I'm messing around trying to get my website comments working (which, btw, is a nightmare), and i noticed this. Im not sure if its common knowledge, so i decided to post it because i think its neat.
Lets say you link to a comment with the regular link like this
What you get is the full original post with the comment highlighted in yellow.
If you remove everything between "steemit.com/" "@" from the link, you can open the comment alone. Just like it appears in the iframe when you click on it in your comments feed, but in a regular frame.
This is especially useful for posts with a huge number of comments that take a ton of scrolling and get unresponsive.
if you use piston or a javascript interface, you can also shorten the url and customize the title bar:
Thank you for sharing:) BTW what are you setting up with your website - are you embedding your blog?
im setting up a new interface... an alternative to steemit.com.
Inquiring minds want to know :)
I haven't said much about it thus far because im crappy at programming, and its pretty impossible for me to know how long something is going to take for me to figure out.
Its going to be much more its going to be more in the style of a forum like 2p2 or 4chan with single fixed categories. And posts that get bumped according to activity.
The site is built with tiki-wiki. which has a lot of neat features that dovetail well with steem, including a built in module to store keys with mcrypt.
If i don't hit any roadblocks, Im going to roll out my private message solution along with a limited functionality version of the site this weekend. (but then again, ive said that the past two weekends and hit a roadblock both times, so who knows.)
Totally understood. It's a worthwhile endeavor, I've been toying with the same kinds of concepts and have some of the same feelings haha.
I will say that if you're planning on storing keys server side you may run into resistance of people willing to use it. For some of the stuff I'm experimenting with, I've been testing out SteemConnect, which hopefully might provide an extra layer of safety into the process. I'm excited to see what Steemit Inc does with their 3rd party integrations too - should make our lives a bit easier! :)
I sent you a message on steemit.chat, not sure if you're a regular there or not? Either way - looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
Cool - keep us posted on the progress:)
Cool, thanks for the tip :) This will be very useful!
IMO, it would make a ton of sense to have the link by the comment done this way (maybe even popped out in a new window). Right now, all it does is reloads the page with the comment highlighted, which is pretty useless. Maybe something to bring up on github, as it would definitely help out comment engagement.
That's really handy thanks for pointing this out, especially the piston/permurl trick.. I need to experiment with this.
Looking forward to seeing what happens with the alternative interface project too please keep us updated :)
I just happened to jump on your page to see if you've posted anything new, and that is one thing that drives me nuts about this site, that there's no 'favorites' option. I end up missing posts from people I would really want to see because the only way I can see it is either if I'm on the home or new page at just the right time or I jump over to their page.
I read through the comments and that sounds pretty amazing, I'm definitely interested in a site built by you. I don't want to miss it when you post about it, I would really appreciate it if you would give me a heads up, something simple like It's Up in a reply to me :)
I run off platform notepads :D to keep up with articles links people and such , It sucks :D , we need to support the crafters and get some improvements rolling , the base is ok as far as i hear , so in theory extra functionality will be great :)
so far Steemit is eating my sleep whenever I post I tend to go on "Promotion sprees" answer all comments and vote on everything and read so you can comment :D Werewolf me from the full Steem :D
I use notepad as well and it does suck, haha.It was like that for me when I first started...it still is sometimes, though I'm beginning to manage my time a bit better. However that also means I don't get to as many people as I would like. And in cases like @sigmajin where he doesn't post very often, the likelihood of catching it is slim, and by the time I look sometimes its days old.
Yeah it's true , groups are needed , I can't imagine having a profile on 200 people and going over them from time to time , especially with the load and time it takes on me , my pc , posts, life too much to manage.
Something needs to e done smarter or we would miss all the good posts for a bunch of high earners :| , I don't mind whale people, but they get exposure mostly because they have money and people flock there, for instance @krnel is a great guy but the amount of information he posts is astronomical to go through that coupled and multiplied by 1000 and it' impossible to grow as a "minnow" you have to struggle for months , or get the whale votes :D
Anyway there are much golden posts here and they have ~10$ .. the hard fork needs to fix those issues. And return the 1500 payouts for posts that brings attention , not you will make 10 cents ,:D I didn't mind making 3 cents for my 1st post , I enjoyed the fact people read it at least , but the amount of promotion and time I took from my life doesn't amount to a gain. Might e bad post :) , I wouldn't say that.
So yeah so far I'm keeping tabs open 50+ and try to catch up on everything , return more than I receive and I've doubled my stakes :| , need more farm :D
Are you interested in working together by the way I would love to be a part of a group of developers and give my 2 cents for Steemit :)
The man whose post you're in tried to offer a solution to help with these issues, the problem seems to be that unless the large undersea creatures agree with your solution, you can only get so far.
As for being a developer, that sounds like it might be a tad out of my area of expertise. Sigmajin might get a good snicker out of the thought of that considering the questions he's answered for me. He should really write the steemit for dummies book, he is a master of breaking difficult (for people like me) concepts down in to layman's terms. Speaking of posts that deserve far above what they earn...I discovered him in a comment section and he really could take the comments he posts in a thread, add a little context and make invaluable posts with them. But why would he waste his time when he can't hope to get paid what he should, and if it's not picked up the likelihood of people even seeing his gold is low.
Thanks I'm a bit lost i guess I though I was talking to him :D , only now did I open the whole post and remembered my fallacy ,
yeah I agree to that
It's a sad story , that we have to spend months building followers, comes from the fact that people don't read ,it's like a stock market here , just stocks up and down , but that is not a good way to produce real content, rewards are great , but if they turn the whole site into a stock market firm :| we will lose the creativity and the free entrepreneur spirit , most of the people are well off and don't mind the extra rewards , but if they are a primary goal it would be bad for everyone, just like the real world where value is based on perception at least half of it :|
Thank you for taking the time to answer and good luck on your posts I can't read your story :| but do love the headline and the visuals,
Reborn Steem ON!
Nice to know I will probably get back to you coding people I need some help with some ideas , if you are interested , still haven't figured out anything so no rush :D but would love to have embedded music players with posts, and a more stable formatting options , so far It's like I'm doing symbol codes , and 50% of options aren't supported , can't jump to specific parts of a text, can't post anything other than youtube and vimeo :D Can't wait for the addition of images and other updates, which will happen , of course later :D
Good luck with the site, get some hard hitting machinery to bust through blocks :D
See you soon I hope with good news :D