This is gonna be a test... with 1000 followers and all 1000 of you tagged how many of you are active enough to sacrifice 1 upvote for this post!
1000 is a hell of a benchmark and my first thought was to tag all 1000 users from my phone. It wasnt that easy lol 1000 names is alot. I copied and pasted all of them it took me about 4 hours lol
I really hope all 4 hours are worth thank you all for your follow upvote and support
@a-angel @aaabbb @aadyashakti @aarkay @aaronc88 @aaronmda @abcdoctor @abid2017 @abouteverything @abrami @abudar @acat222 @access-denied @ace3do @acruz714 @acwood @adamhole @adamt @adamtilsley @adeelsiddigui @adrianobalan @afrog @ag-koinz @agbaregha @ah85 @aileyen @aille @aismor @ajain @ajaykumar4 @ajmalsoby @akiran @akrid @alchemy20 @alecsadler @alej @alethinos @alex-icey @alfredegrate @ali7119889 @allpass @allprowi @almvide @aloha-mylife @alphacore @alphaflapha @always1success @amakusax @amberyooper @amymanoll @anadeleonartista @ancapwarren @anchorman @andrejj97 @andrewdaines @andytherbg @anethetize @angel76 @angrezi @anikanam @anini @annakay @antidorsessions @anthonywlefare @apocalypso @applees @aqeelmalik @arbab @arbutus @archangelaudio @arismikelatos @arizonawise @arkan @arkarphyo @armen @armitaj @artguru @artofwisdom @artwatch @artz @asaduzzaman1975 @atillakaan @attacking @aurora-o @ausbitbank @automaton @avit @avilsd @avvah
@ayako @azracer2000
@baddiiesfr @badpicks @badquakerdotcom @bajatzu @barbaradesv @barber-dan @barcisz @bartjan @bassemm @bazihassan @bbrewer @bdl1165 @bensoft @beatminister @bebakobra @becca.porter @beeridiculous @beh0211 @belidged @belle.julz @beng05 @benjamin.still @benjojo @berke @berlinmoonlight @beyazpanda91 @bi5h0p @bianca12 @biggi @bigmidas @bila777 @bistart @bitcoinandcoffee @bitcoinforblonds @bitcoinzak @bl4ck0pz @blackrussian @blackwidow7 @blakey @blissandbusiness @blubuilt @bobbygee @bobnboguslavski @bobross @bobskibob @bonsaitrrehouse @boodies17 @borishaifa @brackf2 @brainiac @brdapwll @breezy @brendanmcpherson @brandanwenzel @brianadams @brianm4 @broncnutz @brothermic @buckland @budywon @buguela89 @bullionair @bumnumbum @burguniilane @bvlessed1
@cabbagepatch @cakir @callmechris @cantribute @carlobelgado @carlos14 @carloselectric3d @carloserp2000 @carlowenj @carlperna @carverdelic @cashseekersunite @cassidyandfranks @cdwyatt @cerebralace @changamanga @chapcl @charlesdavid @charlieduardo @charlz @chasmic-cosm @chefricardo @chevs710 @chi123 @chillest @chirale @choogirl @chrissymchavez @chrystaldawn @chubbyhuy @chuksfu @ckr @clayboyn @cleemit @clevercreator @cloudnine @clydestride @cmtrading @cntcnt @coincentrado @coincravings @coinmaker @colorsuper @colinb @conwayhambone @corono @cortezgold @cowboyinvestor @crawfish37 @crooklyncat @crowe @crows @crypto-curt @crypto-expert @crypto-p @crypto.don @crypto-24hr @cryptoadvocator @cryptobyte @cryptocoinbatu @cryptoconexus @cryptocrusader @cryptofrygirl @cryptogaming @cryptohustler @cryptomonitor @cryptonick @cryptopie @cryptopizza @cryptoriddler @cryptoro @cryptotaddtherad @crystalandbones @ctrl-alt-now @currency365 @currencywar @cworldv99 @cyberbreath @cybrogs
@dabeckster @dadapizza @damirkatusic @dand @danepatterson @danieldiss @darionxp @darrennewell @dasczecher @dbzfan4awhile @dc8russell @deathwaves @deepti @delhifoodhunters @demandpeace @derekatchley @deza @dhwoodland @diamondvision @dickturpin @digestingreality @digitaldollar @digitalist @dik @dimidrolshina @dingbat @donof @dirtdiver @dividends @dmethodman @dodude @donmed @donut @dorudi @dot321 @dp3ns7 @dr-boo @draculafangs @drago18121996 @dragnshadowlv @dreamiely @dreamrafa @drewley @duckmast3r
@earworm @ebommi @ecentrally @eddyokay @edekadam @edgarsart @edin25 @edtorrez @edward643 @egos @eight-rad @ekaputri @ekeoeke @elchacal @elevator09 @elfictron @elizabethmurray @emaa @emilyharper @engraqin @envy112 @eparrot @ergonaute @erikmagner @errymil @esy999 @evan.fleischer @evesick @exploretraveler @ezgibaki
@fairbee @fairytale @fathin-shihab @fatpandadesign @fcbnews @fem-of-war @fernandam @fitexercise @flaforester1977 @flatearth @flemingspace @floridanow @florio @flyingcam @flypanda @folklohr @followbtcnews @followseveryone @food-trail @foodrecipes @forestdweller @francesleader @francoiskublun @freebornangel @freemarkets @freethink @frida-home @fritz-n-friends @frnk @funcore @fungus @fxenakis
@g-ladys @g-no @gabrielmrpr @gamevortex @gamgam @ganjafarmer @gavvett @gb4liberty @gefa @generikat @georgejohnson @gerdadutoit @geschichten @get-baking @gibberish @gizmoto @gleeson. Thomasr @glennmcgarry @globaldoodlegems @gmuxx @goldenage @goldfever-iceage @goldgoatsnguns @goplayonline @gowldie @graveric60 @graviolapremium @gre3n @greensitez @gregbit @gregorian3 @gribtertong @grildrig @grinboy
@halcyonnorth @hammadakhtar @hamzaoui @hanter @hanyean @happyfocus @harleymechanix @harmonyhomestead @harrietlucie @harttwohartllc @hcommunication @healthiswealth @healthpac @hebro @hereforawhile @heriadi @herohunt @herozero @herzaseptian @hess @hg343 @hg6106 @hiimamazing @hilarski @hisilverstacker @holoe @homesteader @hopehuggs @horrodwell @hothelp1by1 @hovito @how2steemit @htf32 @htr34 @humanity @hunderus @hunternnm
@icanrant @ikev @ikilledcobain @illimattic @imagediet @infinitetech @ingenious @ingiltere @insic @instructor2121 @investlimestone @iobates @ionandrei @ioseta @iotas @irainman @ironman55 @ironshield @irphotography @is-educator @ishaq @islandliving @itissimple @itsmee.bosslady @ivotptgc @izatu
@jabra @jack8831 @jackelinlopez @jackmiller @jackthar1ppir @jailbot @jakeag @jakovoda @jameswhite @jamie-smith @jamiz @jan-mccomas @japanesebaby @jarmstrong @jarray @jasmadiyunus @jaxxx @jcsteem @jdawg @jdhpro @jeanelleybee @jeepguy5 @jeff-kubitz @jejujinfarm @jezequiel @jibber-jabber @jibberish @jimscope @jimy74 @jinnn @joanaltres @jocelin-falcon @joe28 @joelbow @joha09sohi @johnfdavisjr @jogngentry @johnhebeincaunce @jonakrasniqi @jorlenbolivar @joseph.aiello @josequintana @jovankapearl @jp17 @jr-me @judym @juiced @jujubee89 @julee @julietavives @justhope
@kabindra @kanghamin @ksrengentry @karimchi @karmashine @katythompson @kb654 @kda90305 @kdsh234 @keevesaidore @kellyc @kellycroot @kfactor7 @khairulmuammar @kids3dogs3 @kingfish111 @kingscoin @kingtate @kir-b @kixkira @koku @kongzilla @kriptoblog @kristjannacaj @kwaks @kyoubrian
@l337m45732 @ladyjas @larutanton @laurapandaw @lautenglye @lauxbastidas @lcshaft @leesol @leokane @lethn1 @libertarianec @littlemaster @lk666 @loanshark40 @lola-carola @longshot @loralai @louiscpt @lovedenkillenja @lud @luishurtado39 @luke490 @lukigrl @lumlum84 @lupo @luvabi @lvl @lykencrypto @lynx
@mahaji @mahi @maki @makrotheblack @maksshkiria @malem @mam @manchupichu @maneco64 @mangomonk @manicpingu @maninayton @manishmike10 @manuel78 @manycoolthings @marco-delsalto @mardah.resonance @marifa @mariosr @marketreport @markfraser @markwhittam @marsresident @martin-stuessy @martin.the.chef @marvindean @marycinta @maryjanereport @marymg2014 @mastergreen @mastermoney @masterpiece @mastersofthecoin @masyl @mathfortress @mathworksheets @matthewhowley @mattie.b-leaver @maxd337 @maxer27 @mckenzie259 @mcsteemie @meanmommy33 @melowd @mericanhomestead @michael14876 @mickeymickey @miftahuddin @mightymicke @mikenevitt @misterbitcoin @mk40 @mo10 @moksamol @monajam @moneybunny @moneyuncensored @monikanicole @monkimo @moonpunk @morganannwood @mossinator @motowgold @mountrock @mozom @mrfrog @mrwalt @munawar1 @murkie @musahixson @mustarzil @mwh930 @mycryptomark @mydarlings2 @mykos
@nairda @nakita @nape @nasau @natevegas @nathanhollis @nativo @nativo @natxlaw @nazimuddin @necrophagist @neilbig @neoxian @netuoso @netzwerk @newprepper @newsjunkie @nezaigor @nickygee @nigelmarkdias @niklasbrink @nin0000 @nnu @nollza @nostal @notdaone @nowherehomestead @nsraphryu1 @numpypython @nutshell
@oadamster @offgridlife @ogretmen @ogrstealtos @okoth @oksanasemenova @olteanu @omamashaheew123 @omrusman @onetree @onire @oobatto @orenshani7 @orlovacanin @otitrader @opuranbilboa
@p5ych0path @paceta @pakistani @para @patari @patrickmbaya @matrickmohr @paul.atreides @peacevoter @peak-au @pencilandink @penny-lane @perceptualflaws @perspectives @pf-coin @phillip.willemse @philippinetrail @philosophy-trail @physicfactor @phytonian @pilgrimtraveler @pistox @platendraaiers @plotn @poorav @ppugaa @pqlenator @prabhatchugh @pravesh486 @probizranker @projectandina @protestandrebel
@qst @quee @quintomudigo @quoteoftheday @quwa
@r2cornell @racrypospace @radagst @raddog @ramini68 @randomsteeming @rastalikelove @rayanboland @raybrockman @rbennett @receclja2503 @rdickey @rebatesteem @reduen @reedracer @reenamathew @renate @resistthesheep @retailtrader @rexfordshorferah @richard78624 @richievengeance @riderfan @rimungbuloeh @riosparada @riostarr @risingabove @rival @rlowrie @roba @robbi8888 @robmc @rodneyaspiras @rocketboom @rodneyfury @rogeer @roop @roosegr @rosesopenweekend @roshania @rt395 @rudyrun @rumdancer @russian-insider @rusticman1 @rustysmetals @ryansteemit @rythaman
@sagacity @salmanbahadur @sam99 @samuelgilgarcia @sanchez @sanjeevshah @sarcastic-me @sasiow @satria @scarecrow871808 @schamangerbert @sebhofmann @sektor @senderos @senor @sentient @seongbuk @sergey44 @seth21smith @sflaherty @sgtechservices @shadd @shalin @shamimreza @shangdang @shantariq @sharkface @shibah @shushan @siberianshamen @siddartha @sigraves @silverbug @silverdragon @simpatoloop @sinned @sir3nal @skiveuss @skydive @skyefox @smassh @sneakgeekz @snodung @snubbermike @soi-green @solan @sonny808 @sophistryproof @sorinagt @sosolala @soyjosue @spainman @sparg @speckofdust @soiner @sportsncoffee @squandarlo @srtiyea @starflyer-9000 @starsteem @steambun @steem.engine @steemigonzales @steemit1234 @steemitdiaries @steemitpatina @steemlinks @steemography @steemornot @steemswede @stelio-thanatos @steveharpo @stevenw4455 @stolk @stranniksenya @stwait @subarbancaveman @sumdumphok @sumerianprince @sunflowers @sunshinetraveler @sunsurfsoul @surfyogi @survive-it @susiesms @suziescorner @suzique @sxdj @sylviamiller @symbiotic @syrne
@t-h-x @tamaralovelace @tammyp @tantry @tariqmalik @tastetwist @tbave @tbg1972 @teamhumble @teamphilipines @tecav @teddy7 @tekwox @tellmevaldo @teotwawkiman @terrorpheut @tfeldman @thankyoujay @thashil @thatsnumberwang @the-eliot @the-housewife @the-sassy-owl @the21millionclub @the50 @thecoolplayer @thedailyroto @thedeplorable1 @thefactfactory @thegreatcurrency @theinformed1 @theleonfeed @thelifeofbrian @thelit @themvlog @thenightflier @theonelaw @theprairiedog @thereikiforest @theswede @thetopiciscool @thetree @thewineman @thinkagain @thinknlearn @thomasaquinasftw @thomasp @thoughtpower @timaria @tigerhite1 @tinoe @tinoei @tjpezlo @tlc76 @toblerusse @tomkirkham @tommycordero @tonyespinosa @topnetworkeral @torkot @trans-juanmi @travelfreaks @tremendouspercy @tropper @truenews @tryto @tu-mon-amie #tunmyatwin @turk @twirble @tzimis
@ugustine1119 @ultraseven @uniiq @unusualconcept
@vaibhavshah @val1d1ty @vargapauline @vbnm21 @vegansilverstack @vichetuc @vicksboleyn @victoriaethos @victorvazco @vietnam-paradise @viralsteemit @vivacrownking @vrv @vsoutdoorsnaps @vutran7
@wakaflockasy @wakeupsheeps @warrenvee @wattacut @wayneven @waytohell @wealthguide @websolutions @weedporn @weq @whaleysteem @whistlejacket @whitey420 @wiedy @wildtrader @willitch @willspace @wilx @wisdomvision @wnkin @wolf77 @wongdirection @woodenart @worldwidetravel @wymark @wyomingdarts
@yacov @yaess @yangyang @yarnia2014 @yeaho @yellowkersie @ylgv @yoopstar @youngc9 @younggamerj @yournextstepdad @yourservicezone @yul @yummymummy @yuslindwi
@zainalabidin @zakk @zakura @Zaragast @zentat @zero9 @zexna @zoef @zomizom @zonaa @zubett @zusteemit @zuvelt521 @zzaki8950 @steemerix @acehnews @ralph-rennoldson
that is awesome !!!! lol . 4hours.. impressive :) .. muhahaha

Man i thought a had carpel tunnel but it was the least i can do 1000 is an impressive number especially when just 1000 names takes up 7 full pages lol i spent about 5 secinds on every single one of my followers today and i hope they appreciate it as much as i appreciate them :) and thank you man for your time as well!
Im 1001, and upvoted and resteemed, turn up!

I am 1002
Im glad to have you man i try to be active as i can and im hoping all 1002 will just give me a few seconds. I have a pretty big group to spread the love around to :)
My biggest advice is just talk talk talk. Mingle make friends discuss dont be a guy who just goes through following 4k plus people hoping for a few back i did that with half of my 1000 and that half hasnt even seen a single post of mine much less talked with me. The other half i worked my ass off for and networked started the minnow support tank facebook group and joined up with minnow support and in the process man followers will come
Help me get to 1000 @secter
Well done! I'm going to have to check this later
Thank you very much :)
Upvoted and resteemed... that video is hilarious @correctdrop
That's some serious dedication. Respect.
Man i thought i was gonna go insane. I copied all the names from my phone to a word document pge by page had 7 pages of straight usernames singled tabbed and then copied and pasted all 7 pages in to an email opened the email on my phone copied and pasted into this post. Lol im really hoping i get a good percent of that 1000 to appreciate that and upvite it. In 1 week ive literally only had 75 cents in payouts i could use a big one ha
How would I know you @'d me? First I saw of this was the above post .15% is all we got.
Something has been acting weird with steemits notifications. Anyone who has the esteem app probably got a notification that they were tagged. This is one point steemit is really gonna have to work on because your probably right most of these people didnt even know they were tagged
I got 2 more to add to the list @sector whos looking for some good curstors to give him a follow and my man @rayrodz for some rock solid advice with some education tools for trading ;) looking forward to see their feeds and seeing them interact on mine! Go give these guys a follow as well!
This is totally were i meant to add this lol sorry @boodles17
thanks bro
click here!This post received a 1.6% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @skinnythames! For more information,
4 hours work for just about $3, =) You've been F.U.R.R.'d
Unfortunately 2.78 of that was from @randowhale service :/ i was really hoping everyone would have been all over this thread. I spent about 5 seconds simply typing each of their users names. One. By. One.
Ive always broken at least even with rando, if not doubled up. All you can do is run it up the flag pole and see who salutes, you garnered at least one new active follower in myself. I rando my posts 13 hours before payout so my sbd or steem isn't "put to sleep" for 7 days as it would if i rando'd a fresh post.
Nah man you wanna hit that right after you post. When you make a post anything that happens in the first 30 minutes 95 percent goes to the author. Means all upvotes all comments reblogs any value generated goes to you so if you get a good randowhale upvote you want all of it. If you rando whale an old post with lets say 50 different curators your splitting all of that randowhale vote amongst allof your curators too
I don't have any curators. =) I'm more than happy to spread the wealth around to my active upvoters and followers, but I see where you are coming from.
Curators is a nasty word someone else who enjoys your posts. Get you a following that also loves what you do and youll find your curators.
I am the 10th upvote, good luck my friend and great job.
Got that 1 percent! Thank you very much!
Interesting concept. Upvoted.
I got 2 more to add to the list @sector whos looking for some good curstors to give him a follow and my man @rayrodz for some rock solid advice with some education tools for trading ;) looking forward to see their feeds and seeing them interact on mine! Go give these guys a follow as well!
Only 15 upvotes :(