"They permanently ban people for no reason."
PayPal does not ban people for no reason! There is always a reason, and usually a good one, even though the PayPal member may not like the reason. This is something that I have been very closely involved with for almost 20 years. I have seen all kinds of complaints, and upon investigation, found that it was not quite as the complainer initially claimed.
From experience, I have found that there are always two sides to every story, but that it is somewhere in the middle that you will eventually find the truth.
"Pa.ypal is one of the biggest ponzi-schemes on the planet earth."
PayPal is not even remotely close to a ponzi-scheme by any stretch of the imagination.
"If you are currently using pa.ypal, I'd recommend exploring a backup-plan in case you get insta-banned with zero notice."
Thanks, but I'll remain with PayPal. After almost 20 years, and more than 150,000 transactions (both paying and receiving) with only a handful of very minor incidents, I can say with 100% certainty, that I fully trust the PayPal platform, much more so in fact than any other payment processor on the planet.