thanks for your constructive feedback.Hi @justinadams,
First of, thanks for bringing your project to my attention - I fully support you with one of my witness votes from my main account @roomservice. I guess I can speak on behalf of the Steem community, that your work is much appreciated!
Right now Steem is designed all about Steempower, which means that the larger the stake of Steem is, the more influence and profit can be made on this platform. Many whales use the system to their advantage when delegating their Steempower for a fee or selling their votes on voting bots.
The reward distribution on the Community Witness currently follows these principals of Steempower but I totally get your point on a more fair and wider distribution of Steem to the community.
If interested, I made a proposal on how to (in my opinion) improve Steem right here:
Thanks for replying. And thanks for your vote! I have to admit that was completely unexpected. It is unfortunate that there is a disparity in distribution of steem monetary units. Just be very careful about it because the way you intend to distribute rewards leaves an open opportunity for some who may have malevolent intentions. That part of the campaign is really hard and I definitely respect your effort to find a way around that without stepping on too many toes the wrong way or seeming biased.