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RE: Little crazy scientist is my assistant for evening thoughts today - how tired I am of SPAM on steemit? I wish I could tell you...

in #steemit8 years ago

Having been on this platform for a whopping 4 days has been a roller coaster of a ride. I have seen a large number of posts similar to this one on my feed within the last 48 hours (I know, I am an old timer...lmfaosrag). So I would like to apologize for the misuse and ignorance that seems to be running rampant as of late. Not that I have committed any of those tactics but in the hopes of bridging the gap and restoring peace and harmony between the classes.

I am starting to understand the nuances of Steemit or at least I think I am. The use of flagging seems to be the only recourse of action when the practice of proper etiquette is not used. Other than the chat rooms that are associated, there really doesn't seem to be a way to communicate with each other directly/privately. I was of the school where you praised publicly and punished privately. Here they don't seem to have that luxury yet.

I was excited after my Introduce Myself post. The comments I received were warm and welcoming. The outpouring of support and guidance was amazing. That is reason I am apologizing to you. I don't want to see the actions of a few upset the community elders. I feel this would cause a huge disconnect, because without the trailblazers such as yourself, the minnows would be lost at sea without your continued support and guidance. I understand your frustration and annoyance and I wish I could flip a switch and have an immediate correction.

On the flip side, I want to thank you for your flagging. The person whom you flagged was on my post and on your radar. So by proxy, he got you to my post. Now, I am not sure if you've read any of my posts or not, but that person got you to my blog none the less. Thanks for stopping by, I just wish it was under better circumstances.

As a united community, maybe we can come together and share our thoughts and beliefs in a manner where everyone is treated with respect and dignity. That there are commandments that are followed and adhered to and if they are not then let the punishment fit the crime. I don't have the answers, I just know I like it here...I like the people...I want to see this grow into the Utopia I believe it to be.


Well, yes, the only good they do - leading to other bloggers pages. But sadly it's the only good thing about them.
Steem on, I hope one day we'll manage with all this troubles steemit currently has

Growing pains!?! As you mentioned, situations such as this allowed for an opportunity for us to cross each others path, which may not have happened otherwise. So I am happy for his misfortune (evil laugh).

As this community grows, we can take solace in knowing that this is organic. That with any infection, if the immune system is in place and healthy, then it will fight off any and all attacks. Growing and thriving better than ever. So here is a bowl of chicken noodle soup and a hot cup of chamomile tea.

Let's hope that you're right. And it will just make steemit stronger as a result.

Well according to my ex-wife, I thought I was never wrong (hahaha). Yup, it is my hallucination that the foundations are already in place. It just requires education. For those rebels who opt not to adhere to the laws of nature, well Darwin expressed it as survival of the fittest and those minnows will actually shrink to be krill and we all know what happens to krill.