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RE: Whale’s dilemma

in #steemit8 years ago

The bottom line is that we need whales and we are going to need more of them as the platform grows.

disagree. IMO the platform needs less whales, or at least smaller ones.

Every single problem the platform has faced, from catfish to spam to plagarism etc has come becasue the whales simply don't have the amount of attention to give to curating well (totally not their fault. one human being can only read and evaluate so much so quickly. I wasn't surprised to learn that the best whale curator, smooth, was actually 10 people)...

Even the @dollarvigilante thing. Personally, i agree with the @berniesanders ' flag, because i thought it was a crappy post that stood to make a ridiculous amount of money on top of the ridic amount of money DV had already gotten.

but even if bernie was wrong, the entire situation was prompted becasue a bunch of other whales got together and pumped that and others posts up. SO it was basically an unreasonable amount of influence one way, and an unreasonable amount of influence the other way.

If it was just people voting, even people with varying levels of influence, the crowd and the market could have made the decision. I don't mean necessarily one man one vote, but there should be some constraint as to proportion.

It doesn't make any sense that it would be ok for 2 or 3 people to pay him thousands of dollars, but somehow unacceptable for 2 or 3 people to take it away.