Conspiracy Theories: Disney spoils youth / ILLUMINATI / Verschwörungstheorien: Disney verdirbt Jugend

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Hello Community, Hallo liebe Leser,

Illuminati is a very exciting subject. Are there any superpowers or not?
This is a topic that people share. A half of the people believe in it, the other half do not.
However, there are always hints that they exist.
Again and again we are confronted with signs that we do not perceive in the subconscious at the first moment.
Each of us has grown up with Walt Disney films. Did you notice that these cartoon films are full with Illuminati characters?
Have a look at the following pictures

German / Deutsch

Illuminati ist ein sehr aufregendes Thema. Gibt es irgendwelche Supermächte oder nicht?
Dies ist ein Thema, das die Menschenheit teilt. Die eine hälfte glaubt daran die andere nicht.
Allerdings gibt es immer Hinweise, dass sie existieren.
Immer wieder sind wir mit Zeichen konfrontiert, die wir im ersten Augenblick nicht im Unterbewusstsein wahrnehmen.
Jeder von uns ist mit Walt Disney Filmen aufgewachsen. Haben Sie bemerkt, dass diese Karikaturfilme mit Illuminati Symbolen voll sind? Und warum sind ausgerechnet Kinderfilme damit voll gespickt ?
Schauen Sie sich die folgenden Bilder an.





Here you can see a naked woman in the background





What do you think of it? Writes it in the comments.

Schreibt mir eure Meinung bitte unten in die Kommentare, sie würde mich brennend interessieren.

Ps: Resteemen ist erlaubt

Best Regards / Freundliche Grüße euer



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Why on earth would the Illuminati put a pic of a naked woman in the lion king? For what purpose?

The Illuminati is Satanic in its root. The devil wishes for children to be demoralized and corrupted. Ultimately, our true enemy.

So that's why we do not all think the same way. I believe others do not. And those who believe can argue and those who do not, and they have their arguments

@yerdna87 Hi, yes everyone has his opinion

I wonder...if it's supposed to be a secret, why leave so many clues?

The problem lies in the fact that despite many signs many do not believe in it

I know...just looking at both sides. I have been reading about the mandela effect and the flat earth theory....wondering what's real for real . I just watched the first episode of "Awake" on netflix where this guy cannot distinguish dream from reality. You should check it out if you haven't...

haha - lmao.... na eh :)

well its hard to believe ive passed my childhood watching those and those shows are watched by children so can they understand such propaganda ??