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RE: We Need To Talk, Steemit.

in #steemit8 years ago

People use the argument of a straw man far too often as an attempt to lessen the importance of an issue. Whether the person I spoke of exists is completely irrelevant, because obviously, the point of mentioning them was to express how little we do know, and how much we ought to consider a possibility because of that lack of knowing. It is not a straw man argument, to suggest that perhaps humans should be considerate of one another.

Also, so much of what you say is completely besides the point. Moaning about me calling you a name, which is, just to clarify, a word, is an irrelevant issue and my actions, whether you find them to be distateful or not, do not excuse the far more distasteful actions of those who have helped to rig the competition.

Also, you're running with this sore loser shit too, but it will get you nowhere. I have openly admitted that number 11 deserves to win based on skill and effort alone. Now, that might be only my opinion. However, my opinion, and everyone else's has been made irrelevant because of the bribery. Thus, the integrity of the competition has been compromised, and you, regardless of your attempts to justify it, have also assisted in this.

I think it more likely that in real life, you would shut the fuck up and know that you and your little buddies are in the wrong, because in real life, you can't kiss arse for someone to upvote the words coming out of your mouth. Your points are valid only because they are valid, and not because someone with "power" decides your words are important.

I do hope you enjoy this 13 dollars. Because after all, Steemit is about life at its purest and wildest form, which apparently means treating one another like cunts, and sucking up to anyone with a bit of clout.

I happen to think Steemit is about something else, as do a lot of people. What is the point of using honest technology, immutable ledgers that are all about fairness, if the humans operating the technology are not going to be honest and fair too?

You can sit there and attempt to be funny, and insinuate that I am a pussy for speaking. But, I have not shown any signs of anger here. That has been shown only by a few who voted for 1, I suspect because they'd rather lash out than face their own decision honestly.

There's nothing pussy-ish about that. But, your closing comment suggests that the reason you sent me this excruciatingly long and rather empty-- in terms of valid talking points--comment, is because you're offended that I said some names. I do consider that to be very pussyish. Man up.


The fact you are aware what a staw man argument is and the way you react to it, makes me believe, you have often used it, and were exposed doing so. Ignoring my arguments as "empty" without countering them is the next thing to do after having using a failed strawman... go on with your wannabe rhetorics exposing yourself even more as a butthurt troll.

You assume too many things and as it seems you know (or understood) much too little.

The fact you are aware what a staw man argument is and the way you react to it, makes me believe, you have often used it, and were exposed doing so.

That's a really stupid thing to say. I know what a gun is. That doesn't mean that I go around shooting people.

Ignoring my arguments as "empty" without countering them is the next thing to do after having using a failed strawman.

Again with the silly strawman shit. Saying that does not make you sound smart, it just makes it sound like you don't have anything relevant to say. Also, I did address everything you said, so I don't know what the fuck you are talking about, mate.

I made no assumptions. Only observations. You are assuming that I assumed shit, I presume, because you want me to be that type of person. But, if you actually read my words as they are, and not how you want them to be so you can have an excuse to moan, then you will see that I have made none, whereas you have made plenty.

I am going to sleep, but I look forward to your message tomorrow where you accuse me of using a strawman. That's how to look intelligent nowadays right? Not by actually using logic at all, but by throwing around silly terms that serve only as a way to avoid having to say anything thoughtful.

Trying to turn my words around makes your "African-in-need" story not less to a strawman. BTW it could be considered another strawman leaving out my part saying "the way you react to it" and just referring to what I stated as a fact (that you know what a strawman is).

I leave last words to you, because I have the impression, that there is no real desire for a real argumentation from your side, just a need for insulting people. I have neither time nor need for that kind of drama. Good luck with your life!

I think it is now evident that you really do not know what a strawman argument is, which is pretty hilarious considering you keep throwing it around in an attempt to appear intelligent. I had considered this when you accused me of using a strawman directly after commenting about how FLT is a shit coin, which is completely besides the point. Now I feel my suspicions have been confirmed.

My decision to omit a response in relation to an irrelevant and subjective point is not a strawman, nor can it be interpreted as one by anyone who knows what it means.

I feel this has probably gone over your head, so I will allow you as concise an explanation as possible.

A straw man, to keep it simple, is when someone focuses on, or attacks an issue that in no way seeks to resolve the matter. It is only to make yourself look like you are "winning," or perhaps even, to convince yourself that that have "won."

So, is me deciding to ignore your subjective opinion on how I have handled this a stawman? No, you putting forward a subjective interpretation as if it matters at all is the only strawman here.

The only thing that matters is;

Is it right to pay for votes in an competition?

Any comment you send me that is talking about anything other than that, is a strawman. And it is rather hilarious that you pulled that phrase out of your arse to look smart, because all it has done is show that you are not. Also, you lost any chance of providing anything useful to this conversation when you started being racist.

Message me again if you wish, but I won't see it, read it, or respond to it. But, hey, you might be able to make yourself look like less of an idiot. So why not try? As this is about your image, and not about the competition at all.
