
Thanks for the mention @sparkesy43. Somehow I missed @alkasai replies and didn't see these remarks until now. @alkasai you are absolutely correct that the amount of the upvote should not carry weight because SBI is for newbies, so all newbies are forced to give 100% votes since they do not have sliders yet. My comment does apply to folks with sliders who only give you a 1% vote, for example, should get weighted less. Just a thought. It's you contest and you run it as you see fit. Thanks for hosting and thanks for point it out @sparkesy43.

the question is, how do i easily detect the % for each upvote?that's a very good point. thank you @sparkesy43 & @mellofello. i'm a newbie myself, so still learning.

I would use

Under 'Recent Post' tab, expand your post detail and select the 'Votes' tab.


Ah, this is cool! Seems very handy! Thank you!

Yeah, this is a very good tool for almost all your needs. And the best part is it is free, so please support SteemChiller to help keep it free.