Introducing Steemit.Promo: A Project To Feature Other Authors On My Steemit Blog!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I have decided to start helping others to get noticed on Steemit again.

In my Minnow Author Project, I have previously already featured other Steemians on my blog - now, I want to revive the project with a different structure.

When most people first hear about Steemit, they get very excited. But if the first few posts don't get a lot of recognition, many will get demotivated quite easily.

That's why I have decided to launch Steemit Promo: I want to give others the chance to get featured on my blog!

That way, they will have a stage to present their work to a different audience on steemit, and potentially gain some new followers for their own blog.

And for anyone who hasn't got a Steemit Account yet:

Of course you can still participate! Steemit is sometimes quite intimidating for people because they don't know anything about cryptocurrency. But that's no problem, I will help you! This is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to share their work on social media and get rewarded for it.



How does it work ?


The participants contact me, either through the website or by messaging me on .


I will then use the random generator from to choose 4 participants out of the pool of applicants.


Next, there will be a Facebook Poll in my Steemit Facebook group. The user who receives the most votes within the given timeframe (3 days) is the winner!


The winner's post will then be featured on my Steemit Blog.


After the rewards are paid out, I will transfer the Steem Dollar rewards of the post to the Author.

How is the revenue shared?

If the author provides the whole post in Markdown format, including pictures and editing, he receives 100% of the SBD (Steem Dollar) Rewards from the post.
In case he only sends the raw text I will edit it personally. Then, he receives 70% of the SBD Rewards while I keep 30% as a cut for editing.
Rewards will be sent after the post has been paid out, which is a total of 7 days after it was first posted.

What should the posts be about and how long should they be?

The posts could be from anyone, about anything - stories, art, photography, news, or anything else.
But of course the authors should use this opportunity to show others an insight of their own blog, and potentially earn new followers.
There are no strict rules for the length of the post. Anything between 500 and 1000 words is recommended, but posts can also feature more words or a big number of pictures.

For more answers, please check our Steemit.Promo FAQ!

I'm looking forward to this project, and giving other users a platform to get featured on my Steemit Blog!

Please leave any feedback or suggestions in the comments below!

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© Sirwinchester


NICE ! Love the idea! You have such a big heart. Helping people here on Steemit is amazing. I will support wherever I can. Lets Go People !!!! LEGGO

Lots of them had been doing this in the past and it was a good head start for most user to get noticed. Suddenly, it just stop because there are whales who doesn't like.

No one has done a huge project with own homepage like this also for non steemians or did they? I know many others did kind hearted projects and featured them on their blogs, sirwinchester also did it in the past. But I love the idea to make it even bigger and bring new people from other social media here to steemit :)

Yeah, its appreciated how a steemian wanted to help other steemians

Yes sure. I also understand that some whales didnt like it, but its a huge help. Imagine a few years ago someone with thousands of followers would give you a shoutout on Instagram. I remember when Justin Bieber did a shoutout for 2-3 girls, now they have millions of followers and they never need to work again.

Yeah and thats what we need :)

Thank you, yes let's help more steemians and new users!
Registration is open now and the first round of facebook polls will begin in 3 days!

Alright, resteemed and I will tell more people about it ! Lets get them also from other social media´s !!!!

This sounds like the perfect opportunity for new users to get noticed. Resteemed!

Thank you - I appreciate the support 👍

Excellent idea! I love it!
I've been working hard, day and night to bring as many people's eyes to Steemit as possible. Through my independent media and through word of mouth. We're on the ground floor of the future of social media and I want to see Steemit grow and most of all, those who join Steemit grow.

Thank you for giving the minnows a platform. I'm still a minnow myself but I post all of my articles and video reports on Steemit among other crypto articles. This is the greatest innovation in the cryptoworld to date and it's still in its infancy. :)

Awesome to hear that you are so active in spreading the word about steemit, that's a great effort.

Yes I'd like to help new users or give people who aren't signed up yet an insight to steemit!

Great effort ever made by Steemit family member i appreciate your good idea and hope it will bring more steemit users and create chance to get rewards even by low reputation users too.

Yes I hope we'll be able to give as many people as possible a platform and give them a boost!

Good Idea! I might have to take you up on this. . .

Sure, the more new members we can support, the better!

I ll be there for biggest promo. Trust me i am one of the winner (kidding).

Awesome that you registered, let's see if you will be the winner in the end!


Awesome, thank you!

This is a good initiative bro. Appreciated.

Thank you, glad to hear that you like the idea.

Been waiting for this 8 months ago, if you can remember :)

Nice initiative for new members like me. Participated :)

Awesome! 👍 The registration in this round will end on thursday, so let's see which will be the first 4 participants!

sounds exciting Sir Funchester😊, i will give it a try.

That's great! Let's see if you'll be one of the 4 picks for the first round! (If not, you can always register again for the next round)

This is a great opportunity you've created! Keep it up!

Thank you, I'm glad you like the idea.
I'd like to motivate smaller Steemians, and also spread the word about steemit so that new members will sign up!

I hope for your success!

This step would certainly help other new steem members.

Yes - and also help others get into steemit who might not be members yet!


well done, @sirwinchester ! 💚

Thank you! 😁

You know, the concept of re-steeming was instituted to stop this sort of activity in the past. ;)

Yes, but resteeming is still different.
For me, resteeming feels more like forwarding something to my followers.
But when I actually post someone else's article, my followers will be more engaged to actually interact with the post. I've had a similar project like this in the past and it was very successful.

Also, should be a platform for anyone who isn't a steemit member yet as well. So resteeming wouldn't even be possible in this case.
I want to give authors or artists who didn't dare to sign up to steemit yet a platform as well.
This way, steemit will be introduced to more people, and will ultimately gain new members.

And the whole process of registry, randomization and then social media voting is also something that is not included in resteeming.

Perhaps then make a bigger effort to help these people get set up, and get the word out on their material rather then setting up a situation to profit off of the efforts of others. This aspect of the whole thing was what made me SMH about it the first time around.

I understand where you're coming from, and resteeming is definitely a helpful tool in this case.

But I already started my "minnow author project" bevor resteeming was even a thing. When I did this, I noticed how positive the feedback was, the new users were motivated and eager to join.

Everybody is constantly coming up with ideas to improve the community and get new members. I have decided to go with this kind of project again, since it was very successful in the past, and again the feedback under this post is very positive.

Great initiative! Thank you.

Glad to hear that you like the concept. I'm sure it will be a great opportunity for new or smaller users!

Wow, this is a fantastic opportunity for struggling minnows! I commend you and your support for the smaller fish

Thank you, I appreciate it! nice gif!

@sirwinchester, this is an awesome project. I hope to participate in it if time permits.
Good job.
Keep it up!

Thank you, glad you like the idea! You should participate!

@sirwinchester, you are welcome. Thank you for creating such a nice project.

Great initiative!

😬 thank you!

No, thank you!

Thank you for doing this. I've only been here for a week and it's amazing to see how people in this community help each other :)

Thank you! Yes, the community on steemit is very unique and much more supportive than on other social media platforms

very nice contest for promotion. Thanks for assisting us newbs.

Thank you - yes I'm glad to help out new users!

I have submitted my request, however as of time of comment I don't have any posts about writing (I've only posted drawings), I just started today.

No problem, it can also be art! The submission doesn't have to be a text.

Good to know! Thanks!

Very good idea, i wish you the best and hopefully i will soon have a great reputation on steemit to allow me to move in the same direction as you. thanks for sharing.

Seems like a great place to showcase some of your works. Hopefully people are a little bit kinder on here than on facebook.

definitely, I did a project like this in the past and the steemit community is much more supportive and kind compared to facebook!

I love this idea! I just signed up and I hope I make it to the final 4. I believe my story thus far is worth being shared with the world.

That's awesome. In case you don't make it, just register again next time!

Upvoted. Thanks for all you do to help make this place better. I feel inspired.

That's very kind, thank you. I'm just trying my best to give new users a platform for their work!

Great! I am hoping to submit something soon. I'm still finding my way here and learning as much as I can.

Well, if it isn't the chocolate covered Thor doing God like acts for the people! knew that was coming buddy! Good stuff, spreading love yo!

Here comes the chocolate covered Thor! 🏃🏾 🔨
Hahaha, thank you for that, yes I'm excited to give other users a platform and motivate them.

I love your project, people like you enrich the community. I want to participate and I will share this so that many more participate !! Very good idea.

Thank you for your support, that's awesome!
Yes please participate, let's see if you will get picked for the top 4 - if not, just register again next time!

I think this is a very helpfull initiative, it really helps a lot to people like me, content creators, we need sometimes that little push to growing up a little bit more, so htnak you a lot, hope that more people make this kind of thing following your example!!

I love that you would like to help new Steemians like myself. Great community spirit. Will re-steem and follow

how nice of you! sharing is caring :)

I want in on this ;)

Congratulations and Good Luck to everyone.

So it looks as though I have learned something new today.. that I am called a minnow in the sea of whales? Is that what newbies on steemit are called. I guess I have alot to learn in this big vast sea :) It is a bit overwhelming being a little teeny tiny fishy.

This is how you contribute to the community, by bringing motivation for the new users into the equation! Followed!