Turkey in the Streets - a Sndbox powered Steemit Project

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Well this is a quite exciting day for me and my friends I met from Steemit. Eventhough I'm using steemit for 4 months , 2 weeks ago I noticed that I didn't do any projects in Steemit or anything related to Steemit. Obviously at that moment I realized if I'm too passionate about this project I need to do something too. I was planning to do this alone .I planned something simplistic then I decided to talk with some of the Steemians to empower the project and they kindly accepted. After that moment we immediately started to brainstorm about the Turkey in the Streets project.

Courtesy of @vitruvianman he both contributed and created a movie for project also he is the actor of our movie

What is Turkey in the Streets ?

It is an experimental Advertising / Guerilla marketing project that we started in 3 Cities of Turkey. As an advertisement and Public relations student I always beleive the power of the physical projects and its impact. Therefore I wanted to organize something that will promote Steemit in Turkey.

Mission : To promote Steemit.com for Turkish people with projects or events in the streets.

Target Audience : Eventhough we didn't make any demographic differences in our plan. Our main purpose is to attract educated young adults for this platform. Therefore we mostly targeted generation Y and Z with implimenting our media materials close to university areas.

Strategy : We plan to implement our media materials to predetermined strategical zones with high human traffic and we plan to do it continiously whenever we find oppurtunity.

Brainstorming and Organization Process and Members

First I was thinking something like handing out flyers and speaking with people , but I realize it will be mostly waste of our organizational power and time. After that I started to talk with @sndbox for ideas and help for organization process and what should we do and how should we do. Sndbox loved the idea and funded the project and help us in every step of the project from design to organization. After that I reached some of my friends from Steemit Community to make this project real

Geleceğin Sosyal Medya Platformu Paylaşım Yap Para Kazan ,

After a small discussion we came up with a simpilistic but affective advertisement message for our banner. Thanks to @voronoi 's designing skills he created something futuristic that is suitable for the characteristic properties of our project.

Then we started our project in 3 cities Istanbul , İzmir and Çanakkale I also wanted to add Turkey's Capital Ankara however due to technicalities she couldn't make it.

Istanbul : @vitruviaman , @Kalvas
Çanakkale : @Monomyth
Izmir : @Steeminator3000

Special thanks to these volunteers they have been really helpful and they provide the amazing opportunity to make this project even in bigger scale.

Turkey in the Streets - Istanbul

Istanbul is one of the most populated city in the world with 14.8 million population. It is historically , economically and socio-culturally most important city of the Turkey. There are 49 universities in Istanbul and It is magnificient but crowded place and it is perfect match for our project.

For the last 2 weeks @vitruvianman and @kalvas was working in Istanbul for the project and they were putting our banners to the locations with intense daily human traffic.

Decided locations in Istanbul for Turkey in the Streets

There are 10 locations we wanted to focus in Istanbul for start because our operational power is pretty low when we consider the population in Istanbul. However we plan to put more banners whenever we see any appropirate place to put our banners.

Kalvas is getting prepared

Istanbul / Cumhuriyet Square

Istanbul / Mecdiyeköy some bookstore

Istanbul / Kadıköy Sahil

Vitruvianman in Kadiköy/Moda

Kadıköy / Çarşı / İstanbul

We only have 2 men working in istanbul however we covered more than 70 percent of the desired locations. We plan to put more banners in crowded locations in Istanbul whenever we go to that locations.

Turkey in the Streets - İzmir

Izmir is Turkey's 3rd biggest city in population. It is a medium coastal city located next to aegean however the population is 4.8 millions.

There are 4 universities and a mediocre dock located in the city. I live in Izmir therefore I worked in Izmir for this project.

Decided locations in Izmir for Turkey in the Streets project

A crowded overpass next to Ege University / İzmir

Same overpass

Back Entrance of Yaşar University / Really crowded with cafe's / Bornova / Özkanlar

Back Entrance of Yaşar University / Bornova / Özkanlar

Cumhuriyet Boulevard/ Alsancak

Kıbrıs Şehitleri / Alsancak

Kıbrıs Şehitleri / Alsancak

Some city photo while I was travelling for other side with ferrie

Karşıyaka / Center/ Izmir

I currently covered 90 percent of the locations so far and I will continue to do stick those banner anywhere I see appropriate when I have time.

Turkey in the Streets / Çanakkale (Troya)

Well some of you may know Çanakkale as Troya it is a great and historical place. Canakkales population is 550.000 eventhough it is a smaller city it is a great place and it has its own university. @monomyth operated in Canakkale and I'm pretty sure he is planning to do different projects in his city.

Determined locations in Çanakkale for Turkey in the Streets Project

Monomyth and his pole / İskele Square / Canakkale

Another Cool photo of monomyth with Bigben of Canakkale / Saat Kulesi / Çanakkale

Canakkale Center / Canakkale

Monomyth completed 80 percent of the decided locations in Canakkale and he is going to do this in his city from time to time.

What will happen next ?

Well you may say that you just sticked some banner in cities , but I plan to make this project sustainable. Eventhough people like to tear apart banners we will put them back whenever we visit those places again. There are currently approximetely 200 turkish users in Steemit and we are determined to increase these numbers.


You can check the amount of daily turkish active users and show your support in this tag.

We plan to create more projects and @vitruvianman and @monomyth working on pretty cool projects to promote steemit in Turkey or some local cities. We plan to fill this place with active and young educated adults that can integrate to Steemit community.

Feedbacks from Turkey in the Streets Project

Sadly we just completed first part of the project today , therefore we didn't have any chance to get any feedbacks or result from this project. However I saw couple of people taking photo of the banners we put. Hopefully in the future we will see if we did something good or waste our effort for an unaffective guerilla marketing project.

If You Want to Read Experiences and Future Projects of the Contributors

  • For @Vitruvianman ' s video editing adventures and his future project please click here
  • For @Monomyth ' s University Seminar project and his experience click here

  • For @Kalvas ' s experience in Turkey in the Street Projects please click here


This great gif is created by @Hightouch

Thanks for Reading & Hasta La Vista


up Up UP UP! UPVOTED ! nice job turkey community :)

Thanks for those upvote affects :D

Tebrikler @steeminator3000.
Senin şahsında @monomyth, @vitruvianman ve @kalvas 'I da tebrik ederim.
Güzel düşünülüp uygulamaya geçirilmiş bir proje.

Anlaşılan sizden daha çok şey öğreneceğiz.


That's cool bro! I'm volunteer to take part for the actions in Izmir!

that is just great we can cover up more place next time !

Yo! let's just keep in touch for that

woww ... greetings from me to my friends stemian turkey, with our steemit closer, more familiar with each other, like a family and brother. thanks for sharing about turkey, warm regards for stemian friends ..

i hope you vote me...brother...please

this blog contains more information

Great ideia! (:

Thanks a lot atozebra also welcome to steemit !

Great initiative! I really like the idea and short Video you made about the Steemit promotion. Well done!

Oh vitruvianman did a great job with video thanks tarek !

Good article

great work guys..

Thanks a lot man !

Great work keep it up

Very great work for steemit.

please.. vote me or follow me.

Well begun is half done. Hopefully this project will be helpful for the tr community.

Thanks man ! hopefully


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resteem this post and follow, upvote me to reach more people to this post. This post is helpful for new steemit member. Thanks.

So. Awesome.

It is awesome with your help ;)

Nice job guys cong. And thanks for your effort UP UP UP

Thanks a lot mor kedi <3 .:D

Perfect project. We love you. We're proud of you

Perfect project. We love you. We're proud of you

This is great! It's wonderful that four of you collaborated this project together. :)

Great works!

Nice one buddy - do it, conquer the streets of lovely Turkey.

Thanks uwelang you know how turkish people love new places. There is a reason why there are 3 million turkish in Germany :D

Yes, haha - but 3 million only i first though, you might be right though following some sources. Turkish people are nice people, all far away from being toxic lol

Definetely not toxic uwelang approved %100 LOL !

wow brosef, you are truly a community builder!

Thank you brosef I couldn't do without you Peace be with you, grassroots brosef!

I think this is amazing. Honestly though you were gonna just eat turkey in the street. But this is even better, just make sure to bring the turkey leg with you next time.

I was really upset that nobody made that joke man thanks for fulfilling the demand !!! :D

Muy buena info. Recomendado

Upvoted dude.

işin içinde para olduğunda ne bileyim yani yoldan geçen her kim olursa olsun bu yazıyı okursa bir girişim içinde bulunucaktır türk halkı olarak birlikte büyümek güzel birlikte kazanmakta great job bro

Really cool project and really awesome post! I look forward to more!

Thanks man we will continue this effort from time to time

You guys are doing a very fantastic job, creating awareness. LET'S BE EVERYWHERE!!!

Good job guys! ^

I'd love to see more promoting, of Steem as a network as well in particular if it can be done cleverly.

Wow a nice steem post..

Steeming in Turkey. This is what I say.

Steeming in Turkey. This I what I say.

Pretty great initiative, keep up the great work guys!

Thanks for supporting the Turkish community , We need more people like u.

Nice to meet u

Excellent work, steeminator! Hopefully I'll be back to the tables soon to hear how it's all going. :)

That's amazing!

This is a great project. Upvotes and support from a fellow sndbox'er @jmoriah @vavclub

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Thanks a lot man for your advice I2m planning to create another thing with flyers and more talking involved in the future