


i have no idea but because they said 1, il say 1 xD

that's why

But you didn't say 1. You said "i have no idea but because they said 1, il say 1 xD" so even if 1 is the correct answer, your answer would still be incorrect. :]

ohh technicalities xD

-, / = 1

I have no idea :D My brain is off at the moment lol. But nice post. I like your page. We should connect! I gave an up vote.

PS. Follow @ENAZWAHSDARB for entrepreneurial value content, my blog!

1 And i'm not just guessing or saying that because everyone else did...(yes i am) LOL. If you can't have fun in life, why bother.


Please remove markdown formats otherwise my script won't pick it up.

@steemitlotteries thanks for reminding me. I hope its okay if its edited?

It's 10 mathematically speaking. If you consider the pattern then it's 1.