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RE: Next Livestream this Thursday, Dec. 6th at 11am CST

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Sorry, as you noted, this is in multiple threads on multiple posts.

At this time, going retrospective without prior knowledge will only bring you to, well what exists today isnt like what existed then. And because his game was over a year ago, that's obviously going to be true.

It's disappointing our top level users aren't more in touch though. I'm definitely not the only one who knows this story. A rather large flag suppression war occurred around it, featuring the likes of many of your tenured peers around here. So, it's notable it "slipped your purview"

Dig into @spiritualmax
and look beyond the surface of "those cards dont look the same" and take yourself back a year or so or more.

Also. Ask yourself.

What do I have to gain in this exposure? Nothing, really, right?
What do I have to lose? Also nothing.

So other than simply being unable to watch friends be used by frauds, who benefits in my actions? My caustic contempt and disgust for certain parties, while thousands of others here over the past two years would tell you I was amazingly kind and helpful to them?

Cui Bono, Pharesim.

I was right for a year about Neds lack of competence, and was called a fool for it. Now 70% of your friends are unemployed at christmas, but hes still worth 40 million steem or whatever.

I'm right about vapid aggroed the narcissistic incompetent buffoon too. Time will tell it. His wife already knows. Ask her.

Or you know, follow aggroeds very own advice from the summer of 2017 about how to operate on steem. "Take what you can and burn the rest"


I remember I saw those. Too bad he didn't continue to make tokens and a real game out of it. He would've needed to change them a bit though, regarding he didn't only use so called "intellectual property" of WotC but even their designs ;-)

As I said before, execution beats ideas.

And cults of personalities, combined with money, visibility and power, beat individuals.

Some of us stand and fight that, even if alone in the war.

Others, succumb to it and leave the battlefield in surrender.

Most people advise not taking on battles you are not equipped to win.

Some people take that advice, like ole' spiritualmax did. Choosing to leave the theater rather than witness his own work taken from him.

Others, well, heh, some of us just happen to be gluttons for punishment, I suppose.

I will confess a motive though. There is one person, a single soul, who knows this whole story from all sides. Not max's story. MY story.

And she hates me. And that's acceptable, given the history. But I will always long for her approval. And perhaps... when it all unfolds, and truths come out and towers finally topple, as they certainly will under their own weight, with or without me exacerbating the process.

I will never hear it or know it for sure, but I'd like to think, at least in a moment, in one passing thought... She will remember it all and acknowledge, at least to herself, that I loved her, and fought the prison she lived in, seemingly willingly, until she realizes... I was as right as she always knew I was.

It's sort of the last hope I cling to about the people here, the place and it's future. That one day, that one person, will allow herself to admit in her heart. I really was, doing it all for her.

Its funny how you can hope for something to happen so much that you'd destroy yourself to make it happen, even as you already know that you will never be able to witness the results anyway. Not that will they change anything.

Ideas beat emptiness.

I'll just leave this here... 2 years ago I found a minnow making cute and relevant cards.

:) I think he was the first. But I've never heard of your friend cork. So... Seems like many had the idea or even liked the idea... Only one group made it into something. :) Have a good day guys.

Not my friend @Whatsup, never heard of the guy before half a dozen people brought it to me because Im the fucking ONLY person on this platform who is not fucking hypnotized by pathetic "leaders" who are scumbags inside and willing to try and rage against the machine. I never cared about card games, so that one got by me, because Im not 5 years old and still playing "go fish". I care about integrity and the people of this platform being taken for a fucking ride.

I swear to god it's like living in an alternate reality. Do you all not SEE that ned is a fucking tool and aggroed is goddamn sleazebag?

Or do people simply have SO MUCH hope and naivety that obvious shit is ignored over and over again? So many details, so many fails, so much bullshit and people cant see it?

Its downright fucking scary how cults work and there are a couple in play here.

Ahem, you are not alone,...schatenjaeger has been speaking out for a long time, too.

Yeah there's a few of us. Most of us are muted by ned now.

Or blacklisted on no vote lists,...

My comment has nothing to do with any of that. It was just to show, it was a pretty common idea. :) Calm down.

Calm down? YOU should UNcalm down, you should be livid, you have as much to lose to these schemers and cocksuckers as anybody... You're a smart chick. I.JUST.DONT.GET.IT!

I went and saw your guys card, thats fine. The guy Im talking about had 4 editions and a full game, but BOTH of them are gone now, eh? As are all the the best and brightest minds and 80% of everybody else who ever signed up, going on 90%, leaving us with the desperate, the 3rd worlders, a few scammers, a bunch of dreamer wanna-bes and those who have too much invested to lose to leave now.

And yall just keep rah rahing the fuckers who caused all that damage. And lofting them up again. You less than many others but, sort of still, yeah.

What the actual fuck is going on here with people?

It smells of desperation and fear. Many try to pin that on ME, but I cashed out my money LAST december, and tried to quit twice since then, cold turkey and hard, until people would beg me to come back and fight the system "we need you cork, steem needs you" dms out the ass like that.

Its a goddamn train wreck and people are so hypnotized they keep putting the worst possible drivers in the engine and bowing to them even as they drive towards a cliff.

"So do something cork!" - okay loan me 40 million steem and I fucking WOULD.

Until then, all ive got is the fact Im not blind, I have nothing to really lose, and frankly nothing to gain, but I know how many good people got fucked here, and Im just that kind of an asshole who might just happen to know what is right and what is wrong and be willing to stand the fuck up and try to wake people up.

Its kind of like the two years when I was on a volunteer rescue squad in my college days. We don't get paid to go clean up car wrecks and live in a world of literal human shit, blood and guts. Hauling sick and dying to try and save their lives.

You do it, because its the fucking right thing to do.

I'm calm because I didn't invest more than I can afford to lose.

I knew it was high risk, I mean these people don't use their real names.

I invested knowing that there are a lot of shady people out there, and yes, I invested hoping for a return.

I made a lot of common mistakes... I didn't cash out anything during the high tide. Now I am paying the price during the low tide.

My account is now worth $6k It's not even worth trying to salvage.

So, I'm watching... taking it all in.. Laughing a bit and not stressing over things I can't change.

I don't think the idea was really "Stolen" in that there were no patents or anything. It is a matter of free market and someone out executing someone else on an idea.

dude.. the smart ones cashed out last December (including me) . Yah I left some STEEM just to delegate and perhaps see something come of this.. but STEEM is a ponzi to be begin with! You can't upvote your own work. I mean gimme a break! The concept in itself should have been a reg flag lol