As you call out my name directly, combined with some really strong words, that I won't repeat, I think I have to spend some time answering you.
I have no clue about design (some more clue about art, but thats beside the point) still this competition never was about this knowledge. It was, to decide what the community likes best. In a "democratic way". Kind of funny to do that with a Stake based society. Probably you should have had the possibility to offer to noganoo a share of the price and he would have voted/commented with his 3000 sock accounts. As we see: democracy sucks and is as rigged as what you describe. ( I remember a situation when Madonna offered a blowjob to those voting for Hillary. I guess Donald would not have mad as much a drama than you do right now ).
Steemit is a possibility to support people and content you like, with any given tools. Some tools can be used to game the system... true. But at the end everybody has the same possibilities (for anyone can use these tools in the same way) and the community will decide wether the use of the tools is supported or not.
In this case the organizer of the contest wants to find out what is most supported by the system. The system is stake based, thus I see nothing "morally" wrong about that although I wouldn't have done what Tim did.
Your argument about not giving a chance to a poor african genius "needing" the money... Well this is called a strawman-argument, while passive aggressively pointing out that you are some sort of victim. You know nothing about any of the other contestants, you know nothing about the voters. Are you divine, the all knowing objective judge who knows all the facts? I don't think so...
Also imho you are mistaken about Steemit giving an equal chance to everybody. Steemit is about life in its purest and wildest form. It's about adapting and fulfilling demands, about knowing the right people, about having (growing) a stake and about growing an economy that can be revolutionary. I can find no mention of equality in the whitepaper...
I know eltooni from the balkan chat. I like him and in fact I like his work more than the others (probaby I would have supported him even if I did not like his work the most). I also know Tim, and I know for a fact that he was not asked or (as you suggest) "bought" to support eltooni. He just did it, and I don't care for what reasons.
For these 4 bucks... I don't care much about them, if you told me your argument in real life, I probably would have thrown them as pennies directly into your face. Short and sarcastic step back to your "african in need theorie": don't you think that Tim has helped to feed more then a hundred potential people in need with his support?
TL; DR (and probably in your own words):
don't be a pussy, grow some balls and loose like a man.
Last but not least calling people you don't know names is one of the worst ways to react to any situation.
People use the argument of a straw man far too often as an attempt to lessen the importance of an issue. Whether the person I spoke of exists is completely irrelevant, because obviously, the point of mentioning them was to express how little we do know, and how much we ought to consider a possibility because of that lack of knowing. It is not a straw man argument, to suggest that perhaps humans should be considerate of one another.
Also, so much of what you say is completely besides the point. Moaning about me calling you a name, which is, just to clarify, a word, is an irrelevant issue and my actions, whether you find them to be distateful or not, do not excuse the far more distasteful actions of those who have helped to rig the competition.
Also, you're running with this sore loser shit too, but it will get you nowhere. I have openly admitted that number 11 deserves to win based on skill and effort alone. Now, that might be only my opinion. However, my opinion, and everyone else's has been made irrelevant because of the bribery. Thus, the integrity of the competition has been compromised, and you, regardless of your attempts to justify it, have also assisted in this.
I think it more likely that in real life, you would shut the fuck up and know that you and your little buddies are in the wrong, because in real life, you can't kiss arse for someone to upvote the words coming out of your mouth. Your points are valid only because they are valid, and not because someone with "power" decides your words are important.
I do hope you enjoy this 13 dollars. Because after all, Steemit is about life at its purest and wildest form, which apparently means treating one another like cunts, and sucking up to anyone with a bit of clout.
I happen to think Steemit is about something else, as do a lot of people. What is the point of using honest technology, immutable ledgers that are all about fairness, if the humans operating the technology are not going to be honest and fair too?
You can sit there and attempt to be funny, and insinuate that I am a pussy for speaking. But, I have not shown any signs of anger here. That has been shown only by a few who voted for 1, I suspect because they'd rather lash out than face their own decision honestly.
There's nothing pussy-ish about that. But, your closing comment suggests that the reason you sent me this excruciatingly long and rather empty-- in terms of valid talking points--comment, is because you're offended that I said some names. I do consider that to be very pussyish. Man up.
The fact you are aware what a staw man argument is and the way you react to it, makes me believe, you have often used it, and were exposed doing so. Ignoring my arguments as "empty" without countering them is the next thing to do after having using a failed strawman... go on with your wannabe rhetorics exposing yourself even more as a butthurt troll.
You assume too many things and as it seems you know (or understood) much too little.
The fact you are aware what a staw man argument is and the way you react to it, makes me believe, you have often used it, and were exposed doing so.
That's a really stupid thing to say. I know what a gun is. That doesn't mean that I go around shooting people.
Ignoring my arguments as "empty" without countering them is the next thing to do after having using a failed strawman.
Again with the silly strawman shit. Saying that does not make you sound smart, it just makes it sound like you don't have anything relevant to say. Also, I did address everything you said, so I don't know what the fuck you are talking about, mate.
I made no assumptions. Only observations. You are assuming that I assumed shit, I presume, because you want me to be that type of person. But, if you actually read my words as they are, and not how you want them to be so you can have an excuse to moan, then you will see that I have made none, whereas you have made plenty.
I am going to sleep, but I look forward to your message tomorrow where you accuse me of using a strawman. That's how to look intelligent nowadays right? Not by actually using logic at all, but by throwing around silly terms that serve only as a way to avoid having to say anything thoughtful.
Trying to turn my words around makes your "African-in-need" story not less to a strawman. BTW it could be considered another strawman leaving out my part saying "the way you react to it" and just referring to what I stated as a fact (that you know what a strawman is).
I leave last words to you, because I have the impression, that there is no real desire for a real argumentation from your side, just a need for insulting people. I have neither time nor need for that kind of drama. Good luck with your life!
I think it is now evident that you really do not know what a strawman argument is, which is pretty hilarious considering you keep throwing it around in an attempt to appear intelligent. I had considered this when you accused me of using a strawman directly after commenting about how FLT is a shit coin, which is completely besides the point. Now I feel my suspicions have been confirmed.
My decision to omit a response in relation to an irrelevant and subjective point is not a strawman, nor can it be interpreted as one by anyone who knows what it means.
I feel this has probably gone over your head, so I will allow you as concise an explanation as possible.
A straw man, to keep it simple, is when someone focuses on, or attacks an issue that in no way seeks to resolve the matter. It is only to make yourself look like you are "winning," or perhaps even, to convince yourself that that have "won."
So, is me deciding to ignore your subjective opinion on how I have handled this a stawman? No, you putting forward a subjective interpretation as if it matters at all is the only strawman here.
The only thing that matters is;
Is it right to pay for votes in an competition?
Any comment you send me that is talking about anything other than that, is a strawman. And it is rather hilarious that you pulled that phrase out of your arse to look smart, because all it has done is show that you are not. Also, you lost any chance of providing anything useful to this conversation when you started being racist.
Message me again if you wish, but I won't see it, read it, or respond to it. But, hey, you might be able to make yourself look like less of an idiot. So why not try? As this is about your image, and not about the competition at all.
Wait, why can't I like number 1?
FOUR fucking dollars? I wipe my ass with toilet paper that is more expensive. Sorry, but this mention you made of me can be considered Slander: You've my flag for that ;)
On a separate topic, you cannot expect to to make a serious point with that language.
About the TFL:
I did not say you cannot like number 1, I simply implied that whomever voted for it for 4 dollars, is inconsiderate. This is completely true.
Also, clearly I can expect to make a serious point with that language, because I did. And, judging by some of the comments on here, that point was understood perfectly.
You sound like you're just making excuses. Any honest person would not pretend that this is acceptable behaviour.
You are not making a point talking like a slum nigger to express your point about a topic, you're just ranting.
Please, put up EVIDENCE to accuse people of, at least, me.
People is entitled to hold contests as they please, with the rule sets they please. They may be flawed (a fact that I do not deny, the mentioned method only triggers a snowball effect that is anything but judgmental... oh, wait! That is HOW THE ENTIRE STEEM NETWORK WORKS!).
You "COULD", instead, propose another mean for the selection of a winner, stating the flaws of the actual one in a civilized manner. Or, you can keep that slummy attitude if it makes you happy.
Whatever point it is that you wanted to make here, you completely defeated with the use of the words 'slum nigger' which I find far more offensive than any number of f bombs he may have dropped. It seems what you were really asking him to do was present himself as someone he is not, which considering what he was trying to bring across was for people to do things for genuine reasons-- personally I would not have had more respect for him if he'd put on a big show of pretense.
This meme couldn't be farther from the truth. He and I have had our share of differences in opinion, and I don't think I know anyone who will concede a fair point or apologize when he sees that he's wrong quicker than this man.
Actually the fact that I'm on this post at all is a testament to his character as I tend to stay far, far away from large disputes on this platform. I like peace, not making waves.
If I, the person who he was attempting to offend, am not offended, then there is entirely no need for you to be. Don't let him get you upset about this. I'm guessing, he would see that as a win.
I generally don't get offended by the things people say to me either, but I do tend to bristle where my friends are concerned--as you know.
I don't hate him, jeeze that would be a bit overdone. I suppose there could be a situation in which I might hate someone, but it hasn't happened yet. It would take something very, very big. I like to save that strength of emotion for the positive ones like love and joy ;)
I thought you seemed pretty pissed. My apologies. I don't need anyone to defend to me, but I won't complain about it, because I am sure I would do the same regardless of whether you wanted me to or not.
I think that you must think that I'm unintelligent because I talk like a "slum nigger." Perhaps you should consider that intelligence has fuck all to do with one's choice of vocabulary, and perhaps I talk like a "slum nigger" because I was raised in an area where people talk like "slum niggers."
I am not short-sighted enough to believe that each person voted only for the $4. More than the $4 dollars, some of those who voted dishonestly would also be aware that by doing so, they are doing what timsaid wanted, and thus, would likely ensure support from him in future. I suspect that this is your motivation, though, I made no direct accusation to you voting dishonestly, and this reaction only makes it appear as though you are on the defensive, because you did in fact do just that.
Please, put up EVIDENCE to accuse people of, at least, me.
I don't even know what on Earth that is supposed to mean, but I have already provided evidence of bribery.
People is entitled to hold contests as they please, with the rule sets they please. They may be flawed (a fact that I do not deny, the mentioned method only triggers a snowball effect that is anything but judgmental... oh, wait! That is HOW THE ENTIRE STEEM NETWORK WORKS!).
It is easy to confuse how something works with how something ought to work. Personally, I am not one to accept things for the way they are, if the way they are is not how they should be. If you are not willing to fight for fairness, and help your fellow man, then that's your prerogative. But, I am not you, and I will always fight for fairness, because I know that not everyone who has been wronged is in a position to do so.
You "COULD", instead, propose another mean for the selection of a winner, stating the flaws of the actual one in a civilized manner.
I could do that. I think I may have already done that too. But, doing that does not mean that you shouldn't expose disgusting behaviour. People have a right to know that the rewards pool is being drained in order to rig a competition. Also, you clearly did not watch all the video. Yes, I swear a lot. So fucking what? I am not raging in the video, and the message I promote is a good one. If you are offended by my words, then perhaps you shouldn't be such a pussy.
Or, you can keep that slummy attitude if it makes you happy.
I am exceptionally happy, so I think I will keep being me. Thanks for the great advice. ;)
Finally, your meme only shows how ignorant you are to this entire situation. I live to talk to people with different opinions, as I have stated, and demonstrated, many times over on this platform. I believe it is through conversing with others who hold dichotomous perspectives to our own that we are given the opportunity to scrutinize our own beliefs and come to a better, richer understanding of the world. I find it comical, and deeply ironic, that these very words in the meme can be attributed to you and your actions today.
You disagree with me, so you come here and start crying and bitching. Hypocrisy is quite a thing.
Clearly, you don't know my character, so better that you stop embarrassing yourself by making so many inaccurate assertions.
I, at no point, claimed that you were bound to my judgement. I, at no point, claimed that you voted dishonestly.
However, you are now bound to my judgement, because, you took the time to visit my post and judge me prematurely, which allows me enough evidence of your character to judge you fairly. Hence why I am confident that I can say you're an ignorant cunt, without feeling that I am being too harsh.
Clearly, you don't know my character, so better that you stop embarrassing yourself by making so many inaccurate assertions.
Ditto, I'm asking for the same thing.
I, at no point, claimed that you were bound to my judgement. I, at no point, claimed that you voted dishonestly.
You did:
Each of the following people have assisted in the rigging of the trueflip competition.
Then, my name is on your "list".
you took the time to visit my post and judge me prematurely
The only reason I am here, is because steemwatcher notified me that my nickname was mentioned.
The day a random "nigga" will be able to judge me... I cannot come up with a parallelism to explain how ridiculous is what you claim, lol.
Have a nice day.
If I were new and had made that choice to vote on number one it probably would have had more to do with hoping to make some friends who are instrumental on this site. I'm not saying I would have done this, but I have to be honest and say I don't know that I wouldn't have. I do know that this post would have changed my mind. Not just as a question of morality, but also for the things he spoke about community. About working together and caring about one another.
Of course in the end the truth is that I do know this man, he has become someone I consider a good friend, and it's a friendship I value very highly. Because he is by far one of the most honest people I have ever met, with a very definite sense of integrity. He does, I'll admit, have a tendency to be blunt and therefore piss people off. I am one who generally takes a softer approach to things.I am doing my best to imagine how I would feel about this video and these words if I had never before run across @son-of-satire, what would my objective point of view be here.
I don't know @timsaid and I want to make a point that @son-of-satire might not have taken into consideration here-- it is very possible that Tim is a friend to the guy who has turned this contest into a joke. Perhaps as a friend he told him that he would upvote those who voted for him. It is something I would do for a friend, it is something that I would do for this friend whose post I'm in. The difference is, that @son-of-satire would never have used this information to garner votes, not in a thousand years or for a million dollars. Without knowing the truth behind why Tim chose to back eltooni, I feel that the one truly responsible for the dirt in this contest is eltooni. I read the initial conversation between son-of-satire and eltooni, and I have to say what truly disgusts me about this entire thing is that eltooni has now edited these comments in an obvious attempt to make my friend look like a fool, or at the least to make himself look better.
Having said all of this, I really want to ask everyone who comes on this post, please go to this competition and vote for your favorite. Please don't let one man make a mockery of something that could have been great. And if you were one of those who voted for number one for the wrong reasons, it's not too late to change your mind, in fact it takes a great amount of courage and I know that many will have serious respect for you if you do.
I really love so many people I have met here on steemit, and I love the sense of community I have felt since the beginning. There will always be that one or that few that you wish would move from the community, but overall this place is great. Let's keep it that way!
Edit: I rarely ever vote up a comment of my own, but I'm choosing to do it in this case for visibility.
Thanks for the things you have said here. Though, I don't think I piss that many people off, do I? Only people who don't want to be called out on their bullshit, but even at times, I'm able to do that in a respectful manner.
I wish I could have the same faith in timsaid as you do, but, I think it seems as though this was his idea. He is the one who was messaging trueflip telling them to hurry up and post the winners, and he is the one who continued to vote every number 1 even after it was said to be unfair. He is not innocent in this, believe me.
Still, who is responsible is irrelevant. This wasn't meant to slander anyone, although it seems people have interpreted it that way. The main point of this post was to try to convince enough people to vote honestly, so we can promote the right message about Steemit, and more than that, so that we can set a better example for newcomers. If we keep allowing this sort of shit to go on, it's only going to get much worse, and there's not way I can stay if things don't start to change.
That's not some sort of threat, as I expect I wouldn't be missed by many. But, it's simply a fact. I want to be a part of something positive, and the further we give in to greed, the less I can view Steemit as something positive for humanity.
To be honest, this is much less about the contest for me, since it is a gambling site that is hosting it, and I'm afraid that I've yet to run into any true honest gambling, not on online sites, and not in casinos where it is generally rigged for the house. It has more to do with wanting to see this specific community do better, be better, than the outside world is today.
I have nothing against gambling sites or casinos to be clear, they are businesses and it's people's own fault that they get sucked in and lose their life savings for greed.
I just would have liked to see it operate differently HERE. That's all.
You're not alone in noticing that a contest is supposed to be won on the merits of the entries and not by the number of paid judges who decide the winner. Thanks for speaking out on what is right, probably more than just me appreciate you for this, but are 'shy' about saying so. I'm shy too, but I commend you for standing up against such high-powered unfairness.
Thanks, Paul, that means a lot. Also, I have to thank you for mentioning the shyness thing as well. I can sometimes forget about shyness and how it can effect people, and your words have made me more aware of reasons why some people I hoped might stand up to this kinda shit haven't. That does make me feel even more obligated to do this kinda shit though, because not everyone who wants to talk has the voice to do it.
I totally agree with you, I am new to the community and never thought that the first post had used a trail to reach 92 votes, nor had I realized that only timsaid vote for those who chose the first place. How bad they lend their influence to this, was almost forced by the new to vote for the first place up to $ 5 in a comment anyway.
I hope to overcome this first post, I would not like to see win that basic image.
U nailed it! People like these are destroying steemit. I hope that people are reading/watching this and make up their mind. I don't want steemit to become like Facebook....
I agree. We all have a stake in this, which is why I feel we should be making more of an effort to preserve its integrity. I don't want it to be like facebook either. Or snapchat, or instagram, or anything else like that. I want this to be an example of how social media should be.. It ought to be.
Clearly you have been on steemit for longer than me I have only been on here for a month, but are these users not only a small percentage compared to the large number of people here. In my opinion those who are in it for the money and using tactics like this in the short term maybe will get large amounts of money but in the long term surely the hard workers will reap the rewards?? Btw I never really upvote or comment on posts with meme's and crappy videos from you tube, its not really work is it???
It certainly seems to be a short-term mindset these people are exhibiting, but I suppose, with the amount they are raking in, they won't need Steemit to function long term for them to be set up for life. But their security will come at the cost of all of ours, because if this shit continues, Steemit will not fucking survive.
Really though, I was not angry. I just have a potty mouth.. You can blame my mother! I recorded a video before this one, but the quality was so awful it had to be redone. Also, I felt that I was laughing and joking too much, showing too much of my personality. So, I recorded one more in better quality, and this time, tried to keep it more serious. But, I feel that has led some to believe I'm angry. In reality, I am one of the most difficult people that I have ever met to bring to anger. But people like to confuse speaking unwanted truths for being irate.
You are just being judgy asshole. Don't fkn pretend to be a nice caring guy when you are an idiot doesn't give a fuk about others.
I promised to stay positive here. You are the first douchebag pissing off.
If you don't remove the flag, I will remember your douchy name forever.
And you have no fkn clue why people votes the way they did. You are the one playing games and trying to change votes.
change your name to son-of-satan
I don't think there is anything wrong with judging people for their actions. It's prejudging that is wrong, for example, what you just did to me. Also, one need only go through my history and read my writing to understand just how much I do care about people. Oddly enough, even arseholes like you.
This is somewhat of a hilarious message by the way. I had obviously expected a few irate comments from people who are unwilling to accept what they have done, because they do not want to have to feel guilty about it. However, I did not even consider it a possibility, that one of the three users who actually voted twice for number 1, in order to get 8 dollars instead of four, would actually be brazen enough to come here and question my integrity.
Fair play to you on that one though. Timsaid is scamming all you of you, and you have managed to scam him at a second upvote. Lol. That makes me a little happy to be honest, which it shouldn't, but I can't pretend it does not.
If I don't remove the flag you are going to remember me? Sounds like a deal. I want you to remember me, so you can also remember this shitty thing you did.
Yes, I am trying to change votes... To honest ones. Because I don't like to see people with less, getting cheated out of acquiring more, by people who already have more than they need. It's not how we should be treating one another.
You can bitch and moan at me all you want, but my integrity is not in question here. Not by anyone who has followed me throughout my time here, and knows my character. It is you who must explain why you have done what you have done, not I. So, please, attempt to justify why you voted twice on number 1?
Furthermore, in regards to that threat that I should remove the flag on your second paid vote, not gonna happen. But, in case anyone else also wants to flag this gentleman's second bribe, find the link below. Just pop over and flag him. Thank you.
I woke up this morning and saw your flag and took it as a personal attack. I don't even fkn know you. "Why the fk this guy hating me?" going through my mind. I have been absolutely positive on Steemit and trying to create good content make new friends and be part of this great idea.
But the shit you did fkn flipped me. Maybe I should have just ignored you. You fkn provoked me, that is why I did what I did, only after seeing you being on flagging rampage. Normally I don't flag, unless it is serious offence. But you have made a game of it, just because you fkn have a bit more power over other minnows.
How is that fair competition, when you are being one of the competitor fkn spreading hate and flagging everybody. You fkn flagged those who didn't even vote, just left comments. That is not your fkn post.
You don't know me, you don't know why I voted the way I did. You could have just connected with me and asked I would have told you. I voted based on merits and friendship. I don't care about that money. As a matter of face I didn't even know I would get any upvote for my comment.
I didn't comment twice intentionally. That was a mistake. If platform would have allowed me to remove I would have done so. Plus judges can see and disregard that, it is common sense.
If you fkn talked to me, get to know me first, before attacking me, you would have found out we could be friends and you get your answers.
Why are you hating @timsaid. His is brilliant steemian. How can't you love the guy. He has great contribution, beautiful photography and he connects with people and helps minnows. What have you done for minnows except for flagging?
I REPEAT, I DON'T CARE ABOUT MONEY, IT WASN'T ABOUT MONEY. Just because in your messy mind you got some ideas, doesn't mean people are like that.
Only reason I am still talking to you is I am still hurt because of your attack and hoping somehow you will make this right. Please don't turn Steemit for something negative for me.
I was going to reply in depth until I seen you licking timsaid's arse. Now I understand your motivations and I won't be part of your sycophantic charade. You even tagged him in it so he can upvote you again. God, you're a fucking whore. Please, do some self-reflection. You don't have to live on your knees.
Your hate is real. I praise all good people who do good. I would praise you too if you did anything good. All you do is hate. I don't get it. Just because you are butt hurt about possibility of losing a contest, doesn't mean you need to hate others.
You keep constantly attacking and insulting me. Consider yourself a winner, you won, you ruined my day. Why did you have to ruin my mood and Steemit for me. I had plans to have a nice day and create some nice content instead of going back and forth with you.
What you did is BS and I guess you will never make it right. At least I tried.
I accepted that there is no chance of trueflip choosing me as a runner up as soon as I spoke out. My family and friends all suggested I should stay quiet, because they too thought this would essentially be a forfeit of any possibility of winning, in spite of nearly all of them genuinely thinking mine is the best there.
I still decided to do this, because what is right is far more important to me than money. You, Tim, and eltooni are propagating this bullshit about me being butthurt in order to divert attention away from the fraud that has taken place here. But, I don't care what anyone thinks of me, so I really don't care if I look like a sore loser. As long as they look like immoral winners, I have done my job.
I do not keep attacking you, I am simply responding to your ridiculous assertions accordingly. I intend to ruin no ones day, hence why I make such an effort to make posts that will lighten up people's days. But, I am not sorry that yours is ruined, because you ruined it yourself.
Yes, at least you tried, to do, whatever the fuck this is you're trying to do? I really don't know what you tried, other than to make yourself look like the "butthurt" individual that I allegedly am.
Ok after doing some digging, now I see why the fuck you are spreading hate and shit. You are fkn in the competition yourself douchebag. You art is piece of shit.
First of all I don't fkn know you and you don't fkn know me. Why the fuck did you attack me???? I normally stay cool and positive. You attack on me making my language to be so negative about you.
YOU ARE FKN MORON AND DUMB. If you were fkn normal person and didn't attack me, we could have had a intelligent conversation. I guess you lack some intelligence.
What a hipocrate, spreading hate and earning money on this post. Complete BS.
If you don't right the wrong you did to me, expect a payback. Asshole.
Ok after doing some digging, now I see why the fuck you are spreading hate and shit. You are fkn in the competition yourself douchebag.
Doing some digging? Lol. Well that was a waste of your time. You could have just pressed play on the video. I have made no attempt to hide that I am a contestant. However, even if I was not, I would still be calling out cuntish behaviour for what it is. Also, if you had watched the video before menstruating all over this post, two of my other posts, the trueflip post, and even all over my wallet, then you would see that I am not spreading hate at all, but rather the opposite.
First of all I don't fkn know you and you don't fkn know me. Why the fuck did you attack me???? I normally stay cool and positive. You attack on me making my language to be so negative about you.
Do you feel attacked? Lol. I don't feel I have attacked you, I offered you a chance to redeem yourself. But, rather than be a human, accept you made a mistake, and attempt to right your wrong, you instead chose to attack me.
YOU ARE FKN MORON AND DUMB. If you were fkn normal person and didn't attack me, we could have had a intelligent conversation. I guess you lack some intelligence.
I wouldn't speculate on who is more intelligent based on such a short correspondence, but intelligence is completely irrelevant to this issue regardless.
What a hipocrate, spreading hate and earning money on this post. Complete BS.
I can see nothing hypocritical about what I have done here, though I will openly admit that I did intend to decline payout on this post, but forgot. This is not the first time this has happened. I am human, and I am not infallible. Again though, I think the 4 dollars this post has made, for promoting a good message, is not a problem considering the 700 dollars that has been stolen from the reward pool to bribe persons such as yourself.
If you don't right the wrong you did to me, expect a payback. Asshole.
I doubt I will see anything as hilarious as this before the end of this year. Thank you for that.
As I explained in previous response it all started you flagging me. That made me mad. I took it as personal attack. If I watched your face I would be mad more.
How is 700 stolen? That is how system works. People suppose to be rewarded for their engagement. If anything that money went to minnows who need it most.
As I explained in previous response it all started you flagging me. That made me mad. I took it as personal attack. If I watched your face I would be mad more.
I took the time to explain to you why I flagged you, and if you had really done it by accident, the correct response should have been more akin to, "I didn't realise I voted twice."
Instead, you have started crying. That's certainly not going to earn you a flag removal, but then again, nothing you can do would. I will remove the flag only if timsaid removes the money from the comment.
How is 700 stolen? That is how system works. People suppose to be rewarded for their engagement. If anything that money went to minnows who need it most.
Of course it is stolen. It is called the rewards pool. Not the bribery pool. That money is supposed to be for rewarding good content, and for rewarding the accurate curation of good content. In this instance, the reward pool has been used to PAY for a prize. Thus, this is not a reward. This is being used as a payment pool. That, is against what Steemit is supposedly about, and therefore, I would assert that it is nothing short of theft.
Also.. That money did not go all to minnows. It went to plenty established members, as well as a shocking amount of alternative accounts, that are also owned by people who have been on steemit for a long time, with a few that I looked at having very low reps for having a history of spamming and the likes. So, don't speak if you do not know what you are talking about. It just makes you look like an idiot, mate.
You could have apologize and turned my mood around and I would carry on with my day. But you choose to insult me more.
Dude, you don't know me. You attacked me first with you flag. I took it personal. I told you it is not about money. If you apologized maybe I would have sent you the money or donated, whatever. If that was the issue, that is easy fix on my part.
I don't care about you physically removing the flag. I just don't appreciate an attack from a stranger. I would understand if you flagged me if I spammed your post or something.
Can you get that? I didn't do anything wrong to you until you attacked me. Maybe you wouldn't consider it that way. But I do, and did. You started this whole mess.
You just messed with my emotional state. I am sensitive like that. Most people are.
That's all this is about: you attack on me personally, when I haven't done anything to you. But whatever, I guess that's how you roll.
This is an inefficient use of my time, because you don't seem to be comprehending anything I am saying. I will, for the sake of politeness, allow you this final response, and I will do my best to be as concise as possible.
I owe you no apology. If you cannot control your emotions, then I am not responsible for that.
No, I don't know you. I don't need to know you to decide to use my flag for a double vote. You have already admitted that you seen me on a "flagging rampage," so if you know I am flagging all spam that I see, and all double voting, how can you then assert that this is a personal attack? That's an erroneous and contradictory position to hold. I would also have to say that to consider this a personal attack on you, is possibly arrogant, and definitely narcissistic.
Again, I owe you no apology, and as an examination of my history here on Steemit will show, I am not above apologising when I do know myself to be in the wrong. This, however, is not such a time.
No, I really do not get it. It wasn't an attack, it was a flag on a second, illegal vote. I expect that anyone else who noticed would have done the same.
You just messed with my emotional state. I am sensitive like that. Most people are.
I agree that most people are far too sensitive. But, I do not believe that I should have to alter my personality to appease yours, or anyone else's sensitivity. If I am not intentionally trying to upset you, and you decide that you will take the opportunity to get upset anyway, then again, I would say that is arrogant and narcissistic. In my experience, people such as yourself, are by default looking for a reason to be offended. This is an unhealthy mindset, and I do truly hope that you will make an effort to change it. Meditation can really help with this, in a fairly short time frame too.
Again, and finally, I have not attacked you personally, except in response to your attempts to deeply offend me, which I might add, were unsuccessful.
If you reply, I will not. So perhaps just take a deep breath and remember that this is not about you, this is about what is right.
You are just butt hurt and taking it out on others. When I first saw your flag, I didn't know you were on flagging rampage. Just because you are attacking others too doesn't mean you didn't attack me.
I just was trying to explain you my reaction and how it started. You had no right to attack me. It wasn't your post, and you are the contestant.
You just explained how a asshole of a person you are again, think of yourself some shit. I didn't start this, you did.
You history means shit. It all shows what kind of a hater you are. I am done with you you low life piece of shit.
As you call out my name directly, combined with some really strong words, that I won't repeat, I think I have to spend some time answering you.
I have no clue about design (some more clue about art, but thats beside the point) still this competition never was about this knowledge. It was, to decide what the community likes best. In a "democratic way". Kind of funny to do that with a Stake based society. Probably you should have had the possibility to offer to noganoo a share of the price and he would have voted/commented with his 3000 sock accounts. As we see: democracy sucks and is as rigged as what you describe. ( I remember a situation when Madonna offered a blowjob to those voting for Hillary. I guess Donald would not have mad as much a drama than you do right now ).
Steemit is a possibility to support people and content you like, with any given tools. Some tools can be used to game the system... true. But at the end everybody has the same possibilities (for anyone can use these tools in the same way) and the community will decide wether the use of the tools is supported or not.
In this case the organizer of the contest wants to find out what is most supported by the system. The system is stake based, thus I see nothing "morally" wrong about that although I wouldn't have done what Tim did.
Your argument about not giving a chance to a poor african genius "needing" the money... Well this is called a strawman-argument, while passive aggressively pointing out that you are some sort of victim. You know nothing about any of the other contestants, you know nothing about the voters. Are you divine, the all knowing objective judge who knows all the facts? I don't think so...
Also imho you are mistaken about Steemit giving an equal chance to everybody. Steemit is about life in its purest and wildest form. It's about adapting and fulfilling demands, about knowing the right people, about having (growing) a stake and about growing an economy that can be revolutionary. I can find no mention of equality in the whitepaper...
I know eltooni from the balkan chat. I like him and in fact I like his work more than the others (probaby I would have supported him even if I did not like his work the most). I also know Tim, and I know for a fact that he was not asked or (as you suggest) "bought" to support eltooni. He just did it, and I don't care for what reasons.
For these 4 bucks... I don't care much about them, if you told me your argument in real life, I probably would have thrown them as pennies directly into your face. Short and sarcastic step back to your "african in need theorie": don't you think that Tim has helped to feed more then a hundred potential people in need with his support?
TL; DR (and probably in your own words):
don't be a pussy, grow some balls and loose like a man.
Last but not least calling people you don't know names is one of the worst ways to react to any situation.
People use the argument of a straw man far too often as an attempt to lessen the importance of an issue. Whether the person I spoke of exists is completely irrelevant, because obviously, the point of mentioning them was to express how little we do know, and how much we ought to consider a possibility because of that lack of knowing. It is not a straw man argument, to suggest that perhaps humans should be considerate of one another.
Also, so much of what you say is completely besides the point. Moaning about me calling you a name, which is, just to clarify, a word, is an irrelevant issue and my actions, whether you find them to be distateful or not, do not excuse the far more distasteful actions of those who have helped to rig the competition.
Also, you're running with this sore loser shit too, but it will get you nowhere. I have openly admitted that number 11 deserves to win based on skill and effort alone. Now, that might be only my opinion. However, my opinion, and everyone else's has been made irrelevant because of the bribery. Thus, the integrity of the competition has been compromised, and you, regardless of your attempts to justify it, have also assisted in this.
I think it more likely that in real life, you would shut the fuck up and know that you and your little buddies are in the wrong, because in real life, you can't kiss arse for someone to upvote the words coming out of your mouth. Your points are valid only because they are valid, and not because someone with "power" decides your words are important.
I do hope you enjoy this 13 dollars. Because after all, Steemit is about life at its purest and wildest form, which apparently means treating one another like cunts, and sucking up to anyone with a bit of clout.
I happen to think Steemit is about something else, as do a lot of people. What is the point of using honest technology, immutable ledgers that are all about fairness, if the humans operating the technology are not going to be honest and fair too?
You can sit there and attempt to be funny, and insinuate that I am a pussy for speaking. But, I have not shown any signs of anger here. That has been shown only by a few who voted for 1, I suspect because they'd rather lash out than face their own decision honestly.
There's nothing pussy-ish about that. But, your closing comment suggests that the reason you sent me this excruciatingly long and rather empty-- in terms of valid talking points--comment, is because you're offended that I said some names. I do consider that to be very pussyish. Man up.
The fact you are aware what a staw man argument is and the way you react to it, makes me believe, you have often used it, and were exposed doing so. Ignoring my arguments as "empty" without countering them is the next thing to do after having using a failed strawman... go on with your wannabe rhetorics exposing yourself even more as a butthurt troll.
You assume too many things and as it seems you know (or understood) much too little.
That's a really stupid thing to say. I know what a gun is. That doesn't mean that I go around shooting people.
Again with the silly strawman shit. Saying that does not make you sound smart, it just makes it sound like you don't have anything relevant to say. Also, I did address everything you said, so I don't know what the fuck you are talking about, mate.
I made no assumptions. Only observations. You are assuming that I assumed shit, I presume, because you want me to be that type of person. But, if you actually read my words as they are, and not how you want them to be so you can have an excuse to moan, then you will see that I have made none, whereas you have made plenty.
I am going to sleep, but I look forward to your message tomorrow where you accuse me of using a strawman. That's how to look intelligent nowadays right? Not by actually using logic at all, but by throwing around silly terms that serve only as a way to avoid having to say anything thoughtful.
Trying to turn my words around makes your "African-in-need" story not less to a strawman. BTW it could be considered another strawman leaving out my part saying "the way you react to it" and just referring to what I stated as a fact (that you know what a strawman is).
I leave last words to you, because I have the impression, that there is no real desire for a real argumentation from your side, just a need for insulting people. I have neither time nor need for that kind of drama. Good luck with your life!
I think it is now evident that you really do not know what a strawman argument is, which is pretty hilarious considering you keep throwing it around in an attempt to appear intelligent. I had considered this when you accused me of using a strawman directly after commenting about how FLT is a shit coin, which is completely besides the point. Now I feel my suspicions have been confirmed.
My decision to omit a response in relation to an irrelevant and subjective point is not a strawman, nor can it be interpreted as one by anyone who knows what it means.
I feel this has probably gone over your head, so I will allow you as concise an explanation as possible.
A straw man, to keep it simple, is when someone focuses on, or attacks an issue that in no way seeks to resolve the matter. It is only to make yourself look like you are "winning," or perhaps even, to convince yourself that that have "won."
So, is me deciding to ignore your subjective opinion on how I have handled this a stawman? No, you putting forward a subjective interpretation as if it matters at all is the only strawman here.
The only thing that matters is;
Is it right to pay for votes in an competition?
Any comment you send me that is talking about anything other than that, is a strawman. And it is rather hilarious that you pulled that phrase out of your arse to look smart, because all it has done is show that you are not. Also, you lost any chance of providing anything useful to this conversation when you started being racist.
Message me again if you wish, but I won't see it, read it, or respond to it. But, hey, you might be able to make yourself look like less of an idiot. So why not try? As this is about your image, and not about the competition at all.
Wait, why can't I like number 1?
FOUR fucking dollars? I wipe my ass with toilet paper that is more expensive. Sorry, but this mention you made of me can be considered Slander: You've my flag for that ;)
On a separate topic, you cannot expect to to make a serious point with that language. About the TFL:
I did not say you cannot like number 1, I simply implied that whomever voted for it for 4 dollars, is inconsiderate. This is completely true.
Also, clearly I can expect to make a serious point with that language, because I did. And, judging by some of the comments on here, that point was understood perfectly.
You sound like you're just making excuses. Any honest person would not pretend that this is acceptable behaviour.
Pal, $4... are you SERIOUS about that?
You are not making a point talking like a slum nigger to express your point about a topic, you're just ranting.
Please, put up EVIDENCE to accuse people of, at least, me.
People is entitled to hold contests as they please, with the rule sets they please. They may be flawed (a fact that I do not deny, the mentioned method only triggers a snowball effect that is anything but judgmental... oh, wait! That is HOW THE ENTIRE STEEM NETWORK WORKS!).
You "COULD", instead, propose another mean for the selection of a winner, stating the flaws of the actual one in a civilized manner.
Or, you can keep that slummy attitude if it makes you happy.
Whatever point it is that you wanted to make here, you completely defeated with the use of the words 'slum nigger' which I find far more offensive than any number of f bombs he may have dropped. It seems what you were really asking him to do was present himself as someone he is not, which considering what he was trying to bring across was for people to do things for genuine reasons-- personally I would not have had more respect for him if he'd put on a big show of pretense.
This meme couldn't be farther from the truth. He and I have had our share of differences in opinion, and I don't think I know anyone who will concede a fair point or apologize when he sees that he's wrong quicker than this man.
Actually the fact that I'm on this post at all is a testament to his character as I tend to stay far, far away from large disputes on this platform. I like peace, not making waves.
If I, the person who he was attempting to offend, am not offended, then there is entirely no need for you to be. Don't let him get you upset about this. I'm guessing, he would see that as a win.
This man deserves your sympathy, not your hate.
I generally don't get offended by the things people say to me either, but I do tend to bristle where my friends are concerned--as you know.
I don't hate him, jeeze that would be a bit overdone. I suppose there could be a situation in which I might hate someone, but it hasn't happened yet. It would take something very, very big. I like to save that strength of emotion for the positive ones like love and joy ;)
I thought you seemed pretty pissed. My apologies. I don't need anyone to defend to me, but I won't complain about it, because I am sure I would do the same regardless of whether you wanted me to or not.
So... thanks.
I think that you must think that I'm unintelligent because I talk like a "slum nigger." Perhaps you should consider that intelligence has fuck all to do with one's choice of vocabulary, and perhaps I talk like a "slum nigger" because I was raised in an area where people talk like "slum niggers."
I am not short-sighted enough to believe that each person voted only for the $4. More than the $4 dollars, some of those who voted dishonestly would also be aware that by doing so, they are doing what timsaid wanted, and thus, would likely ensure support from him in future. I suspect that this is your motivation, though, I made no direct accusation to you voting dishonestly, and this reaction only makes it appear as though you are on the defensive, because you did in fact do just that.
I don't even know what on Earth that is supposed to mean, but I have already provided evidence of bribery.
It is easy to confuse how something works with how something ought to work. Personally, I am not one to accept things for the way they are, if the way they are is not how they should be. If you are not willing to fight for fairness, and help your fellow man, then that's your prerogative. But, I am not you, and I will always fight for fairness, because I know that not everyone who has been wronged is in a position to do so.
I could do that. I think I may have already done that too. But, doing that does not mean that you shouldn't expose disgusting behaviour. People have a right to know that the rewards pool is being drained in order to rig a competition. Also, you clearly did not watch all the video. Yes, I swear a lot. So fucking what? I am not raging in the video, and the message I promote is a good one. If you are offended by my words, then perhaps you shouldn't be such a pussy.
I am exceptionally happy, so I think I will keep being me. Thanks for the great advice. ;)
Finally, your meme only shows how ignorant you are to this entire situation. I live to talk to people with different opinions, as I have stated, and demonstrated, many times over on this platform. I believe it is through conversing with others who hold dichotomous perspectives to our own that we are given the opportunity to scrutinize our own beliefs and come to a better, richer understanding of the world. I find it comical, and deeply ironic, that these very words in the meme can be attributed to you and your actions today.
You disagree with me, so you come here and start crying and bitching. Hypocrisy is quite a thing.
Yeah, just keep throwing shit. That fits your character.
Can you please link the evidence where I am bound to your judgment?
Clearly, you don't know my character, so better that you stop embarrassing yourself by making so many inaccurate assertions.
I, at no point, claimed that you were bound to my judgement. I, at no point, claimed that you voted dishonestly.
However, you are now bound to my judgement, because, you took the time to visit my post and judge me prematurely, which allows me enough evidence of your character to judge you fairly. Hence why I am confident that I can say you're an ignorant cunt, without feeling that I am being too harsh.
Ditto, I'm asking for the same thing.
You did:
Then, my name is on your "list".The only reason I am here, is because steemwatcher notified me that my nickname was mentioned. The day a random "nigga" will be able to judge me... I cannot come up with a parallelism to explain how ridiculous is what you claim, lol. Have a nice day.
If I were new and had made that choice to vote on number one it probably would have had more to do with hoping to make some friends who are instrumental on this site. I'm not saying I would have done this, but I have to be honest and say I don't know that I wouldn't have. I do know that this post would have changed my mind. Not just as a question of morality, but also for the things he spoke about community. About working together and caring about one another.
Of course in the end the truth is that I do know this man, he has become someone I consider a good friend, and it's a friendship I value very highly. Because he is by far one of the most honest people I have ever met, with a very definite sense of integrity. He does, I'll admit, have a tendency to be blunt and therefore piss people off. I am one who generally takes a softer approach to things.I am doing my best to imagine how I would feel about this video and these words if I had never before run across @son-of-satire, what would my objective point of view be here.
I don't know @timsaid and I want to make a point that @son-of-satire might not have taken into consideration here-- it is very possible that Tim is a friend to the guy who has turned this contest into a joke. Perhaps as a friend he told him that he would upvote those who voted for him. It is something I would do for a friend, it is something that I would do for this friend whose post I'm in. The difference is, that @son-of-satire would never have used this information to garner votes, not in a thousand years or for a million dollars. Without knowing the truth behind why Tim chose to back eltooni, I feel that the one truly responsible for the dirt in this contest is eltooni. I read the initial conversation between son-of-satire and eltooni, and I have to say what truly disgusts me about this entire thing is that eltooni has now edited these comments in an obvious attempt to make my friend look like a fool, or at the least to make himself look better.
Having said all of this, I really want to ask everyone who comes on this post, please go to this competition and vote for your favorite. Please don't let one man make a mockery of something that could have been great. And if you were one of those who voted for number one for the wrong reasons, it's not too late to change your mind, in fact it takes a great amount of courage and I know that many will have serious respect for you if you do.
I really love so many people I have met here on steemit, and I love the sense of community I have felt since the beginning. There will always be that one or that few that you wish would move from the community, but overall this place is great. Let's keep it that way!
Edit: I rarely ever vote up a comment of my own, but I'm choosing to do it in this case for visibility.
Thanks for the things you have said here. Though, I don't think I piss that many people off, do I? Only people who don't want to be called out on their bullshit, but even at times, I'm able to do that in a respectful manner.
I wish I could have the same faith in timsaid as you do, but, I think it seems as though this was his idea. He is the one who was messaging trueflip telling them to hurry up and post the winners, and he is the one who continued to vote every number 1 even after it was said to be unfair. He is not innocent in this, believe me.
Still, who is responsible is irrelevant. This wasn't meant to slander anyone, although it seems people have interpreted it that way. The main point of this post was to try to convince enough people to vote honestly, so we can promote the right message about Steemit, and more than that, so that we can set a better example for newcomers. If we keep allowing this sort of shit to go on, it's only going to get much worse, and there's not way I can stay if things don't start to change.
That's not some sort of threat, as I expect I wouldn't be missed by many. But, it's simply a fact. I want to be a part of something positive, and the further we give in to greed, the less I can view Steemit as something positive for humanity.
To be honest, this is much less about the contest for me, since it is a gambling site that is hosting it, and I'm afraid that I've yet to run into any true honest gambling, not on online sites, and not in casinos where it is generally rigged for the house. It has more to do with wanting to see this specific community do better, be better, than the outside world is today.
I have nothing against gambling sites or casinos to be clear, they are businesses and it's people's own fault that they get sucked in and lose their life savings for greed.
I just would have liked to see it operate differently HERE. That's all.
You're not alone in noticing that a contest is supposed to be won on the merits of the entries and not by the number of paid judges who decide the winner. Thanks for speaking out on what is right, probably more than just me appreciate you for this, but are 'shy' about saying so. I'm shy too, but I commend you for standing up against such high-powered unfairness.
Thanks, Paul, that means a lot. Also, I have to thank you for mentioning the shyness thing as well. I can sometimes forget about shyness and how it can effect people, and your words have made me more aware of reasons why some people I hoped might stand up to this kinda shit haven't. That does make me feel even more obligated to do this kinda shit though, because not everyone who wants to talk has the voice to do it.
I totally agree with you, I am new to the community and never thought that the first post had used a trail to reach 92 votes, nor had I realized that only timsaid vote for those who chose the first place. How bad they lend their influence to this, was almost forced by the new to vote for the first place up to $ 5 in a comment anyway.
I hope to overcome this first post, I would not like to see win that basic image.
This is my post
Sorry for my bad translation, i use google
U nailed it! People like these are destroying steemit. I hope that people are reading/watching this and make up their mind. I don't want steemit to become like Facebook....
I agree. We all have a stake in this, which is why I feel we should be making more of an effort to preserve its integrity. I don't want it to be like facebook either. Or snapchat, or instagram, or anything else like that. I want this to be an example of how social media should be.. It ought to be.
Clearly you have been on steemit for longer than me I have only been on here for a month, but are these users not only a small percentage compared to the large number of people here. In my opinion those who are in it for the money and using tactics like this in the short term maybe will get large amounts of money but in the long term surely the hard workers will reap the rewards?? Btw I never really upvote or comment on posts with meme's and crappy videos from you tube, its not really work is it???
It certainly seems to be a short-term mindset these people are exhibiting, but I suppose, with the amount they are raking in, they won't need Steemit to function long term for them to be set up for life. But their security will come at the cost of all of ours, because if this shit continues, Steemit will not fucking survive.
A wise man once said to me- "Anger is unproductive, my friend. Don't give them the satisfaction of knowing that they got to you. They will love that."
Haha. He sounds like a fucking genius. :P
Really though, I was not angry. I just have a potty mouth.. You can blame my mother! I recorded a video before this one, but the quality was so awful it had to be redone. Also, I felt that I was laughing and joking too much, showing too much of my personality. So, I recorded one more in better quality, and this time, tried to keep it more serious. But, I feel that has led some to believe I'm angry. In reality, I am one of the most difficult people that I have ever met to bring to anger. But people like to confuse speaking unwanted truths for being irate.
lol for sure. was just fuckin with you.
morning brother . i follow you . i need steem power level hight vote me .
Why you got flagged
You are just being judgy asshole. Don't fkn pretend to be a nice caring guy when you are an idiot doesn't give a fuk about others.
I promised to stay positive here. You are the first douchebag pissing off.
If you don't remove the flag, I will remember your douchy name forever.
And you have no fkn clue why people votes the way they did. You are the one playing games and trying to change votes.
change your name to son-of-satan
I don't think there is anything wrong with judging people for their actions. It's prejudging that is wrong, for example, what you just did to me. Also, one need only go through my history and read my writing to understand just how much I do care about people. Oddly enough, even arseholes like you.
This is somewhat of a hilarious message by the way. I had obviously expected a few irate comments from people who are unwilling to accept what they have done, because they do not want to have to feel guilty about it. However, I did not even consider it a possibility, that one of the three users who actually voted twice for number 1, in order to get 8 dollars instead of four, would actually be brazen enough to come here and question my integrity.
Fair play to you on that one though. Timsaid is scamming all you of you, and you have managed to scam him at a second upvote. Lol. That makes me a little happy to be honest, which it shouldn't, but I can't pretend it does not.
If I don't remove the flag you are going to remember me? Sounds like a deal. I want you to remember me, so you can also remember this shitty thing you did.
Yes, I am trying to change votes... To honest ones. Because I don't like to see people with less, getting cheated out of acquiring more, by people who already have more than they need. It's not how we should be treating one another.
You can bitch and moan at me all you want, but my integrity is not in question here. Not by anyone who has followed me throughout my time here, and knows my character. It is you who must explain why you have done what you have done, not I. So, please, attempt to justify why you voted twice on number 1?
Furthermore, in regards to that threat that I should remove the flag on your second paid vote, not gonna happen. But, in case anyone else also wants to flag this gentleman's second bribe, find the link below. Just pop over and flag him. Thank you.
Also, just to verify, this is the first comment where he also voted for 1, and received a whale upvote for doing so.
I woke up this morning and saw your flag and took it as a personal attack. I don't even fkn know you. "Why the fk this guy hating me?" going through my mind. I have been absolutely positive on Steemit and trying to create good content make new friends and be part of this great idea.
But the shit you did fkn flipped me. Maybe I should have just ignored you. You fkn provoked me, that is why I did what I did, only after seeing you being on flagging rampage. Normally I don't flag, unless it is serious offence. But you have made a game of it, just because you fkn have a bit more power over other minnows.
How is that fair competition, when you are being one of the competitor fkn spreading hate and flagging everybody. You fkn flagged those who didn't even vote, just left comments. That is not your fkn post.
You don't know me, you don't know why I voted the way I did. You could have just connected with me and asked I would have told you. I voted based on merits and friendship. I don't care about that money. As a matter of face I didn't even know I would get any upvote for my comment.
I didn't comment twice intentionally. That was a mistake. If platform would have allowed me to remove I would have done so. Plus judges can see and disregard that, it is common sense.
If you fkn talked to me, get to know me first, before attacking me, you would have found out we could be friends and you get your answers.
Why are you hating @timsaid. His is brilliant steemian. How can't you love the guy. He has great contribution, beautiful photography and he connects with people and helps minnows. What have you done for minnows except for flagging?
I REPEAT, I DON'T CARE ABOUT MONEY, IT WASN'T ABOUT MONEY. Just because in your messy mind you got some ideas, doesn't mean people are like that.
Only reason I am still talking to you is I am still hurt because of your attack and hoping somehow you will make this right. Please don't turn Steemit for something negative for me.
If you have questions I can answer them all.
I was going to reply in depth until I seen you licking timsaid's arse. Now I understand your motivations and I won't be part of your sycophantic charade. You even tagged him in it so he can upvote you again. God, you're a fucking whore. Please, do some self-reflection. You don't have to live on your knees.
Your hate is real. I praise all good people who do good. I would praise you too if you did anything good. All you do is hate. I don't get it. Just because you are butt hurt about possibility of losing a contest, doesn't mean you need to hate others.
You keep constantly attacking and insulting me. Consider yourself a winner, you won, you ruined my day. Why did you have to ruin my mood and Steemit for me. I had plans to have a nice day and create some nice content instead of going back and forth with you.
What you did is BS and I guess you will never make it right. At least I tried.
I accepted that there is no chance of trueflip choosing me as a runner up as soon as I spoke out. My family and friends all suggested I should stay quiet, because they too thought this would essentially be a forfeit of any possibility of winning, in spite of nearly all of them genuinely thinking mine is the best there.
I still decided to do this, because what is right is far more important to me than money. You, Tim, and eltooni are propagating this bullshit about me being butthurt in order to divert attention away from the fraud that has taken place here. But, I don't care what anyone thinks of me, so I really don't care if I look like a sore loser. As long as they look like immoral winners, I have done my job.
I do not keep attacking you, I am simply responding to your ridiculous assertions accordingly. I intend to ruin no ones day, hence why I make such an effort to make posts that will lighten up people's days. But, I am not sorry that yours is ruined, because you ruined it yourself.
Yes, at least you tried, to do, whatever the fuck this is you're trying to do? I really don't know what you tried, other than to make yourself look like the "butthurt" individual that I allegedly am.
Ok after doing some digging, now I see why the fuck you are spreading hate and shit. You are fkn in the competition yourself douchebag. You art is piece of shit.
First of all I don't fkn know you and you don't fkn know me. Why the fuck did you attack me???? I normally stay cool and positive. You attack on me making my language to be so negative about you.
YOU ARE FKN MORON AND DUMB. If you were fkn normal person and didn't attack me, we could have had a intelligent conversation. I guess you lack some intelligence.
What a hipocrate, spreading hate and earning money on this post. Complete BS.
If you don't right the wrong you did to me, expect a payback. Asshole.
Doing some digging? Lol. Well that was a waste of your time. You could have just pressed play on the video. I have made no attempt to hide that I am a contestant. However, even if I was not, I would still be calling out cuntish behaviour for what it is. Also, if you had watched the video before menstruating all over this post, two of my other posts, the trueflip post, and even all over my wallet, then you would see that I am not spreading hate at all, but rather the opposite.
Do you feel attacked? Lol. I don't feel I have attacked you, I offered you a chance to redeem yourself. But, rather than be a human, accept you made a mistake, and attempt to right your wrong, you instead chose to attack me.
I wouldn't speculate on who is more intelligent based on such a short correspondence, but intelligence is completely irrelevant to this issue regardless.
I can see nothing hypocritical about what I have done here, though I will openly admit that I did intend to decline payout on this post, but forgot. This is not the first time this has happened. I am human, and I am not infallible. Again though, I think the 4 dollars this post has made, for promoting a good message, is not a problem considering the 700 dollars that has been stolen from the reward pool to bribe persons such as yourself.
I doubt I will see anything as hilarious as this before the end of this year. Thank you for that.
As I explained in previous response it all started you flagging me. That made me mad. I took it as personal attack. If I watched your face I would be mad more.
How is 700 stolen? That is how system works. People suppose to be rewarded for their engagement. If anything that money went to minnows who need it most.
I took the time to explain to you why I flagged you, and if you had really done it by accident, the correct response should have been more akin to, "I didn't realise I voted twice."
Instead, you have started crying. That's certainly not going to earn you a flag removal, but then again, nothing you can do would. I will remove the flag only if timsaid removes the money from the comment.
Of course it is stolen. It is called the rewards pool. Not the bribery pool. That money is supposed to be for rewarding good content, and for rewarding the accurate curation of good content. In this instance, the reward pool has been used to PAY for a prize. Thus, this is not a reward. This is being used as a payment pool. That, is against what Steemit is supposedly about, and therefore, I would assert that it is nothing short of theft.
Also.. That money did not go all to minnows. It went to plenty established members, as well as a shocking amount of alternative accounts, that are also owned by people who have been on steemit for a long time, with a few that I looked at having very low reps for having a history of spamming and the likes. So, don't speak if you do not know what you are talking about. It just makes you look like an idiot, mate.
You could have apologize and turned my mood around and I would carry on with my day. But you choose to insult me more.
Dude, you don't know me. You attacked me first with you flag. I took it personal. I told you it is not about money. If you apologized maybe I would have sent you the money or donated, whatever. If that was the issue, that is easy fix on my part.
I don't care about you physically removing the flag. I just don't appreciate an attack from a stranger. I would understand if you flagged me if I spammed your post or something.
Can you get that? I didn't do anything wrong to you until you attacked me. Maybe you wouldn't consider it that way. But I do, and did. You started this whole mess.
You just messed with my emotional state. I am sensitive like that. Most people are.
That's all this is about: you attack on me personally, when I haven't done anything to you. But whatever, I guess that's how you roll.
This is an inefficient use of my time, because you don't seem to be comprehending anything I am saying. I will, for the sake of politeness, allow you this final response, and I will do my best to be as concise as possible.
I owe you no apology. If you cannot control your emotions, then I am not responsible for that.
No, I don't know you. I don't need to know you to decide to use my flag for a double vote. You have already admitted that you seen me on a "flagging rampage," so if you know I am flagging all spam that I see, and all double voting, how can you then assert that this is a personal attack? That's an erroneous and contradictory position to hold. I would also have to say that to consider this a personal attack on you, is possibly arrogant, and definitely narcissistic.
Again, I owe you no apology, and as an examination of my history here on Steemit will show, I am not above apologising when I do know myself to be in the wrong. This, however, is not such a time.
No, I really do not get it. It wasn't an attack, it was a flag on a second, illegal vote. I expect that anyone else who noticed would have done the same.
I agree that most people are far too sensitive. But, I do not believe that I should have to alter my personality to appease yours, or anyone else's sensitivity. If I am not intentionally trying to upset you, and you decide that you will take the opportunity to get upset anyway, then again, I would say that is arrogant and narcissistic. In my experience, people such as yourself, are by default looking for a reason to be offended. This is an unhealthy mindset, and I do truly hope that you will make an effort to change it. Meditation can really help with this, in a fairly short time frame too.
Again, and finally, I have not attacked you personally, except in response to your attempts to deeply offend me, which I might add, were unsuccessful.
If you reply, I will not. So perhaps just take a deep breath and remember that this is not about you, this is about what is right.
You are just butt hurt and taking it out on others. When I first saw your flag, I didn't know you were on flagging rampage. Just because you are attacking others too doesn't mean you didn't attack me.
I just was trying to explain you my reaction and how it started. You had no right to attack me. It wasn't your post, and you are the contestant.
You just explained how a asshole of a person you are again, think of yourself some shit. I didn't start this, you did.
You history means shit. It all shows what kind of a hater you are. I am done with you you low life piece of shit.