Content Writing Guide: Manipulate With Psychological Triggers

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

As many of you know by now, I'm a marketing professional.

As such, we learn a lot about Psychological triggers and how to yank them in order to get what we want. We use those tricks in sales letters, pitches, sites and more.

Throughout this post, I'm going to share my introductory lesson in how to write content that manipulates the audience (manipulate doesn't have to be a negative word as you'll see) in order to make them do something.

Normally, we'll want them to buy stuff from us, leave us an email or something like that.

In Steemit, you usually want them to drop you a vote or a follow... but it's the same idea.

Read this post, and if you liked it then stay tuned because my Advanced guide is coming out soon, and while this is about the "white hat" techniques and the "light side" of the pyschological triggers, the advanced guide will have a bit of a darker tone, as it will approach some powerful stuff that can be used regardless of people's intentions.

Sounds great? Hey, let's start it light by going through this guide first.

Understanding the First Triad: Lesson Number One!

Let us start by approaching the first triad of these triggers.

These are powerful positive triggers you'll want to use on a day to day basis. Know that these things don't have to be "planned" to be used, and there are many people who know how these triggers work although they never studied them.

The innate charisma and speech skill of someone is a factor that influences the results you'll get, and most of the times, when you see someone who is great at socializing, you'll see that they use these strategies without even being aware of them.

The first 3 triggers you'll want to memorize are:

  1. Commitment;
  2. Reciprocation;
  3. Social Proof.

Now, let me tell you more about this first triad by approaching each of the triggers individually.

Commitment: Consistency Programming... What Is It?

The first trigger is commitment.

The law under this trigger is that if someone commited once to something - he or she is more likely to do it again!

In the marketing world, you try to get that first click, that first email or that first sale. You try to get the customer to visit the store at least once... among other stuff.

In STEEMIT, the same applies.

If you get someone to vote you, he or she will be prone to vote you up again. Trying to get a first vote, even if it appears it's a "one time only" deal is vital... it will tap the trigger and make consistency programming work on your behalf.

Reciprocation: Giving It and Getting It Back

This is the one trigger that Steemit just FORCES you to understand.

In Steemit, people instantly learn about the power of this trigger, but outside of it it is a bit more stealth.

For instances, brands offer freebies and they over-deliver... because they know reciprocation will get triggered and it comes back to them.

In Steemit, you'll comment and like on someone for a set of days, and that someone will almost always get back to you to reciprocate the love.

It's a win-win.

The Steem blockchain absolutely loves this trigger, and makes it obvious... but more awareness makes it have less power as well.

Social Proof: Crowd Based Psychology

Social Proof is also a powerful trigger.

Why do brands and companies throughout the world resort to testemonials? Why do the hire influential people as their spokesmen? Why do they opt for product placement in popular shows.

Social proof is the trigger that says "if everyone says it is good then it must be" or "if that someone says it's good, it is".

You can say good things about others, but you can't say good things about yourself. That'll make you seem cocky.

However, there are no rules to saying things about someone, and having that someone saying good things about you.

This is what brands do a lot.

On the other hand, the company you keep also has a huge influence on how you're perceived.

In Steemit, if your entourage and close friends are whales and you're a small fry... people won't perceive you as a small fry - this is just an example.

Social proof is important. People mention influential people in posts all the time for this reason.

On the other hand, that old rule of "I say something good about you and you do it for me" is what makes certain communities so successful... it's what certain people call - "CircleJerks"

The End of the First Chapter: Milk the Rewards By Launching a Separate Post? Hell No! Keep on reading!

You now know about the first triad of psychological triggers.

Are you liking it so far?

Then here's a second one of equally powerful ones... and remember, this post is introductory, I still haven't started scratching the surface.

Here are the next three:

  1. Authority;
  2. Liking;
  3. Scarcity.

Now, the same thing will happen, I'll approach each one and go over why they're important on the offline world and in Steemit (Or any other Steem Blockchain App really).

Authority: Build It, Have It or Bullshit It!

The crude title is simply because Authority is something that takes a lot of hard work building, and some people aren't in it for that.

Marketers know that Authority is powerful, and some of them aren't willing to put the effort in to build it organically. So they bullshit their way to it.

They'll find ways to constantly show you how much of an expert they are... because here's the SECRET:

Most Humans Believe It Without Fact Checking

Fact checking is a lot of work, so if you just state your importance and try to trigger authority simply by "faking it till you make it" and triggering the "social proof" trigger as well... you can get away with it plenty of times.

The organic way to reach authority? Deliver value and be truthful.

The fake way to get it? Use every trick in the book to manipulate your way up to it.

Liking: Be Liked, Safeguard Yourself!

Everyone makes mistakes, every human has flaws.

In Marketing, we know our campaigns can get huge repercussions. They can backfire in an incredibly dangerous way.

One of the things we know is that people are more forgiving to those they like than to those they don't like.
As such, brands opt to stay on everyone's good side.

This is something I find hard to practice because my character is strong and if someone crosses me, chances are I'm not going to be liked by that person afterwards. However, if you're one of those guys who cares about the results and results only... be likeable.

Here are some of the tips we learn on how to be likeable:

  • Talk about Problems and Dreams (it humanizes you);
  • Show your Weaknesses;
  • Be Humble, Show Humility;

... show everyone you're human.

Nobody likes a know it all.
In fact, now that I think about it, I showed you my weaknesses previously by stating I don't practice this point... so maybe I do and that's just a way to tap onto this trigger?

Who knows... isn't this a beauty?

Scarcity: Read this Guide Quickly... I'm going to delete it!

No I am not... but this is the kind of trick we use to appeal to scarcity.

On those sales pages you get to see how many vacancies the webinar has, and the number is decreasing. On reservation sites for hotels and whatnot, there's only one more room available, and so on.

Well, in Steemit you can use scarcity as well. I will only accept 15 nominations for my Trading Cards Game. People open up a contest for the first 3 people who something something....

There's a lot to be learned by analyzing why some things WORK! What's the mechanism behind them.

More often than not, you'll find the way it works is because it taps on to a Psychological trigger.

In Conclusion:

This was just an intro on how these things work.

Now, don't go thinking that I am a Sith Lord trying to manipulate everyone just because I know of these things... every good marketer knows about them, and cunning people apply these tips every day without even being aware.

In all honesty, the fact that I'm teaching you guys about these triggers is because I want you to learn about them, to understand their mechanics and to use them in order to empower not only your Steemit blogs but also anything you can think will benefit from better networking or the use of these techniques.

I will write an advanced guide on triggers and expose the dark side in another separate post.

But let me know down in the comments section if that's something you'd like to read about, if you liked this or if you find this interesting... as a Marketing professional, I like this, but my audience may not - and you guys are what runs the blog, so let me know.


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The best marketing was the use o anonymous masks

You think? The mask's name is Guy Fawkes mask :P
Came from the English man, Guy Fawkes.

You are killing it man!

This one is a winner for people trying to get some attention on their pages, you're a great example of success on steemit. At under two months (I think) you have done some amazing things here, and I think it's because you understand marketing and good content. Each of your posts has a lot of work put into it, I'm definitely catching some pointers from you and suggest others to follow you to see how to succeed here.

Thanks for the motivation to up my game.

PS. I've been busy so haven't had a chance to read much of your stuff lately and find out about you, do you have a day job as well? Because if so you are a machine! You are two steps ahead of me in some of your strategies here, that card game idea was brilliant

Hello Jake!

Yeah I am a University Teacher and I have a little company I run too.

It takes a lot of hard work, but I'm 29 so the time to work is now :D

Thank you for getting me new followers, much appreciated :D

I have very different opinions about these tools:

  • Commitment: Comes naturally to me and might be one of my strongest skills
  • Reciprocation: I always give more than I can afford but before Steemit that was never a good thing for me
  • Social Proof: I give social proof to others all the time but I never force it and I never care about the outcome.
  • Authority: I never liked authorities. If someone tells me not to do something I will do it ten times crazier than originally intended.
  • Liking: Comes naturally to me as I like to talk about private and embarrissing stuff. I never felt it served me well and I had to learn the hard way what it means when ten thousand people call you an idot within 24 hours.
  • Scarcity: Nothing in life should be scarce and particularly not when it is a fake scarcity like on these terrible funnel websites where a lecture or whatever is sold and it tells you that only X amount is left. I never touch stuff like that even if I would get it for free for some reasons.

Professor Flauwy entered the room, openned his arms and mouth and said (as I see on the avatar) ;p

I agree with most of what you said... heck about Scarcity I absolutely abhor those crappy funnel sites... but you do know why they're still used right?

Cheers Flo :D

Is there anything to these particular groups of 3? Or are they just ranked based on impact?

  • Commitment - Not sure, but most likely I've been getting based on reciprocation rather than anything else. A few based on content.
  • Reciprocation - easily done.
  • Social Proof - I do not do anything here. Put in a good word for me ;)
  • Authority - Building it. Not sure about faking it though.
  • Liking - On it.
  • Scarcity - Probably can't take advantage of this until the others are satisfied.

That said, it might be worth elaborating on pieces of these separately anyway, but I would say it's a good summary. I assume there's more triggers?

Yes there are more triggers.

I've sliced them up to make them easier to "digest".

You're a master of the "Liking" one, you're very Likeable Eon. :D
I'll keep on touching this topic as I see people seem to have liked it.

What has worked for me so far very well is in the first triad.

Reciprocation: Giving It and Getting It Back

It has worked magic for me so far and i didnt know i was applying it until you explained it here.

In the second triad am working and using authority!

The organic way to reach authority? Deliver value and be truthful.

I always say and convey the value i bring to Steemit and am going to say it here again...!! I am the lead Steemit promoter in Uganda(hope that persuaded you hahaha).

I will be waiting for the advanced guide soon, i had no option but to follow you!.

Thank you very much for the follow!
It is a pleasure to meet the lead Steemit promoter in Uganda (you have me convinced :)

See you around!

,,But let me know (...) if you liked this or if you find this interesting''.
That's two different things. I was always a little suspicious of these psychological tricks that seem to be so popular these days...and I think I have good reasons for that - usually that stuff is used to sell you something or use you in some other ideal world people would just communicate openly, without hidden intentions...but we aren't living in ideal world, manipulation techniques are used on all of it's better to be aware of them. I must honestly admit that I found all that stuff to be quite interesting (Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion is one of my favourite psychology books) and would like to know more about that topic. First rule in art of war - know your enemy.

Aaaah The Art of War!

I see you're a man of culture as well :D

Yes, these things as I talked about are variables that even people without being aware of them use, depending on their natural charisma, so those who do not have that innate ability should even out the field by being aware of them.

Hey Max, I like this article, it gets down to brass tax.
As an artist I have long played by utopian rules, but realised I was playing monopoly with the rules of scrabble...

It's good to know these triggers, and to morally use them for win win situations. I'm also curious to your knowledge on the dark side of marketing. As I believe it is only with an understanding of both that we can go full circle

Buddha gold small.jpg
by @artzanolino

Indeed my friend.
Nice artwork once again :)
As another commenter said "Know thy enemy"... I'll keep you posted.

True enough on utilizing psychological triggers to get people interested and involved in your post.
Just as the content of the post is important so is your branding and engagement of your commenters.
Upvoting their comment if you can will make them smile and if you give a nice comment back not just an ordinary thanks for dropping by will further enhance teh relationship building.

If you want to fly like an eagle don't hang around chickens. If you limit yourself to that first group and be afraid to engage other people not necessarily whales and dolphins if you lack teh confidence then it's hard for you to move up.
Connect, network and engahe. Increase your visibility and when someone notices you hard around or have them always comment on your post then by law of association your respect level in the community also rises.
Think of teh sun as the powerful beings and you are the moon. By the reflected radiance of the sun the moon shines.
This post has been most helpful and will be shared to Ohana.

When I first read it, I read that you liked the post and shared it with Obama... now I'm reading it better.

Thanks for the comment... I just loved the eagle and chickens catchphrase, didn't know of it, sounds great!
See you around Mav!

Hi Spiritualmax,

I am doing a studies in international business and management and one of my courses there is Marketing.
I have been studying a lot of the triggers that you mentioned in your post.
I agree with all of them, but I think on steemit the curation rewards are a big trigger too.
A lot of people that are trying to just make money with curation rewards aren't even reading the post and checking if the posts that they are upvoting have any significant information. But they are mainly busy with upvoting the big guys' posts as soon as they come out, too try and get a curation reward. I think this is holding back some smaller bloggers that I think have amazing content that they post!

What is your opinion about this?

greetings form Just_DB

Curation rewards are only worth it for people who have High SP.... My audience doesn't have high SP yet as I cater to newbies mainly, so that's something I haven't talked about yet.

My opinion is to just ignore curating rewards until you have 5,000 + SP.

Even I just ignore them for the most part.
Cheers JDB!

Yeah I figured! Thank you for responding to my comment! You have very nice posts and provide good information so thank you for that!

One of the high-quality post I have read in quite a while on steemit.

I rarely see this kind of post where people put so much effort in every word and in every line.

It is like you have designed each line to fit in the post so that people can read it like butter.

Do I want to read more of posts like these?

Hell yeah, what can I ask more to read.

I literally search for a post like these on the internet so that I can learn something but I seldom find something useful.

Thanks for sharing so informative post.

Man, that comment left me speechless!
Thank you very much for taking the time to comment and let me know you appreciated my writing!
I'll try to keep up with the expectations.


This is a really interesting topic, so keep going. And if you love it, then there's no better topic to talk about :)
It's true what you said, that charismatic people use, probably unconsciously, most of these tricks. It's something that has always amazed me, so I knew almost all of the tips you talked about. But I'm pretty hyped to go deeper and learn about the dark side of the marketing tricks, so I'm looking forward to read your next post on the topic :)

Yes! The Dark Side of the Force unlocks many abilities some consider to be unnatural :P

It seems you’ve got another upvote out of me...
I guess I just couldn’t help it ;)

Hahaha, I see you're in a good mood! That's great my friend!

Hey @spiritualmax, I just recently started putting together a minnow support network here on Steemit. It’s reallt early stages and I’m looking for people to help me get it under way. If your interested- check out my last post on my page. I’m working hard behind the scenes.

you really are a good marketer. When I read about the triggers that you describe, I begin to realize that these are obvious truths that really work. But many users simply do not attach importance to this. You do a good job when you teach us what you know yourself.
I would like to read the sequel:

I will write an advanced guide on triggers and expose the dark side in another separate post.

This is what we need to know. Good post :)

Got it!
Will launch it sometime this week!
Cheers Franky

But isnt "fake" authority short term?
I think It May work for some time, and give some profit, but in the long term, eventually, someone Will come and put the authority to test, wich might end pretty bad If your authority isnt organic.

Unfortunately it doesn't work like that.
Most of the time, when someone comes to call it out or put the authority to test as you mention, the authority is already cemented in the minds of the masses.
I can think of one Steemit case in which that happens, can't you?


Where I already hear this... hum... ahah
Great Post Max! I'm very interested in this topic! Another topic that I would like to learn more is "what is the best time to publish a post"

I see you have the Crypto Empire photo. Sould I use one too?

That is something I would like to know as well!
Still didn't see it.
Of course, I'll send you a banner.

Hum... I need to do a research on the topic. If I find something I say to you :)

You're really good in your field Rukka and it's showing :)

Reciprocation and Commitment is something that I usually do. As far as Authority wise, that won't suit me. ^^

Yet... Yet! Because you're building it the right way,
Your Authority in the traveling niche has been growing!

This is so thru. I have few friends working as marketing professionals so I have shared the article link with them, I m sure the lessons learned from this post will surely help to enhance thier marketing/content writing skills.

Also, you have inpired me to add some of the phycological elements in my articles too for better reach and self improvement. Thanks a lot for the amazing post!

Im glad I have helped you. Hopefully your friends will have the innate ability to use these techniques if they're in marketing... if not, then I hope they'll indeed learn :D


Yes @spiritualmax I'm extremely excited to learn more about marketing from you! Personally, I'm always looking for ways to improve my marketing skills because I want to build the biggest, baddest business in the world. So yeah, hit me up with more triads!!! :D

Will surely do man!
Great that you have such a baddass ambition! I hope you'll make it and remember me when you need a marketing pro.

Remember you? Dude we're going to hit the top together! Cheers @spiritualmax!!!

These psychological tools are AMAZING. Thanks for sharing. Yes, this could be a long series. Can't wait to read the dark side too :D

Anj x

thank you for writing very useful and full of science

And thank you for reading and taking the time to comment.

Ahhhh I see how you’ve come so far, it all makes sense now ;-P

This is useful stuff, I hope it doesn’t turn me evil....

This section won't, the next one might :p

I think consistency is my weakness 😔

Then if you know that, work on it to improve it :D

Wow thanks for this great insight.

You're welcome nik4

It is quite interesting, I wonder if I do some of them naturally.. yet there are others I could user for better results when hosting contests... I dig it, friend. Enjoyed reading this post

Thanks IT!
Glad you liked it! :)

Thanks a Lot

You're very welcome!

creative posts, and good pictures

this is indeed very informative and helpful.. Im gonna use what I've learned from this post and hopefully earn more upvotes.. thank you..

Well, put the plan to action and let me know how it worked out!
Cheers :D

Very interesting and useful! Would be even better if you could share more examples☺️

I'll have that in mind for my next Post.

Those sure are skillful tactics and sure will work out !

Try them yourself and see if they do :D

I just signed up for a content writing course and it closely mimics the points you've written. Looks like psychological triggers are a popular way for writing online like in blogs.

Of course, they work :D

Thee is no better way to teach it other than this. You are my number one teacher on steemit

Thanks, those kind words mean lots to me.

this is indeed very informative and helpful.. Im gonna use what I've learned from this post and hopefully earn more upvotes.. thank you..

you really are a good marketer. When I read about the triggers that you describe, I begin to realize that these are obvious truths that really work. But many users simply do not attach importance to this. You do a good job when you teach us what you know yourself.
I would like to read the sequel:

I will write an advanced guide on triggers and expose the dark side in another separate post.

This is what we need to know. Good post :)

hallo steemians world good night greetings my member steemit indonesia help on upvote & follow yes!