Would Buffett Buy Steem??? Investing in Crytocurrency with Confidence.

in #steemit8 years ago

Let's take a look at some reasons why Buffett would 'hard pass' on this innovative opportunity.

Photo Credit:USAToday

"Oh hell nah"

This shouldn't surprise anyone who knows anything about how Buffet invests. In this post I'd like to highlight some of the rules Buffett abides by when making an investment and how they relate to steem. The lot of these are quotes straight from Buffett and have been analyzed the world over. But, fuck it. Let's do it again for something novel

1. Buy stocks you'd want to hold if the market were to close for ten years.

This is truly a personal preference, and more aligns with trusting that steem isn't a ponzi scheme. Or, just going to fail for any number of reasons.

Now, steemit does provide some incentive for those who want to hold. Long's will already know what this is, it's our steempower (SP). It's clear to see and hopefully as clear to understand as soon as you look in your wallet for the first time. If you convert your steem into SP you're expected to understand that you're going to make gains over time, and isn't meant to be day traded.

I'm interested in steem. It has some potential. But, I'd put everything I own in oil right now before going that long on steem.

Why do all old white men jab the air with their fingers?

Buffetts Verdict: FAIL

2. Identify a durable competitive advantage before buying

Competitive advantage? Uh. Fuck ya. It's the only blockchain content oriented website on the interwebs.

Or... It was. For like a month. And it hadn't even left beta. So, I guess that pretty much rules out "durable". Still, being first is a feat. I seriously doubt competitors will outshine in the near term.

Buffetts Verdict: FAIL

3. Look for shareholder-friendly management

Now this isn't hardly so negative. I'm not going to be sassy here. @dantheman is extremely responsive to the community. I honestly appreciate it. He openly replies to outside articles his users (shareholders) might not have even seen. He comments on spammers, bots, and catfishing. All in all he actively keeps members in-the-loop. Something I'd die for in a few companies I'd like to invest in.

Oh yes, I'll take some of that.

Buffetts Verdict: PASS

Invest in industries and companies familiar to you

This is another personal one. But, I think it's crucial. I could honestly write a couple posts just around how this ideal relates to steem and blockshares.

I won't though. I have to leave some juicy upvotes for others.

Anyway it's crucial that the people getting involved with real hard-earned dollars, not just author & curator rewards, UNDERSTAND what a giant risk/reward scenario this is. Your wishing, hoping, praying, or thinking that steemit is going to take off means absolutely nothing to the market. The market is 100% Vulcan and doesn't give two shakes how you feel about something. It'll wipe everything out and just be glad it made a penny.

Due to this, it's important you understand what you're getting involved with. That means you not only need to understand the various forms of steem (and bitcoin), but steemit as well. You should understand what this website is doing, where it's going, and question if those facts align with what you feel comfortable investing in. There have been countless amateur posts looking into the steemits web performance. Seek those out and monitor them. Figure out how to do them yourself and keep abreast of the situation.

Buffetts Verdict: FAIL *Mostly cause I really doubt he even knows about bitcoins.

Full Disclosure: I'm long steem

I'm not trying to scare anyone away. I'm going to be investing in steem in a way that makes me comfortable, being an author. This is an investment of time. One I hope to be rewarded for. I write this post to inform those users who are wondering if they should invest, or are wondering if they should sell. Buffett is a master of markets. And while he work's in far different ways than a retail investor would, his advice is still valuable.

My next post will be on how Jeff Bezos of Peter Theil invest. Let me know if you have a preference. Or just tell me how marvelous you thought this was.


I upvoted You

I don't think the man is into new venture that much going by his passed patterns of investment. look at how long Apple has come before he started putting money in