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RE: OFFICIAL Steemit FAQ - Rough Draft - I Need Your Input!

in #steemit9 years ago

For your convenience, here's a list of ONLY the questions: Questions still needing to be answered are in bold.

Steemit Basics

  • What is
  • Who are @ned and @dan?
  • What is the difference between Steem and Steemit?
  • Can I earn money on Steemit? How?
  • From where does the money come?
  • I don’t have the skills to create quality original content, why should I join?
  • Why is the money there in the first place?
  • Is Steemit a scam?
  • How does Steemit, Inc. make money?
  • Wait, there are multiple currencies in Steemit? What is STEEM, Steem Power, and Steem Dollars?
  • If Steem consistently creates new currency, how much am I being diluted by holding STEEM, Steem Power, and Steem Dollars?
  • Why won’t Steem Dollars become inflated?
  • What does the little number next to my name mean?
  • What is Powering Up and Powering Down?
  • I just signed up, are there any steps I should take before I get started?

Account Management

  • How do I improve my reputation score? What hurts my score?
  • Do inactive accounts ever get deactivated? If so, how long until removal?
  • Why are only the 20 most recent comments shown in a user’s profile? If due to a technical limitation, will this issue be overcome?
  • Where can I see who I follow and who follows me?
  • I come across a lot of posts I would like to save for later, can I bookmark a post within Steemit?
  • How can I auto-post my Steemit blogs to Twitter and Facebook?


  • Why does my time until payout keep changing? When do I get paid?
  • Why does my payout estimate keep changing when I’ve received no new upvotes or flags?
  • My post said I was going to get paid $500, why did I only make $377?
  • How do reward distributions work?
  • Steem rewards users for commenting and upvoting. Why not for sharing?
  • Can I choose to be paid in 100% Steem Power?
  • Now that I earned some Steem Dollars, what can I do with them?


  • How can I invest in Steemit?
  • How do I get more Steem Power?
  • How do I withdraw money?
  • Why should I power up and not cash out?
  • Is it true that payout money is coming from new investment in Steem?
  • How can I make a profit by powering up?
  • How do I send money to another user?
  • What are fees for transferring money between Steem’s three currencies and between other users?
  • What is the “distribution phase” of Steem Power?
  • If I invest x Steem Power and do not curate or post content, how much will I have at the end of the ‘distribution phase’ compared to a similar timeframe after the dispersal period?
  • What happened to the liquidity incentive rewards, were they allocated elsewhere?
  • If I’m inactive, or the total amount of Steem Power Vested is below 90%, do I lose VESTS or are they stable?


  • Will I earn money by sharing links?
  • How do I add pictures and videos to my blog posts and comments?
  • Does it cost anything to post comments or content?
  • Can you post unlimited comments and blog posts, or is it limited in some way?
  • What are Steemit’s policies on plagiarism and spam?
  • How do I delete one of my blog posts?
  • I see people using high-quality photos that clearly are not their own. Is it okay to use random pictures from the internet?
  • For how long after posting can I make edits?
  • How do I format a post if not using the editor?
  • What is @Cheetah?


  • Why are my blogs posts not making very much money? They are higher quality than a lot of the “Trending” posts I see.
  • My comments rarely earn any money, how can I change that?
  • Does my reputation score affect the amount my vote is worth?
  • What are the legitimate reasons for flagging a post?
  • How is the value of a user’s vote calculated?
  • What is Voting Power?
  • Does flagging use up my voting power?
  • Does flagging bring any reward to the curator?
  • How are curation awards distributed?
  • Given all these curation rules, what is the best time to vote?
  • Can I get curation awards for voting up comments? Does the same 30 minute rule apply?


  • How secure is Steemit?
  • How can I keep my Steemit account secure?
  • How do I make my active key and owner key different from my posting key? Does the GUI allow this?
  • Is it safe to use my account while on private wifi?
  • How are private keys used in Steem?
  • How do I use private keys properly and safely?
  • What is the relationship between password and private keys?
  • I heard Steemit got hacked and some people had their money stolen. How did that happen? What has been done to prevent it from happening again?
  • Is Steem, Steem Dollars, or Steem Power insured in the event of a hack or if someone takes over my account?
  • How do I set my recovery account?
  • How does the recovery process work? What should I do first if I discover my account has been compromised?

Technical Questions

  • Can I mine Steem? How do I start?
  • Steem is 100% mined. How is it possible for me to mine something that is already wholly mined?
  • In Bitcoin, the supply only increases when someone mines new coins. If Steem was already fully mined, how does the supply of Steem continue to grow?
  • What is the best rig for mining Steem?
  • What are Steemit witnesses?
  • Where can I vote for witnesses?
  • How are witnesses expected to behave?
  • Is Steemit open source?
  • Is there an API?
  • How do I use cli_wallet?
  • What is available for developers interested in Steemit?
  • Who are the Steemit developers? How big is the team? What is their background? Who is doing what?

Other Topics

  • Where can I purchase official Steemit merchandise?
  • What can I post about? Is anything banned?
  • Am I allowed to have multiple Steemit accounts?
  • What is a blockchain?
  • How is Steem different from Bitcoin?
  • Is there a Steemit mobile app?
  • What are minnows, dolphins, and whales?
  • Why aren’t whales voting up my posts?
  • What are Vests?
  • Which way is better to format a post for SEO purposes, HTML or Markdown? Does it matter?
  • Can I receive notifications when I get votes?
  • Why can I only add five tags?
  • What should I know about bots on Steemit?
  • What is the difference between Proof of Work and Proof of Stake?
  • Can users connect to and use Steemit from countries which have national firewalls, such as China?
  • Is there a place I can view the Steemit development roadmap? I would like to divest more BTC into Steem Power, but cannot pull the trigger until I know where things are going.
  • What are activity shares? Do they have any function?
  • What third-party tools are there for Steemit?
  • Will I get a 1099 from Steemit?
  • What determines the price of STEEM?
  • Where is the Steemit Privacy Policy?
  • What are the age requirements to join steemit?
  • What languages are supported?
  • If posting in a language other than English, are there particular hashtags I should be using?
  • What is the Steemit Whitepaper and what is its purpose?
  • Is Steemit decentralized? What about Steem?
  • Right now Steem is useful for transient content. What about the authors who would like to publish more permanent writing and be rewarded for it long term, rather than just 30 days? Will Steem be able to offer a solution for them?
  • I read through the FAQ but still need more help. Is there a place to go for more help?

This is a very good resource! You really have nice set of questions here and very relevant as well.

Thanks. I am also currently working on a wiki and looking for more resources to get included in the wiki. May I use these resources to populate my project? I will be working on this extensibly for the next two or three weeks to at least provide ample information about STEEM and Steemit. I hope it's ok. And you are more than welcome to help with the project, too. Thanks!

I'm all for working together and sharing information, there is one caveat, however. I don't want incorrect information getting spread around, and this is only a very rough draft which presumably has some errors. In my research, there was a lot of conflicting information.

I understand what you're saying. But even WikiPedia does not contain all the correct and accurate information on everything. And I believe people understand how wiki's work. They have the option to edit, curate, or create their own version for all to see. Conflicting information will be resolved when people put their efforts together to correct such conflicts.

I am actually more interested on your list of FAQs. I believe you have a very relevant list and I just want to help provide answers for them in my wiki project. As for conflicting answers, the wiki project should provide an avenue to correct them.

Sounds great, let's get this information out there! Keep an eye out for my subsequent drafts in the next week or two. I should have more questions and better answers in those drafts.​

Will definitely keep track of your work. Thanks!

Does my reputation score affect the amount my vote is worth?


Plus some corrections on the following in light of the article published:

Why won’t Steem Dollars become inflated?

Because they work differently from normal STEEM tokens that can get inflated a lot. Steem Dollars are backed by the issuance of STEEM tokens. When the value of the STEEM token goes down, more STEEM tokens are used to back the Steem Dollar. The Steem Dollar is ultimately unaffected by the inflation of Steem with one exception: If the price of Steem tends towards zero. In general the price of 1 USD is a target price and cannot be absolutely guaranteed under any circumstance. In particular there are a few unlikely "Black Swan" events, like Dollar Hyperinflation and STEEM going to zero that can affect the backing mechanism. Additionally, the number of Steem Dollars in circulation should not exceed 20% of STEEMs market capitalization for safety reasons. There have been some proposals to handle such a scenario in the following link:

I thought that was the answer to the first question, but I couldn't find it explicitly stated anywhere. So thanks.

The FAQ needed a better explanation for the 2nd question, and I think you answer the question fairly here. It hits the salient points from that article by @dantheman

WHy do you think steem is already 100% mined?

Because in a reply to someone @ned said something to the extent of "for clarity's sake, Steem is 100% mined." I did a quick search for it, but couldn't find the thread where he said that.

I think youre talking about this thread: (very first reply)

What ned was saying is that all the steem that exists right now was actually mined (instead of being pre-allocated, or premined like ripple was). Cryptogee had inaccurately refered to steem being premined, and ned was correcting that mistake.

here puts it in context@smooth's reply

Technically speaking a pre-mine is when coins are allocated prior to mining.
Steem had no coins allocated in such a manner.

Yes, that is exactly what I remember seeing. Thanks for pointing out the clarifications.


Hello, I have a post draft which I didn't finish, and after that I can't post new story anymore, every time I clicke "Submit a Story" the page just keeps loading and won't display the unfinished post nor new posting entries, please help.

I'm not sure how to help. But you can try going onto Hopefully, someone there can help you.

Figured it out, it's my browser's problem, thanks for the help!

How can i save these posts so i can get to them when I want in the future