Hi Daniel, interesting post and thank you. I've been thinking about these things for a while as well and wondering how we could extend the wealth generating, or rather the wealth recording and validating of the blockchain to social action. I agree with you - I could have done with a better understanding of some of these things when I was at school: my pension pot would look a lot healthier! But I'm just wondering how we would apply this to a community as a whole and how we would ensure a good quality of life for everyone - whether they are old (or young) or sick or don't know how to use the Internet. And also how we might pay for public or community services which are of benefit to all of us - I was thinking of roads and public transport systems, but there's also health, education, housing, art ... I'd love to hear people's ideas.
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There are already people working to solve these problems using block chain https://bitnation.co/ :)
Ooh, thank you 😊