
First of all, I love the cat. I want it on a T Shirt.
Second , I must must must find and make more time for WinstonWolf action and Steemittalk. I remember listening to yall months ago. But I think I got a day job and stuff... you know. All the same. This post gave me the smiley times. Thank you SteemitTalk!

I'll be around, thanks for the heads up!
Too bad you grabbed a really old article of mine! :p

Duly noted about grabbing an older post of yours.. we'll do better next time. (Welcome back!)

I'll pay a RenzoCoin for each time Raymon speaks today :p

can't believe I saw that alexa joke from winston wolfe on this article. That made my day.

I've heard nightmare stories about Alexa. Stuff just randomly showing up at the door that she just assumed you ordered.

wait. did your title spell winston wolfe wrong?

No, no.. We don't know what you're talking about? (Wink, Wink.. Nudge, Nudge)

He left the show early this episode, so we had to shorten his name.

This sounds terrific! Can't wait @steemittalk - thank you for the reminder!

Curious to know if anyone gets the part of the show where I lost internet... the editing on that was entertaining. :)