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RE: Could Steem Be The Gateway Drug To Mainstream Cryptocurrency Usage And The End of Central Banks and Government?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I've been reading your work and listening to you for a while now. You have an unreal ability to recognize new technologies that are going to change the world as we know it. I've noticed a common theme: all these things are decentralized (ex. the internet, bitcoin, and steemit). I'm excited to see if steemit can live up to its potential!


Also, Jeff, considering all the unwarranted flaggings you've been receiving, you may be interested in my post about how steemit's flagging system needs to be overhauled. Let me know what you think about my proposed solutions:

Steemit is the alternative to corporate ghettos that Facebook, Reddit and Twitter are. Just like Bitcoin is the alternative to central banks.

I'd like to hear devil's advocate arguments about the options someone like Zuckerberg might have at his disposal to try and retaliate against a decentralized social media platform like Steemit. I'm hoping the common wisdom here can build a strong case for how Steemit is (or can become) unstoppable by any money-laden centralized entity.

I think the biggest threat to steem is the government coming in and shutting it down for copyright infringements.

The counter to that is 10 more will probably spin up the very next day they do it.

I am pretty sure Steem will get the jump on any attempt by the established businesses by quite a distance. Unlike bitcoin it's gaining market cap right out of the gate. Network effects will start to kick in soon once the first flush of adopters start to tell their friends about how they are making money directly out of their writing instead of it being used to profile them to target them with advertising. By the end of the year there will be chatter starting to appear outside of the initial adopters' sub-communities on the other networks.

I ditched facebook a couple of months ago and I am not missing it at all. But this also primed me to jump on Steemit. Although it follows the model of Reddit, I was never even slightly interested in it, for me it's only slightly more credible a venue than 4chan. The reputation of Reddit for being a pesthole of trolles is legendary.