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RE: When Two Communities Collide

in #steemit5 years ago

Chasing quality content producers away with irresponsible downvotes is one of the most technologically advanced methods of shooting yourself in the foot in this brave new world.

Many times those I flag for buying votes are under the illusion their content is 'good content'. The dearth of comments often reveals a different story. I get accused of 'perpetuating the death of STEEM' and occasionally gain a barrage of flags to ALL my content in return.

...'did they read all my stuff and think it's shit?'...

If the Tron dudes do get here, it's going to be a sharp curve for them. Onboarding people is hard work, I did one recently...


I'm hoping I don't see an influx of spammers and shit posters attempting to chase the money. They put so much effort into failing and I just don't get it. Of course they'll need some guidance. The sit back, enjoy the show, get paid approach is the easiest and that's why I suggest it. Look at those who always curate, comment, but never post. Everyone knows them. Eventually, if that individual does decide to post, that post and future posts have a higher chance of success. Jump in blind with junk and you're finished before you even started.

Those vote buyers with their illusion of "good content" ruined this place for far too long. They'd bullshit about caring about the place... so they took the money and ran the moment they could no longer manipulate content discovery and the reward pool. I hope that never happens again.

I'm hoping I don't see an influx of spammers and shit posters attempting to chase the money.

The ones who still chase it are either old spammers/shit posters with new accounts or newbies who were onboarded by the said old spammers.

They usually prey on the poor and naive. Although, they are manageable.

The lame ones now are those with power who prefer to vote on anything and everything blindly. Coincidentally, they tend to vote into those scamming rings often. Makes you wonder really.

In the post I wrote:

Chasing quality content producers away with irresponsible downvotes is one of the most technologically advanced methods of shooting yourself in the foot in this brave new world.

I could change the word downvotes to upvotes. Irresponsible upvotes are just as bad. Look how much damage the paid vote fiasco caused. Thousands upon thousands of people were driven away so a handful of people could be fake trenders multiple times per day. I always said those paid votes were the exact same as downvotes.

Good to see you back again, I know you 'always come back', you told us lots of times!

Telling you folks lots of times was important. I didn't want anyone to be alarmed. Leaving this place is difficult to do but I have a system down that works really well for me. It's important to me to be able to take rests and not have people worry about me at the same time. I always come back. Saying that so much forces me to come back as well. I like to prove myself and my word.