my man!. Lets be pragmatic and learn that the bottom is always the dark place. And we need to work hard to go to the top
Well what can I say most times I avoid these things too with the whales so as to hustle and be satisfied with what I get here
The Trending and hot page intimidates new minnow, work hard and smart on your blog. In the long run, quality content and good communication will make you a dolphin and eventually a reputable whale.
Very well said!
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Yea there are some new users that just look at the amount of dollars upvotes the whales get and they get discouraged when they are not getting anything and this has made many people to stop posting
We need to understand the person behind the post, his/her reasons and actions on the platform reflects the quality of mind the individual possess, indeed we are all whales inside and to one another.
Let's help each other grow and celebrate each minnow as a whale.
Communicating to one another is very important. That way we'll understand each other and feel what they feel. ♥
Communication is imperative in understanding one another.
Yes indeed. We should not look onto one’s reputation number to have a standard when to interact with any body. To really shine is to get along with diverse people especially those who have same interests you have. And the history also tells what the future will become. For all of us to get successful in this platform, we should continue to engage and be consistent with our purpose here- to help humanity as a whole. :)
A large community of minnows can become a whale. We need each other to grow
"You are whales to me", its a way of saying i love you and I would want you to progress. Because evidently we are not whales at this point but with that " you are a whale" mindset, we would achieve success enjoying ourselves, with the knowledge that we are not in this alone
It's true what you are saying, everyone on steemit have interests and it is not bad for these whales to protect their interest. They have much investment on the platform and much to loose should there me a catastrophy in the crypto market.
Every minnow wants to become a whale someday but not many will be willing to take the risks that these whales take. It is not easy going to bed at night when you hear about attacks on the crypto market knowing you have huge investments there so I agree that we should remember that they are humans
We all agree that they are humans which is why forgiveness should come to play when they falter, we shouldn't judge others based on our self interest alone.
We should try to view things from the perspective of the whales and understand the actions of the human behind the account.
These whales have more serious fears and struggles than we ever know as minnows so it is comfortable to say that we are blessed as anything that we are.. Yesterday's steem secrets thought us about bringing who we are to steemit because we were not all dying before we found steemit and if we were,Nice one @langford. We all are humanly and as humans we love ourselves as much or more than We do others. Fact!
♥ for you.
Willingness and consistency is the key. Don't forget to vote for @steemgigs as witness
Nice one @surpassing google. You really are bringing good from your stable
Yeah, the secrets to making it big on steemit are been unravelled @steemsecrets. Kudos @surpassinggoogle.
We all need to understand that many of these whales have paid their dues in the system.
Thanks for this post
You're right. Youre most welcome, hun.
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This is another great secrets of steemit we all need to understand as minnow instead of beefing whales in the system. We all need to understand that many of this whales have paid their dues in the system. Well said @zoeroces
thank you very much, Sir.
This is very true. Though I'm not a whale but I have also experienced this.
Thanks to @zoeroces for this post
You're most welcome, dear. 💋
Thanks for unveiling those secrets,it's really helping new steemians,keep it up mam
Youre very welcome, @rhadzkid55. ☺
This is another great secrets. Thanks for this.
I'm a minnow but whale inside
Youre very welcome. 😊
Please support @surpassinggoogle as witness by voting #steemgigs
Shinning doesn't happen all of a sudden. .it takes time. Thanks for the enlightenment. It has really renewed my mindset.
You're almost welcome :)
Everything in life happens with process... It is not magic as we all think most times.
Yes, we just have to exert effort to everything we do. :)
Now this is one of my major challenge, after taking my time to put up a pretty well arranged post I tends to CONCLUDE poorly. This I have learn and am ready to make amendments at all cost .
Youre very right.
Please support @surpassinggoogle as witness by voting #steemgigs
Now I understand better reasons why I don't need to jump into conclusion here on steemit because sometimes seeing the whales upvote themselves and getting good reward makes me feel inferior but thanks to @steemsecrets and @zoeroces for making me believe there are reasons they are doing that. I am whale inside, thanks
This is right not everyone will agree with you!
@zoeroces Good job girl! Awesome on how you speak the words of steemsecrets :)
Thank you, babe. Understanding and love. :)
Very nice post
Yes you got point. We can't think of the same thing the same way so instead of downvote a post or comment, just skip it!
Absolutely! If you cant help because you dont like something about it, better skip :)
Exactly !
I am sorry mam pau, I am quite late! My internet connection is still a mess on its third day!
This is so true. We might get demotivated at times but we should keep steeming. Never mind whatever demotivates us, it might be other people in this platform, just keep steeming.
You know what? I am very happy for you that you are the one who delivered these words. We're from the same teams, and I saw how you got frustrated at times with how much you are earning. I am glad you are listening to my advise and of course, from our friends. Just keep steeming, okay?
Thank you so much for everything sir ipol. This is all because of you, guys. God is good nd im really thankful to sir @surpassinggoogle. God bless you all. 😇😇😇
nice blog...:)
Thank you. 😊
Please support @surpassinggoogle as witness by voting #steemgigs
I always Expecting such type of informative post on your blog.Hey, @steemsecrets !!! Nice Post.
Obviously, it is extremely normal for us to monitor our speculations since we hope to make benefits off our ventures however as we do that, it is just right likewise that we consider others. People are difficult to see most circumstances and it's so essential to practice a considerable amount of patients.The dead ocean is known for not offering life to anything.If you're a being threatened at that point don't go to the inclining pages.
Remain safe buckle down and work smart.We need to comprehend the individual behind the post, reasons and activities on the stage mirrors the nature of mind the individual has,
You're very welcome, Sir. Try to check more steemsecrets video. You will learn more and please support @surpassinggoogle as witness by voting #steemgigs
Adcititiously, one native adage says: if one shuts his eyes until a malevolent person passes by, one might also miss the time a benevolent person will pass by. Moreover, a bad person today might be a good person tomorrow. Forgiveness gives peace to mind. @steemsecrets your mouth drops knowledge.
Thank you, sir. God bless.
Please support @surpassinggoogle as witness by voting #steemgigs
It is really important article for me so thank you very much for your time to this community Andi hope I will learn more and more from you keep it up thanks
Good to know its helping you. Keep following and be updated about @steemsecrets for us to learn more. Ty
Please support @surpassinggoogle as witness by voting #steemgigs
forgiveness for this not only applies in Steemit, but in anywhere we go. Steemit isn't perfect, it isn't just made up of bots or technology and even these will have system downtimes, what more humans who falter. Ultimately, this platform is run by humans.Thank you @zoeroces and @steemsecrets! Love the written cues you were showing throughout the video. And most importantly, I love the lesson about
Forgiveness isn't an easy process so I thank you for providing these scenarios that will help us understand the person. And even if we don't understand, I would remind myself that I should not jump into conclusions as you have advised.
This message is so timely. I see some issues in Steemit that can be discouraging (flag wars, suspected abuse, etc). Thank you for giving more insights that will help me understand these so called issues more.
Youre very welcome. 😊
Please support @surpassinggoogle as witness by voting #steemgigs
Thanks for spreading this reminder. I have already voted for #steemgigs when i started voting for witnesses :)
Wow. This is really an eye opener and very educative. Keep things like this rolling. I love it.
Thank you for loving it, dear. God bless :)
Please support @surpassinggoogle as witness by voting #steemgigs
I will always have this in mind and I also want to thank you for bringing this history to us, how would we have known? This underlying history has changed my perspective about steemit and I hope to work hard also to become whale 🐳.