A Reply To - Cartoon TV Statement ~ethics of the internet and art - By @cartoontv

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I am getting sick of what is happening recently. @cartoontv is a new account that is less then a week old and all it does is upload other peoples work onto dtube and the blockchain. 30 bucks a post to upload rick and morty or some other cartoons that they should not be making money off of. They have put out a post on why they think they should be able to continue doing what they do but ima rip it to shreads point by point.


Im not saying to go flag the person but I think the people upvoting this type of shit need a good talking to but ima guess they are prolly the owners of it as a new person to steemit does not post like this person does till after here a bit.

I already sent this person a comment and first thing I am calling out is the claim they are making about not doing it for money.

So first things first. This person has the ability to prove me wrong and that they are telling the truth and not a lyer by sending me all the sbd and steempower/steem that they ever make otherwise they are proving they are only in it for the money. All the other claims they made that im about to destroy will be pointless cause if they will lie about one thing they will lie about another.

So with that said, if they don't decline payout on every post from this point forward and don't send me all their sbd and steempower/steem please continue on as every reason they give that is suposta be ethical reasoning on why they should be able to make money off other peoples work I am going to destroy.

Normally I would go line for line to be sure nothing is taken out of context but im just going to hit on all of his points. if you would like to check out his post to see that im not strawmaning anything or taking anything out of context I think it would be an awesome move as you should not take any ones word for anything not even mine, make up your own mind.

With all that said here we go!

The primary idea of @cartoontv is to have these classic cartoons accessible by everyone and have them stored permanently on the blockchain,

What happens when someone sues to have their legal property taken off the blockchain because it was uploaded without permission and someone made money off of it that had nothing to do with any part of the production? There are many sites that are dedicated to archiving stuff that you cant make money off of. Why not go upload on them? Stop with the lies, you are only in it for money.

The reason I joined steemit and dtube was freedom to share art

Oh, you joined to post other peoples work to try to make money off of right? if the actual creators of what you are posting wanted their stuff on steemit they would post it. If you want to make your own stuff that's one thing but to try to make money off of work others have already done is pathetic at best.

Uploading to steemit allows a permanence, these will always be on the block chain now

And when adult swim sues to have their property removed what happens? you don't care though because you
will already have cashed out the money before the whole steemit chain gets taken down for copyright infrigment?

I am uploading cartoons that people around the world would otherwise not have the chance to see, for example here where I live we have many blocks and regulations for what content we are allowed to view over the internet.

Bullshit on so many levels. there are many sites streaming and archiving anything and everything you could want to post. Are you really trying to convience us all that everyone around the world cant just go to hdonline.to or one of the hundred other free streaming sites that legally cary the cartoons you are posting? You are trying to act like people don't have access to all the sites you are ripping these cartoons from.

my intentions are not to profit or "steal" from content

Then send me all sbd and steem/steempower this account ever makes and from this point forward make all your uploads declining payout. you did not make the content so you are stealing from the creators and it is not original content so you are stealing from all the other content creators on steemit by draining the reward pool with your stolen "art/cartoons".

Rick and Morty is released for free by the creators

Bullshit, you have to pay for cable to see it because they get paid by the cable companies and the people playing adds. you can not walk into a dvd store and ask for the rick and morty box set for free. they are making the catoon for money. they are not giving it out free. you are so full of shit it is sad.

Some of the Bugs Bunny I have is from 1940, where else are people going to get the chance to see these pieces of history and how its developed into a culture.

Anywhere online? Stop trying to act like you are the only one online with access to all of this stuff. any cartoon you post on steemit I can provide a link to watch it legally with actual permission from the creators. You are only trying to steal money.

Sharing art in this manner ensures that itll be preserved and always exist

It is already preserved on may sites like the ones you are ripping the videos from, you are trying to profit from it as you later admit and try to justifiy.

it takes me time and effort to convert upload and ensure these videos are put on properly

What? I can download anything you post in less then 5 min and have uploaded on dtube within less then an hour. ohhh that's sooo hard, uploading other peoples art to make money off of. do you realize how hard it is to animate a min long cartoon let alone something that's 30 min long? your complaining about having to rip it from a site and upload it? The videos you are uploading were already put out properly by the actual owners. you do not own them so no matter how u post them they are not properly "put on".

the revenue I gain, (which is unregulated crypotcurrency) stays put in the account. and really $30 steem isnt alot of monetary value

Fuck you yo! Some people on this site put in mad hours working on original content only to
make 10 bucks a month if they are lucky and you are going to try to say 30 bucks for a 2min rip and upload isn't a big deal? fuck you! just because you don't consider 30 bucks to be a lot does not give you reason to steal. smfh

some of the users flagging my posts are posting nude photos of themselves daily and make upwards of $100 in steem.

Key work in that is "themselves". they are making actual content not stealing other peoples work and profiting from it like you are doing. the fact that its porn does not matter and its pathetic how you try to use something like porn as a counter because you know some people don't like porn. It is original content not stolen like your 30 bucks. They are using steemit correctly you are only trying to steal from steemit and the content creators and the creators of the stuff you are uploading.

we are creating decentralized services to get away from bureaucracy and policing of content.

So you think we are "creating decentralized services" to remove the ownership of content someone creates? Do you really think that means taking other peoples hard work and stealing it to profit from? I fucking swear I hope your playing retarded because this is some new level bullshit here.

Any effort to regulate content based on a view that my account should be persecuted because it is gaining attention completely negates the whole philosophy behind the decentrailzed platform we
are choosing to use,

Wow no, just cause u say something doesn't make it real. the point of a decentralized platform is not to give people the right to steal others work for profit. the fact that its decentralized say that the masses do have the ability to do something about the theft as their is no centralized power structure to stop the masses from doing stuff on their own. You really think you are getting "persecuted" because your getting attention? Your getting attention because you are openly stealing and trying to justifiy it with retarded nonsence. You fail at trying to sound smart with that string of words because all it does is point out how separated from reality you are. decentrlized does not mean loss of all morals and ethitcs.

it takes power time and energy to be on steem, and I want to use it to archive my favourite cartoons

boo fucking hoo, it takes me 2 min to rip and upload a video to make 30 bucks off of. fucking cry me a river. as I stated earlier in my post calling out your bullshit their are hundreds of sites set up to archive stuff. go use them, they don't pay money but you aren't stealing for profit. also decline all pay out if you are really only doing it to archive stuff. and last on this comment you made. all the stuff you upload on dtube is already archived somewhere else as that is how you got it. you ripped it from a site or from a dvd. you are not the only person with access to cartoons online and everyone else isn't limited to only watching stuff on dtube, Stop with the bullshit, its not a good look.

i'm sorry to see steemit becoming centralized and policed this isnt google, this isnt youtube for a reason,.

LMFAO! so because someone disagrees with you making money of other peoples work that means the site is centralized? now im not gona argue on the decentralized vs centralized because it really has nothing to do with what you are talking about. you are just trying to claim that of you don't get to break all the rules then its centralized and that's a retarded jump to make. At least make reasons to call it centralized don't try to play like its centralized just cause you called it that. especially when we all can see your only calling it that if you don't get your way. The way you use the terms decentralized and centralized makes me think you don't even know what you are talking about. should be the power structure on the platform but you are using it a like a negative ajective to use when you disagree with something.

so far I have prefaced every upload with a similar statement,I do not claim to own this content simply uploading to preserve and share the art of classic cartoons

Do you really think that when steemit and dtube are getting sued that they are going to care that you said you didn't own the property you were uploading to make money off of? Just because you say you don't own it is not the same as someone giving you permission to upload something and make money off f it when it is not your property. In fact you making it clear that you don't own the property you are uploading is only proof that you know what you are doing is wrong.

... at which point in time did beethovens music go from being a his own to public domain

In general, works published after 1977 will not fall into the public domain until 70 years after the death of author, or, for corporate works, anonymous works, or works for hire, 95 years from the date of publication or 120 years from the date of creation, whichever expires first.

Besides all that how are you trying to talk about when things become public domain when your uploading rick and morty? Fucking swear

there is so much spam and junk out there anyways

yes like your posts of other peoples work.

i'll slow it down for now but theres alot to think about on both sides of this debate.

Im open to debat and would love it cause you don't have a foot to stand on with this one. You are openly taking other peoples property and making money off of it for doing nothing but ripping it and re uploading It. Also you are risking the whole blockchain getting shut down so you can make what you claim is not a bigdeal money wise. Bring it, I am open to debate any time, just leave me a link to whatever just like i will be doing with this post and I will respond and kill every new retarded point you try to come up with.

Steemit was never about making money to me

then decline payout and send me everything you ever make on this platform or admit your doing it for the money.

it's about ease of sharing and storing content, art, and culture.

then go use a site made for that not a site made for content creators to make some money for putting in work on the block chain. If you don't know of any ask I will provide you with a couple servers that are made just to archive stuff. anyone can watch and download everything you put there. you wont make money though cause the second you do you are no longer archiving, just trying to make profit off others work.

Even these conversations are important to the unfolding of how our species progresses

Conversations about why you need to stop stealing for profit are important to the progress of our species? I hope your joking. this conversation has been had a hundred times and over and over your side is in the wrong. It has been had so many times that goverments (large groups of people) have had to put lawns in place because retards like you try to constantly warp ethics to make some money off others work.

if people are enjoying the cartoons and noones getting harmed so be it pick your fights

People are getting harmed. the people that originally made that content that are losing money because people are watching a stolen upload you made instead of where they wanted it published so they make revenue off of it. the other group getting hurt are the real content creators on this platform because now you have taken 30 bucks a post from the reward pool that they get to draw from for actual created content. And last but not least is the people that get hurt when a legal order shows up remove content from the block chain that was put in it without the permission of the owners. Then everyone gets fucked over.

Pick my fights? I did. I will destroy any distorted reason your little brain makes up to try to justifiy this bullshit.

start going after the people who spam post junk.

That is all your posts are, spam junk. You steal cartoons other people own and upload them with a spam copy pasta paragraph admitting you don't own any of the work your trying to profit from and add a thumbnail pict that again is stolen from the original creator. that's all you do, spam junk. also how are you getting away with posting picts you dont own without sources?

I am going to leave the link to this post in the most recent post from this fuckhole and I hope they try to make a reply after I killed every point they made. I doubt it though as the way they type and talk reminds me a lot of someone and im starting to think the person upvoting them might also be the owner of the account. It is obviously not someone new to steemit as dtube is so new most steemit users don't know about it. so to say I just left facebook and stuff and am new to steemit when they are uploading and posting like someone that knows the site and that you should make an introduction post and all that shit is obviously full of shit.

Im done for now. If you agree with this post please tell the @cartoontv and resteem this. an upvote is nice and all but a resteem gets the idea circulating in the steemosphere.

Cheers steemit Hope we can fix this bulshit!


Bravo! I've been railing against CartoonTV and ChainFlix for days and they just keep coming and uploading other people's work to make money off of it. They're justifications are so transparent. It's about "love" and "posterity" or it's just a "better service"... bla, blah, fucking blah!

They're making Steem into nothing more than another Pirate Bay... and if I recall those guys went to prison for a time.

Governments are SO sensitive to Intellectual Property that this will not help Steem in the long run. We have to prove that we have something to offer other than piracy.

ReSteemed and followed!

thank you and I agree, this is not going to do anything good for the platform.
Thanks for the resteem and upvote.
I wouldntbe surprised if @chainflix is the same guy as I have found 3 of this persons accounts.
@cartoontv , @brado and @ajdeswart

haha read your story, even tho it was blocked as spam,,,,. i have made no money off this, and what gives you the right to it any more then me>. I'm going to quit uploading anyway, but can't you see that people DO want these cartoons on steemit, regardless of what old white man owns the copyrights to it. The people that have made these have already made their money, and the money in steem i get is basically advertsising fees to turn them into life long rick and morty fans, but the money doesnt come from them, its all wins in my opinion. like You even said this shit is everywhere regarldess , lets make a hub on steem to access it,- I cant go on every app on my phone, BUT i can go on @esteem
so when i am travelling i go on my @esteem and watch @cartoonTV, why are so many people against this based off of ownership laws in countries we dont live in! what is really at stake for you here @skeptic chill bb


regardless of what old white man owns the copyrights to it

So now its about color of ones skin? you really think only white people made old cartoons?

Its obvious your making a lot of accounts and doing nothing but trying to upload other peoples work. you are even trying to pretend your a surfer on the third account I found of yours.

@ajdeswart and @brado

Go kill yourself you racist scammer piece of shit.


have fun actin a fool

lol i dont think this @cartoontv is even posting anymore. who are you @skeptic how do we know this isnt you making all this money and blaming it on someone like me, i have a measley 550 followers and post random shit about philosophy and music, please go away you're being muted and probably flagged.