For me, it is about deciding why I want to be here.
I was looking for a blogging platform, I was interested in learning more about the blockchain and cryptocurrencies, I heard about steemit from a friend and I thought it was worth investigating.
I did a masters in new media and society so I'm quite interested in how people behave, how they form communities and relate to each other online - and how we all get thrown off track by the (apparent) rewards.
I was interested to find, as part of my studies, that humans are biologically programmed to take turns and collaborate - must be part of our survival mechanism - and that's one of the reasons that we get put out when someone 'cheats'. I'm not bothered about bots and self-voting and buying votes because in life generally there will always be people richer and sharper than me, so I don't engage with that.
If someone behaves poorly around me, generally by putting a me too comment on my post, contributing nothing to the discussion and voting for their own inane comment but not my post or anyone else in the discussion, then I will reply " can I just check what you've done here?" because to me that's a bit rude, like a drunk coming and sitting at your table uninvited and taking over the conversation.
Time is an issue and each of us needs to decide how we want to spend our time and is this worth it - to us. It has a lot in common with a small business, people always underestimate how long it is going to take them to breakeven and start earning a living (three years on average).
But I think the fun element is also important. Are you enjoying being here, writing, interacting with others, reading. How I feel about it changes and I'm looking forward to #steemcampuk in a week or so to discuss some of these things.
@shanibeer, Im finding it quite hard to find people with the same interests as myself. I am following just 64, but only a handful of those share my interests and so get my attention. You have to really sift through all the mass of 'stuff' to find a blogger that has something to say. Im still looking for more.
Im getting back into Running now, or trying so Ill keep up my running stories. Im not done with Steemit, Im just in a down phase and I tend to be quite tenacious about things when they grip me.