@Charitybot Vs @Berniesanders: THIS is Good Content!

in #steemit7 years ago

More Drama? More Drama...

But hang on, this was positive in my own opinion.

On the whole @TrevonB drama, I've already stated where I stand among the different opinions, and that I don't think we should welcome people like him.

Apparently, he's noticing people aren't welcoming him here and posted this:


Well, this post started a micro parallel skirmish between @berniesanders and @charitybot. Charitybot produced a solid piece of content on one comment, Bernie felt attacked and flagged it, and Charitybot produced a post about it that I also considered quality.

They appear to have made peace and understand each other at the end of it all, but I read through all of it and think this is content that brings A LOT of value to the table, so I'm going to go over it.

If you want to know why I think this is valuable, read below.

Why is This Good Content? Let's Analyze the First Part:

I'm going to paste the original comment that got flagged divided by bite-sized sections in order to analyze it.

Quite frankly, I believe that we should always hear every opinion.

Most of my followers know of the day in which I reached trending and marked two powerful enemies up for revenge, and how I'm on "Bernie's Side"... but in this case I upvoted the comment he flagged. I disagree with it being flagged and think that comment added more than 100s of others currently on Steemit.

"Hey why don't you do the other idiots on steemit a favor and go flag all the stupid fucking contests that pay steem rewards and bounties to people to write shitty spam blog articles about the latest greatest shitcoins and crapicos coming out. And then flag the posts of the people who actually end up writing and shilling said shitcoins and crapicos."

Ok, he said some valid things here, yet messed it up by heavy hitting on the start.

However, he does have a point here.

When was the last time you stumbled upon one of these circle jerk contests? Pretty recently I'd wager.

In fact, they're very common... but @charitybot seems to forget that shitcoins and crapicos aren't an obvious thing like Ponzi schemes.

You see, with BitConnect, people saw it was a scam - well, most educated people did. With some of these shitcoins we're talking about a niche market usually, such as artists, photographers and so on, and they truly believe said ICO is going to be something.

This part of the comment doesn't have too much to analyze other than - Steem is infested by circle jerk contests.

But it gets better...

And let's not kid ourselves here, anyone who thinks the "magic power of steemit oooo and the content we produce" is the reason for the rise in price is fucking delusional, oh wait that's most of the users here, anyone who has a ton of SP either dies fighting lost causes or becomes a circle-jerker.
I actually don't give a fuck that you run around flagging people and haejin runs around flagging people, who knows if haejin is even Korean or not but both of you are probably well aware of the fact that all price action for both steem and sbd is dictated by a single fucking exchange that allows massive pump and dump action which is fun for those in on the game, but not so fun for the other koreans and traders who are getting dumped on. And so you running around flagging or voting meaningless tripe is really an exercise in futility because you think the quality of content here matters when really it doesn't, investor perception of the quality doesn't fucking matter because that's not what they're looking at and they will never care because if there was actual value to be had in any of this website then it would have already BEEN a successful long-standing business model.

So... do you start to see value in this? I mean, the form is not the best as we certainly feel the rage, and he is exaggerating some stuff, but he also voices concerns we all have.

I think this guy is speaking his mind and telling everyone what many are thinking. How much value does this add? I'm willing to think it adds a ton more value than the average post on the hot section.

The color challenge on photography has nothing on this guy's comment... lol.. as you'll see

But guess what, blogging sites are fucking dead, video sites don't make money, and users aren't willing to pay real cash money just to upvote some random fuckers when they can organically vote on content with an equal weight as other users on the websites they already use. Their voices already matter more on the content-consumption sites that they already use and so why the fuck would they ever downgrade and pay out of pocket for an inferior service, especially when it's filled with crap like this?

Almost everything is bullshit here, except with the crap that fills the Steem Blockchain through the Brim... and that I'm sure it's true, I see it daily.

Steemy piles of shit content, I mean "Steamy"

Seriously, if you want to do something meaningful or care about steem or steemit then get your head out of your ass and smell the roses and something other than the inside of your own sphincter for a change. No one in the real world gives a shit that someone like haejin is trying to maximize his returns by voting on his own bullshit. No one cares that you upvote your own posts about how you just downvoted his posts. Everyone just pretends to give a shit because they want an excuse to get caught up in the flag war and get the sympathy votes that roll in afterwards on some shitty sob story post they'll make seconds later.

He shifted into aggressive mode again, and while this piece isn't deep or truthful as many of us care for things like that, it sure is high quality... heck I laughed out load. Such a mic drop.

Entertainment plays a part, and reading stuff like this you won't even know it's a large comment, it reads easilly

But the difference here? This isn't some random nobody, this is a guy who put in several digits of real money hoping to get a return, someone who actually had the initiative to grab a pair of people who have actual social media reach. His own reach can't be disputed, he has a shitload of followers. I won't lie, I didn't know who the fuck he was before I ran across some other post talking about what a fucker he was. Boohoo he sold people on bitconnect. Please tell me which of the icos that are currently being endorsed on this website by countless nimrods will actually do anything other than burn investors' money to a sorry ass crisp, because to me there's little to no difference other than the media exposure.

I already talked in some of my other posts how certain communities here have a huge "Cult of the Leader" problem.

I also discussed on how they cater to the huge whales at the top of said communities and kiss the floor beneath their feet... it's disgusting. No wonder this guy has a poor image of the Steem Blockchain, he seems to have had 1st hand experience with those boiler room groups.

And trust me, there are communities here that are very good at exploiting people and selling crap coins. Boiler Room communities as a friend of mine said.

Everyone likes to suck off ned, dan and stan, but guess what, stan gets fat upvotes every time he cries about how "Arise was going to be so good wahhh they killed it before it had a chance." Are people riled up about Arise losing them money? Do you downvote his posts? No. Because you are not unique in that you and every single other person on this site is a giant fucking pussy when it comes down to it because we all know that if we downvote someone like stan we would probably get perpetually downvoted out of fucking existence because he would probably pull some strings to have all those app delegations pulled just so he could personally flag you so hard with a voting strength so large that your descendants thousands of years from now wouldn't know what making a visible post felt like.

You know what?

He is right!!

We mostly are giant pussies! You guys know I have two big guys I don't like on here, yet I never refer them by name, I never tag them.

You know why?

BECAUSE I'M A HUGE PUSSY! As @charitybot says.

I know that if I mention them, I get flagged, and I don't want it, I prefer avoiding it even if it made more sense to out them.

But I'm a pussy!

This comment has value, it shows you some harsh realities, it shows you some things you know but fail to admit. Once I grow up enough, I hope I can stop being a pussy as I can defend myself... but do I just tell myself that to rationalize and keep myself safe?

Sure as hell seems like it...

If you'd ever bothered to watch his fucking videos before flagging you'd realize he was actually saying some real shit and asking his viewers to fucking think for themselves for a change, which is a welcome change of pace from all the non-stop steemit love wankery that pollutes this sorry excuse for a website. But you go on being you dude, I'm sure if we just flag each other hard enough all the normies will come rushing in after realizing they don't see enough soft-censorship on their own shitty social media websites of choice. Because that's what really makes for an appealing website, surely.

Another great point... I've seen people here FAKE love like crazy.

I don't tell people I like them unless I like them... but Steemit is the platform with the BIGGEST AMOUNT OF BOOTLICKING I ever participated in.


Not only are people pussies, they're bootlickers as well!

It's a shame it has to be a newbie on a flagged comment to point that out so eloquently!

And maybe I am a bit biased because @trevonjb was literally the highest % of my incoming votes by a long shot until recently, but that just goes to show how stingy most all of the fuckers on this site are and how shitty everything is if he is one of the few people on this entire fucking platform that talks like a normal fucking human being who hasn't drank the fucking steemit koolaid yet. Even taking that into account I think you should still go watch some videos of the twins he just brought in, because if you think the quality of their content, their humor and what they bring to the table isn't at least 10x better than all the fucking garbage laying around here on steemit that passes for "content" then you have shit taste. Don't fucking lie, I know you have nothing better to do right now, go watch some vids and compare them to what you see on steemit right now.


This was the full extent of @charitybot's comment.

I would tell you guys to follow him, but he doesn't believe Steemit will last and already cashed out, so nevermind.

However, you have to admit this was quality content. It could be disguised as a flame-war shitpost, but it raised valid points most people should consider.

Heck, to me it is an eye openner of many problems of the blockchain.

But the story doesn't end here. As @berniesanders didn't reply to this comment of his, he made a post where he seemed to call him out and where eventually they seem to make peace.

The post was really good too.

@Charitybot's Post: Another Piece I Have "Curated"

You know how you get those curation lists that looked like were made by a bot and have shitty posts throughout that you never bother to read?

Well, here's a post curated by yours truly that I will guarantee you'll like.

You can check it here, but I'm going to do the same thing and analyze the post.

LOL so instead of being able to come up with a counter-argument to literally anything I said, you're going to flag money that I've earmarked for a literal charitable fund on steemit?

In fact, I have to say it was going to be hard for ANYONE to have a comback to that passionate comment, you'd have to cool down and analyze it by bits as I'm doing

On the other hand, I got to agree with this guy when he says the post deserved an answer

Lucky for me I cashed out the majority of it already because I'm not fucking retarded and I can see the price falling. And guess what you fuck, my actual blog posts don't make anything because most whales are retards like you who would rather go around hunting down non-issues while you all go impale the usefulness of the site itself to ordinary human beings by stroking each other or yourselves off. I made most of my money doing the one thing most of you idiots fail to do, which is actually caring about what other people have to say.

This isn't the quality I'm looking for in my curating list :P

To be honest, this seems like the kind of rant people who can't earn go on, so it doesn't say much.

Normally people make these posts to cry about it and hope they get upvoted to recoup their losses, I'm making this post because I had some other things to say and I want the followers who aren't in the know to know why this party is ending soon.

Been there, done that, it's the truth.

About the party ending soon, this is where it gets interesting...

This site is going to die very, very shortly. Maybe a slow death, but a death all the same. It can't compete. You're just going to be stuck here with weirdos, rejects, and poor people. These are the only people who live sad enough lives to subject themselves to the fucking lunacy that is steemit of trying to suckle at the teats of all the whales here. No offense to anyone, just painting the picture as clearly as I can so you understand that no one who doesn't need a job is going to ever touch this place with a 500 foot pole. I like being a social outcast as much as the next person but let's not kid ourselves here, why the fuck would normal society want to be subject to the rule of a handful of fucking oddballs. That's probably one of the reasons why morons like Berniesanders want this site to be so detestable a concept to outsiders, people with eyes and brains who can see how shit the website is would never attempt to challenge the rule of a handful of wankers like him because they know it's futile mathematically and a waste of time from the perspective that even if you win you're just lording over a small group of people and you'd have more social reach if you were the mod of a smallish subreddit.

Still not the core of the problem here, but he starts by stating something we've all realized, and something I already discussed in the past as well.

Steem has a censorship mechanism in place with the flags. You simply can't vigorously disagree with someone who has a lot more power than you. Heck even a flag by mistake can send you flying through the air.

This is proof of stake though, so this "problem" to some "benefit" to others was bound to happen. It's what makes abusive flagging so abusive.

I like how people say that steem is getting more decentralized, how the whale group got smaller and other groups got bigger recently. No, you dumb fuckers, that's called cashing out. They have cashed the fuck out and you are holding the bag. And you aren't even supposed to be holding the fucking bag, some idiot on Upbit is. Sell your shit while you have a chance, for a couple of reasons.

It's always, and I mean ALWAYS good to hear the opposite of what you think

@charitybot says we're the bag holders. I'm pretty bullish on Steem but what he says also has a point. Truth is, no one knows what the future holds. There are optimists like me and @taskmaster4450, there are pessimists like tons of people I can think of.

This is true for some whales too... Some have cashed out and do indeed think we're the bag holders. If we are or aren't only time will tell. But this IS Quality Content.

I see more value in this post than a WHOLE YEAR of Technical Drawings by the Spam Whale

And Upbit IS the major and nearly only reason for the meteoric rise in price you fucking twat. Go look at the fucking chart. Guess when in November they listed that pair. Prove to me it's otherwise. BIG COINCIDENCE THE PRICE EXPLODES JUST DAYS AFTER THEY'RE LISTED ON THAT EXCHANGE RIGHT.

Aside from Upbit we all should know by this point in time that Tether is still an issue. "Oh no it's not they stopped printing USDT". Well, you can get bitfinexed's and tetherprinter's accounts blocked on twitter, you can scream FUD all you fucking want, but guess what. They didn't print USDT on the 6th to make that fall through 6000 stop.... they printed fucking EURT.

Analyze THIS Hay Gin.

He is partially right in this as well, though not everything is as dire as he paints it, it was indeed the listing that skyrocketed the price, and STEEM remains indeed tied to the BTC price.

So, you see, there's food for thought here. This post deserved higher rewards than most of mine.

So have fun flagging me, I'd come up with creative insults for you but why would I bother, considering the person I would be creating insults for is literally so uncreative that the best excuse they could come up with for flagrant self-voting was instigating a hypocritical flag war against another self-voter with no purpose, someone who doesn't use a single original image or name, who writes at the level of a mildly retarded grade-schooler and thinks they're some kind of stalwart defense against the evils of voting circles when really he just shits all over the bed he sleep in and apparently must want the site to die a faster death than it already is because otherwise what sane person would want to drive investors away at the rate that he does. And I know that none of this is SFW which is usually a big issue because you all treat steemit like your fucking job and you treat all the whales here like potential employers but just stop for a moment and ask yourself if you really want to commit your entire fucking life to a social platform where you can never, ever say what you're really thinking without worrying about the social ramifications. How the fuck are you ever going to have a real conversation? You won't. So have fun with that. There's a reason you all still use other social media websites, because we're all fucking degenerates and like to be ourselves sometimes. And if you're wondering, wow, this is out of the blue, no, I let people here know I'm an asshole, I'm just laughing at the fact that so many people here are scared little shits and never say what they think so I'll speak for all of you who are too afraid to let your real opinions of this site and its people be known. Most people don't even bother, they just leave silently, which is why this site is dead in the water regardless of what the whales do now because they suffocated the site in its sleep before it had a chance to grow.

And again, he is right on people on here never really saying what they think.

In fact, the people who always say what they think have a harder time "playing" this game than even the pussy bootlickers.

The whole rant was too much to analyze, but the "I'm not making creative insults" part is just a lie, this whole post was pretty creative and left me tearing up.

I have a question though... @charitybot says noone ever says what he thinks on here. Does he say what he thinks? We'll see if he really cashes out and leaves or if with these mentions are added exposure from PR he decides to hang around what he claims to be a dying platform.

If you're going to flag a charitable account, berniesanders, the least you can do is give a better response than the weak-ass one you did, and directly address my other main comment. Pussy.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

This post was a bit risky, as I'm again getting involved with stuff I don't have the size to be in.

However I don't want to be the pussy that failed to bring this to the table. Because he has a point!

It's time we start considering voicing our opinions and calling out stuff.

It's time we stop being HUGE PUSSIES and tell people what we want to tell them.

And as such I'll finish this by tagging the big guys who flagged me and by saying the following:

@Haejin and @Ranchorelaxo: You flagged me for no reason, I did nothing to you two, and you did it while I was a plankton... now I'm minnow... but I'll grow, and I'll pay back the generosity you gave me on my first month.

Flag Away!

Join the Crypto Empire Community


Kudos to you for speaking your mind, but I personally don't like and won't respect @charitybot.

1.) He's creating low-quality posts - primarily memes and some weird content which is missing formatting.

2.) There is no roadmap to which charities the received rewards are going to be given out. And I'm not even talking about proof that this will actually happen.

3.) He is acting like an internet-troll from the last century with all his LOL and ROFL.

4.) All of his text is full of swearing, which also displays that he has actually no clue about what he is ranting about. Pumping from one exchange should be the only reason for the price-increase of STEEM? Do you even know about SMT's?

And a personal message:

@charitybot - if you want to be taken seriously, put some work into your posts. Because right now - there is NO reason why I should give YOU any rewards at all.

Oh and

I like how people say that steem is getting more decentralized, how the whale group got smaller and other groups got bigger recently. No, you dumb fuckers, that's called cashing out. They have cashed the fuck out and you are holding the bag. And you aren't even supposed to be holding the fucking bag, some idiot on Upbit is. Sell your shit while you have a chance, for a couple of reasons.

Why the f* are you on STEEM then if you believe that this is a sinking ship?

Please note that I am simply defending myself here, I was actually not aware that any of this was going on or being said until very recently. Not trying to stir up any more shit, I'm just trying to clarify some things. I'm posting this mostly for the sake of anyone else who is unaware of what's going on right now. I don't hate steemit as much as people might like to believe, I want us to have a better user experience in the future and don't want people to be surprised at what happens in the markets when certain things come to pass.

  1. Quality is subjective, I wanted to help create some memes of decent quality, so I did. I eventually created an alt account when I read a post that I could and should do that. Maybe you're talking about some of my entries for writing contests? The writing, not the formatting, was the focal point of those posts, and, hey, not to brag or anything but I at least won or placed a few times.

  2. I literally invited people to recommend charities to get voted on in my last UBI post. I am one person with one opinion and have not been here a long time so I asked people to help me out with that one. How my voting power would be divided up and used was detailed in another post.

  3. I live under a bridge, so this one is true.

  4. Do we even Upbit bro? Look at SBD volume on exchanges. Steem is a little better, but not by much. Please educate yourself on the Tether situation, their massive printing leading up to and accelerating in December and collusion with Bitfinex to raise prices, how the price skyrocketed after SBD/Steem were listed on Upbit near the end of November, how Upbit price action leads the rest of the market, yadda yadda so on and so forth.

Coinmarketcap's SBD volume

1 Upbit SBD/KRW $39,575,000 $5.32 95.20% Recently
2 Upbit SBD/BTC $1,047,560 $5.16 2.52% Recently
3 Bittrex SBD/BTC $916,809 $5.13 2.21% Recently
4 Poloniex SBD/BTC $30,671 $5.02 0.07% Recently

Some educational links




I'm not saying that Steem or SBD don't have intrinsic value to the users here, I'm saying that the prices have become decoupled because of outside forces over which we have little control. I am simply trying to make users aware of these situations as they unfold. I believe that steemit users would be better served if they have this knowledge at their disposal, instead of being surprised as hell and wondering what happened if we simply ignore the issues and blindly cheer about prices being elevated.

I don't really know him all that well, I heard he got off to a rough start and seems a bit overly aggressive, but

He's creating low-quality posts - primarily memes

He's memes are actually some of the better quality ones which I have curated over on #decentmemes. Sure, many other bigger users who write posts with more content may have an alt account where they fool around and try out zapps or memes because they don't want to abuse autovotes on their "short-content". Generalizing someone as a "low quality" poster because they post memes seems a bit harsh though and not something I believe Steem is about considering quality is pretty subjective in general and most of us have a vote-slider to reward content depending on quality, length and depth.

Again, I didn't even have time to read this post in full length but disagreeing with someone just because you glance over his account and notice he posts memes sounded a bit wrong to me so I had to write this.


I understand what you're saying and it's not about the memes for me. I should have put that point at the bottom, because the main reason I wrote this comment was due to the fact, how much hate @charitybot has for the plattform.

Let me quote:


Steem is not perfect and def. has some flaws, but he pretty much attacks everyone on the plattform - even you - and I believe that's not ok.

I simply mentioned the memes because he is acting as if he's the next Steemit messiahs and is trying to bring good to Steemit by giving back to charities, but does that without any real effort.

Haha, yeah he seems to have some issues. :D Wouldn't be the first newcomer to come to those terms and overreact about short-term price, there were many of those around during $0,10-1 prices too. ^^

But yeah, like I said I didn't really read the post but I remembered reading some of the comments on the original way back. Even people like him who come off overly aggressive and emotional in comments do bring some sort of value to the platform and I'm hoping that in the future people will lay off downvoting comments due to disagreement and instead reward those they side with more so the readers can judge on their own. Plus that way it won't give them an excuse to shout "censorship" as their last resort even though we all know that nothing can get censored here no matter how flagged the comments/posts get.

There are a lot of these types of posts, by many people ... I am with you on low content @therealwolf! Stop with the gifs, bad grammar, and lazy writing people.

Good point too about whether he left or not? According to the reading above, he cashed out then it says let's see if he does?

I'm with ya Wolfy... This so-called "charity-bot" maybe made 2 good points out of the first 8 or 10 so I went all TL:DR about 1/2 way thru. Excessive fucking cursing gets old, anyway. As you can see I'm not totally against it, but excessive cursing just drowns out any possible "message"... and there was precious little of that. Some, not much.


You have to admit though, he was entertaining.

Plus, I hope circle jerking, boiler room selling, ostriches that stick their hand in the sand even when it comes to them read this though.

Let no one say that @spiritualmax did not have guts.

A lot of people would happily go on their color challenges and their stories of being untalented. Go on and not acknowledging that their is a war being fought.

People in the Philippines and even some of the higher powered ones do not believe that it will reach our shores. It is so far away and not of their concern they say. The sheep are too busy prostrating themselves to some upvotes and circle jerking each other in the name of "building" a community.

Having enough SP can almost guarantee that you get away with most stuff as people don't like antagonizing people. We are ostriches who stick their heads in the sand and hope that it will blow over.

The line in the sand has been drawn and it is high time that this is acknowledged.

Will we be the ones left holding the bag as Rome (Steem) burns or will we get through this and be part of the trailblazers.

Yeap... ostriches with the head in the sand pretty much.

I appreciate your interest in my posts, and the time it took you to throw this together. I wouldn't have expected this to ever be written, I thought I was just venting a bit to bernie, but I guess you can't really do that without get noticed by at least a few people.

Just a few points for clarification, I've said all along that I've been converting the SBD to bitBucks over time to kind of reverse dollar cost average, and when I say cashing out I mean transferring it in that manner to a (hopefully) more crash-resistant place.

And if you're wondering why I worded it like that in my other post, it's because he said that he was going to flag me out of existence, and had actually begun the process of flagging all of my pending earnings. That was what led me to post the blog post and state that I was glad that I had already received the bulk of my SBD and converted it, as opposed to them still being within the 7 day window and allowing him to nuke several hundred dollars worth of votes.

I've actually been powering up my account (I detail that in another post) in the off-chance that the EuroTether printer can take us all to crypto Valhalla, but the money sitting on the side is still going to be used to buy SP and perhaps leases if the price drops. Lease prices themselves are astronomical and not that economical if I'm looking to grow the account long-term, but the 500 SP vote slider is kind of necessary for what I want to do. Believe me or not, I don't care really, I haven't been asking people for donations and most of my income here has been coming from people voting on my comments or acidyo's meme voting.

I'm not trying to phone it in though, I don't try to purposefully shitpost to get a stipend for no effort, and I try to get people to either think or feel with most of my posts. I'm not here to be a cheerleader, there's enough of them here, I want people to not be so shocked if things turn out differently than what they've been told by almost everyone else here.

Bernie and I settled it within the thread as you could see, he's a pretty reasonable person, and I was just venting because, well, I don't know, I wasn't so much just mad at him shitting on one person, so much as I've been uncomfortable with how lots of people here are treated when they want to express their opinion. If they weren't already making money in the first place, why would they bother trying to express what they believed was wrong with things, if they're just going to get further punished for saying so?

Lots of people have these dysfunctional ego issues and they're all around us here on steemit. Look at this realpup guy, he downvotes people because he has a thin skin and can't handle the occasional truth.

Sorry buddy, but listening to what is wrong with things and being open to change is the only way you, me, or this place will improve. Steemit isn't perfect, so stop flagging people for pointing out the obvious flaws.

And when I'm mashing my keyboard I'm not directly attacking every single person here, there's obviously great degrees of differences in how people act here and how they really are, so don't take it personally if you feel like I've clumped you in with this group or that group. I've stated many times before that there are actually a lot of chill people here.

Thanks for the comment... Although I don't endorse personal attacks there are, again, some things you say that make sense.

There are sick boiler room communities here, people don't say what they think, circle jerks and the cult of the great leader.

But then there's some obvious bullshit on your words as well.

All in all, your input brings more value then most posts around here, and I can note that.

Yeah there's a lot of bullshit I'm sure, I haven't been here long enough to know the whole story but I've seen the charts, I've seen old threads here, I've seen some new threads here, I've seen how people view this place on reddit or bitcoin forums, and I know that our PR isn't really that great for a couple of good reasons yet people sort of just... push those thoughts aside when they write up their next steemit is great blog post.

But again, thanks, and I hope you have a swell day.

I have not much interest in keeping up with more drama, kinda burnt on it to be frank

i'm so with you on this one, people lie about each other every day .. its exhausting.

upvote some random fuckers when they can organically vote on content with an equal weight as other users on the websites they already use. Their voices already matter more on the content-consumption sites that they already use

I don't think this piece is complete crap as it addresses a basic problem of the platform where money means power. No matter what we say, its money that matters here more than anything else. It's really a trickle-down capitalist economy. It's not that minnows don't have a chance, they do but someone with big money can just print money here no matter their content quality. And from the perspective of having your voice matter, 100s of minnow votes can be nullified by one big vote, isn't it ironic when we talk about spreading democracy to the oligarchies and autocracies of the world?

Fascinating points overall, thanks for sharing or else I would have missed this.

Yeap, I shared so people wouldn't miss it, but most of them can't look past the rep of the user who said those things.
The point on some toxic communities and crap ICO selling are true.

@spiritualmax - dude, tell us how you really feel! Just kidding with you. I have no idea who those other jokers are that flagged you. But I admit there are surely some sunshine pumpers out there that are never real with anyone- even themselves. Good effort on being honest in your post.

But what do I know - I'm just a plankton, trying not to get eaten by any whales. We really should be able to say what we want without fear of reprisal. I've followed, upvoted, and resteemed! I guess I'd like to see where this conversation goes. Keep on, keeping on @spiritualmax.

Thank you very much for the support by following voting and resteeming.
Welcome aboard the Max Train :P
By the way, I agree, censorship sucks.

Hahaha you're so naughty, Max. Really though, man, I admire your balls (as ever). This is definitely an interesting rant by the charitybot and I agree that it's hilarious in parts too.

I really hope the flags let this one pass. You don't deserve flags for being courageous and having opinions.

Great job!

Anj xx

It passed, and nobody can say I don't speak up now :P

Absolutely they can't :}

Couple good points, maybe. The Empire Peeps are thinking you agree with this clown, and I think he has a very limited view of STEEM. Remember my piece on STEEM has a Perception Problem? yup.
STEEM's problem is Steemit. STEEM is much bigger than Steemit. The Platform has GREAT Fundamentals, even if Steem has some weak points. Yes, lots of the content is sub-par. Lots of BS makes too much in rewards. There are too many circle-jerkers, but Clown-Bot is little more than a troll IMO. I don't see much value there, but maybe his rant did reach a few. You probably hit ALL the highlights and added more value than everything he will write in his entire miserable Steemit-Life ;)

Oh, one other thing, I've always wondered where did you get these Dragons?

I dont agree with the man on plenty of things, anyone who understands proper English can read that from my notations on what he said.
He has a point in some areas though, and we should discard everything we hear just because we don't like the person saying it.

Those dragons are Skyrim's dragons, found them lying around with the iron bar somewhere I don't remember.

He is so spot on with his rant.
The question is, how to follow up on it?
Should we cash out?
Or wait for the next exchange to catch on?

I am not sure how much I have lost in SBD with the ongoing reward pool abuse. My posts make not enough to be touched by that.
So I guess it is really more the Koreans doing their shenanigans with my upvote value.

That was confusing, wasn't it?

We are already mid February and there is no Roadmap or anything from STINC for this year..

I believe Steemit has a bright future.
I won't cash out at all and just aim for the bright future ahead.

It all depends on your trust for the blockchain.... with the next HF things will be great.

Why will be things great with the next HF?
What will be patched, updated, what are new features in the code?
Where do you get this from?

For instances, automatic registration... no more registering accounts then having to wait for days on end... or worse, never receiving the approved email.

That alone is a huge boost to sign ups Im sure.
Then you'll have SMTs and other stuff.

Google for steem's HF20

is there a steemit soap opera tag?

No, care to create one? :D

Im glad i keep my nose clean and out of these original scuffles & flag wars... but you are right about this being content adding value to steem and getting a laugh or two in here and there lol

Yeap, entertainment is also quality content. But he was on to something when it comes to circle jerking, boiler room groups and pussies.

they are everywhere you go, but I steer to the left when I see one. staying clear and cool. catch you on the flip Max

entertaining overview... I couldn't stop myself from taking in the foolishness.

Once you start reading you can't stop right? xD

Oh Boy. This is stressful. download (1).jpg

I want to so respond with another GiF, but I will hold myself back. :)

A lot to take in. Call me a freshman on this playground. Very detailed indeed, and well written.

Thanks Monique

I liked it good