You've been posting this creation of yours in every single topic. While I appreciate the service and see how it might add value to our ecosystem, spamming it in every venue you come across is both unprofessional and annoying. It makes the network and your service look bad.
Thanks for taking the time to create something, please take the time to apply common sense toward the marketing of your creation.
Tnx, i do realize this is annoying, but trying to get as much attention as possible, thought replies in Trending posts will help, yet it's not.
Sry if i annoyed u.
As one of the others that "called you out" on this...
There is no excuse, because it's common sense, AND you have exhibited
that already...Meaning that those were deliberately posted to attract attention to
this post, that also now know isn't even original content.
Original content?? I never claimed the "Content" is original, but currently there is no other site like this(mean feature full) for steem url shortening.