Do people even read the content of mosts posts?

in #steemit7 years ago

As the title suggests, it seems there are a great number of people who don't even read a single word of what someone has written in their articles.

I seen a post the other day which was posted 2 minutes ago, that contained a video that was 16 minutes long. Yet there were already comments flying in about how great it was and it had 12 upvotes.

I have seen this on countless articles since.

If the content of the post is 16 minutes long and it was posted only 2 minutes ago how can anyone possibly comment on how good it is?

Unless they posses a time machine there is physically no way they could have any clue what the post is about, apart from the title.

👆 Super early replies mode of transport 👆

Is this the future of Steemit? People jumping in on popular users posts early for the curation rewards?

This next sentence is just a random bit of information placed in the article to see if anyone even reads what I'm writing haha

" 🐘 Hello I am an elephant, you all know I'm in the room, but not many people talk about me, I like chocolate cake and Oreo cookies"

If you got this far, Thanks for listening haha

Happy Steeming Steemers and Steemettes.

Please Upvote, Resteem, and Follow


I've only just joined and I've seen the same thing, elephants notwithstanding.

I saw a comment earlier which said something like: I haven't had chance to read the whole post yet, but I really like what I've read. It wasn't even that long a post, so why not finish it and put a real comment on?

I haven't see it for a while, but do you remember people who used to put comments on forums saying they were first to comment? Like it was some sort of achievement? They wouldn't actually say anything constructive, they'd just put First!. I used to find that obnoxious.


😂 or when they put first but someone else had already beat them to it, so their "first comment" was really 3rd. Those were the days :)

Yeah, that was always funny. I just couldn't see the point at all.

I suppose somebody had to.

a part of me also thought of it and I am resisting the urge to upvote him, instead, a somber nod to you @mralan

yes this will happen.. of course many people read.. and the truth is that bots are doing a lot of this algorithmic upvoting.

The GOOD news is that the good voting bots are actually helping to get good posts SEEEN! because when they upvote it raises the profile of the posts.. SO things arent as bad as they seem!

Yes that is a very good point. I agree on that one.

This post received a 1.5% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @somecoolname! For more information, click here!

I Have noticed the same I was wondering if I was an exception, if I am short for time and cant read the full post or watch a video I normally just move on,

But I think what is happening is a lot of people on here are not focusing on the content but just trying to comment with a generic comment often not relevant to the post, Upvote everything they see even though it means there upvote power is drained to pretty much nothing and hence worthless and often finish with the follow me I follow back

Its a shame they are missing out on so much interesting content

PS I did read your post fully before commenting:)

If I know I will likely enjoy it but don't feel like reading it at the mo, I like to resteem so others can see it too and I can easily find it to explore later. Two in one. I think people end up being slightly less natural on here because of things like you mentioned (steem power goes down, so you must CHOOSE WISELY) Plus I know by resteeming, my articles are harder to find, but I'd rather help everyone find good content and people who like my stuff will keep an eye open. i just wish there wasn't any 'strategy' or 'tricks' to doing what is otherwise just browsing and socializing

Resteeming them to read later is a great idea, because like you say it shares the post even further. It's where people comment as if they have read the post when they clearly haven't that I don't get.

I also use it for posts that I comment on (sometimes on things I otherwise wouldn't Resteem, so that people can check out the article and maybe join the conversation. I wrote a post about plant medicines and ended up getting into a nice exchange with someone about diet. The conversation was equally as interesting as the post,so why not? I feel you on the last point too, so many I think are just window shopping like birds.

Could you link your post about plant medicines please? I couldn't see it on your page. Sounds like something I would like. Thanks

I'm the same, If I see a video is 30 minutes long and I haven't got the time I move on and try and come back to it later. Sadly I can't see it stopping anytime soon. Thanks for the comment (and reading it all 😂)

Elephant in the room. Clever. It's a shame when you see someone post a 1000 word article with no upvotes or just bots spamming their post. Sometimes I will vote for something out of sheer effort regardless if I agree with the content. It could be useful for someone else.

I agree, I upvoted a post earlier that I could see a large amount of research had gone into but not many people had even seen it. It's sad when the effort goes unnoticed.

The post was this one:

They seem to be a new user so thought I would share it here for them.

^ That, my friends, is how you build a community. ^

Yes I fully agree off to support the linked post

Hopefully it will get them a few more upvotes and will encourage them to write more.

Generally I think perhaps not. I am unsure though really.

Read this:

"Secrets and lies": the Trump-Russia scandal lands the cover of People magazine - Vox

someone told me this (Steemit, Blockchain, ...) is not about content and knowledge, but a social experiment. And I should not treat it as a Blog. So why reading anything? Don´t get me wrong, i am with you, but it seems the other guy was right about it.

Yes it does seem to be the go to approach. It just reduces the site to a who can get there first game. Although saying that everyone who has commented on this post does seem to have read it 😂

it´s the headline. I´m having a hard time finding something which i am really interested in. Than there is even more, where I just don´t get the content, even if it looks pretty well done. And, there is just an overload of information, as well. I find myself zapping through the thing, without really getting to a content. And of course the very personal frustration about my own stuff, which means a lot to me, but mostly nothing at all to other, haha.

I think the sad thing is that most of the time people just don't seen the posts, it's not that they are not interested in your work. As soon as you post, 1 minute later you are half way down the page. I'll make sure to check out your page now.

Well, thanks. It was not my intention to move you to my posts. I enjoy good conversation, as well. To fix my money issue, i guess, I need a different solution. Steemit won´t fix it. My guess.

The curation rewards already prevent first clickers getting rewards. Its not so simple and the algorithms arnt known exactly.. and keep changing

Very true. Isn't it after 15 minutes you start to earn on curation for discovery ?

After 2or 3 minutes u start earning curation rewards but the amount u get peaks at 30minutes. 15 minutes is a general best time in many cases but it all depends on how many voted before u. If no one voted then 30 minutes is best. If many voted quickly then even 15 minutes is too late..

thanks for Resteeming this @blueperegrina !

Hahaha good stuff try dipping them oreos in some milk it makes them super tastey .

Will give that a go thanks for the tip haha

Yes I agree but I don't see it stopping anytime soon. (I read the full article).

Thanks for the comment, I linked one of your articles in the above comments as I thought it was really good but not getting many views. Happy Steeming :)

Amen! I wrote an article where I actually really wanted some feedback and was trying to reach out to the scientific community on here regarding a subject I was trying to understand. I ended up getting LOTS of comments and even made the most money I think I have for any post I have done so far..... BUT almost NOONE even bothered to try and answer! I think I had ONE person who gave me a useful link to check out but that was it! Incidently, I just 'upvoted' a post at the 15 minute mark because no one else had at that point and I hear the curation rewards are better after that point.... but just writing the words now make me feel weird! I like the money making aspect of this place but don't really like what it does to people. I know I can write nice articles and they can be found with google and enjoyed by people OFF OF STEEMIT but for the most part, people seem to be writing for the almost exclusively attention span deficient click monkeys that seem to be everywhere. Sometimes I feel like the bots are easier to talk to. But weird encounters aside, I still really like this place, I just think lots of people need to really think about what they are doing, could be doing and why! Really liked your article @somecoolname , got here through a resteem!

the "what it does to people" - thing. Yes, I had the talk with @eco-alex, before i`ve even opened my account here. There we are back at the Value issue. The more Steempower, the more valuable you are for the Community. Content is second. So everybody is responsible for himself, how far you want to drift away and follow the craving, or just be true to yourself, and follow higher values.

I think it would be cool if there was a distinction between the power you gain through earned Steem/steem power through curating, comments and actual good content and engagement VS I just go and buy my influence whether I am liked, write good content, have a decent reputation, or not. I just wish reputation was the the factor for influencing the power of upvotes and not steem power .

Well, you wont find a collectiv understanding for good content or decent reputation.

especially when robots and mean bigger fish can just squirt ink in your path :/ Plankton Unite!

and perhaps it could even be earned in different categories. Like, you continue to write uplifting and informative posts about spirituality, yoga or natural building and as more people like those posts, people know that those are your areas of expertise. If some whale comes in and comments on your plaster but knows more about crypto, that's fine, but his influence and reputation in this category make YOU the whale on the subject. Even the animal system is weird.. What if I am a bird? or a Dragon? or Siddha? Whales are good but they help the ecosystem the most by just existing peacefully and pooping a lot.

I´m a flying fish! haha And Whales might be really cool, but perhaps don´t see a flying fish. They go for a fish swarm, as everyone knows.
I am a whale as well, as i am peaceful and pooping a lot, too.
I am a Siddha, I can do magic!
And a Dragon. In the chinese astrology.

Hahaha Exactly!

Another example, I wrote this the other day, for fun... and I know that most people wouldn't spend a lazy day on the weekend exploring the whole idea on HERE, but someone off of the platform might just see it as an actual bit of research and content that comes together to make an IDEA, but no, it's just another article.... cool picture, next.

I just finished going through the post you linked to. Great read. Left a comment on the actual article. Followed you for more of the same.

very nice , i like.
i love to join steemit and to help earh other
#vote and follow you
do not forget to upvote and follow me @rezachaisar

It's pure capitalism, delusions helps growing...

I second your point. You are absolutely right. I am going to follow you and up vote your up coming posts. I request you to follow me and up vote my posts if it seem to you interesting. You can follow me @Jaikumar
Below are the links of my posts

At least, i have completely read your post :-P so up voted because it reveals truth.