The fact that its called "the white paper" makes it seem too technical to understand like some sort of complicated document written up by lawyers and the like.
Maybe if some one who truly understands it can make a "Cliff Notes" abbreviated type article and post it on and off steemit for guys like me who never bothered. Or make a short flash anime or Buzzfeed style video But i'm not complaining about the rewards and am happy with any penny. But i have very limited idea of how rewards and especially rep works. Just pieces here and there from posts and comments.
And call it something else like "steemit happy time guide for rainbows".
There are lots of reason people leave. How pick the biggest reason and solve that first?
And Happy Birthday
I get what you mean, but it is actually a white paper and my hope is people will drop their fear of technical things as those things will dominate our future and should be understood by as many people as possible. I guess I'm hoping for a future with more people becoming wizards instead of muggles.
There is already a detailed faq for that and I made my own brief version which some people prefer because it is much quicker to read. I think the problem is that people don't see or can't easily search for them.
They should be directly linked on the main Steemit pages next to "Home, Active, Trending" etc so people can't miss them.
I might start including these in my signature. Great resources for new users.