Top 3 Tips To Earning More On Steem And ShadowBot! [Pro Tips]

in #steemit7 years ago

This post should be one of the first posts you read when joining ShadowBot and Steem!

1) Managing Your Voting Power (VP)

Your VP is basically the blood for your account, and everytime you vote it costs you some blood! Your account regenerates new VP "blood" at a rate of approx. 20% every 24 hours. This ensures you have enough to vote each day without giving any one account too many votes. Remember everytime your VP goes down the amount your vote will generate will be less and less.


Do not allow your VP to fall below 95% at any given time. Always allows your VP to recharge to 100% before voting again.

Pro Tip:

Make a list of posts you wish to up vote manually and spread them out, this maximizes the earnings and ensures your VP does not get drained. (ShadowBot will be adding this feature shortly to make this process easy and automated)

You can check your VP at (simply replace @shadowbot with your username):

2) Power Up And Vest All Rewards To Your Steem Power (SP)

This is especially important for minnows (under 500 SP)! If you are taking all or most of your earnings out each week you are not building your influence on Steem. This not only takes away from your earnings but also directly effects your Pool Priority in ShadowBot.


Ensure at least 50% of your earnings are vested each week into your SP. You should be seeing your SP go up each payout.

Pro Tip:

Investing 100% of your rewards to your SP will exponentially increase your earnings and influence on Steem as well as ShadowBot. Simply select 100% for rewards until you have at least enough SP to be above the FVL (currently 1250 SP)!

3) Quality NOT Quantity

The amount of content and number of posts and replies you make mean nothing if the value you add is little or none. When you create a post, have a reason for writing it. Engage in conversations with others and ensure that you add value not distract from the topic or attempt to change it.


Create posts that follow your trend. People who stick to a more specific theme(s) and provide valuable insight and information tend to earn far better than those who make random "facebook style" posts.

Pro Tip:

When making a post ensure you stay on topic for your audience. When making replies, avoid linking back to your own posts until you have developed a real conversation and have a really good post worth sharing. If you have insight into a question someone is asking about, create a post and let them know thanks to the post and replies it led you to create your new post. Doing it this way builds a useful connection/web of information. DO NOT use this to spam your links around or you will get flagged hard by many many many people!

4) Replying To Your Audience

If you are one of those people guilty of not replying to people who comment on your posts you are missing out on a huge opportunity to build your audience and thereby your earning potential!


Outside of spam comments (example: "Good post!"), you should always engage back with each person that replies to your post. The longer the chain of replies the more likely it is that they will not only follow you, up vote your post, resteem your post, BUT, also get some up votes for comments you create.

Pro Tip:

If you engage with someone(s) in your own replies you set the topic of discussion and are building off what they said. Do not get argumentative, but rather be constructive. When you find someone that you really agree with or added some useful information, be sure to thank them and give that comment a little up vote. We have seen replies to replies to a post (nested replies) earn more than 10x what the original post did simply based on how great the content provided was. Again see #3!


ShadowBot and Steem both operate best when we all follow these base guidelines. These are meant to be guidelines not rules, however the closer you follow them the faster you will see big earnings on Steem and ShadowBot!

For more information on ShadowBot:




This will go a long ways to help new people to understand the system better. I think of shadowbot as more of an enhancer, so if you are re investing into your self boosting your SP shadowbot helps more. If you drain the rewards and cash out it will likely help less.

Agreed if you invest in yourself you are investing in the community! The reason ShadowBot and Steem work is the ideals that we all follow! If your goal is to siphon off every lick of profit you earn here you will not be viewed as a member of the community and ultimately earn far less than you could becoming a genuine member!

Don't forget to take into account the market prices of sbd and steem when powering up. You often can get more steempower from a 50/50 reward and converting your sbd to steem to then power it up instead of a direct 100% power up reward.

And I also like to use for seeing my voting power since it gives me an estimate of my voting strength by percent. Helps me both manage my voting power and see how much power I have left.

Yes the internal market is a great tool but requires a little more knowledge than the first time user has. I love steemnow it is simple but does what it is supposed to! I actually just wrote this up last week (already expired so do not up vote the post it would just be a waste of your VP):

Was thinking more like using blocktrades instead of the internal market. Be a little fee but still make out better to power up and is fairly simple.

The problem with blocktrades vs the internal market is you don't get to set your price. Blocktrades and others are great for swapping to/from other coins into the steem world, but I feel like the ability to not have to trust anyone with your coins at any point while also setting the price you want is a huge benefit for the internal market.

One thing i will be working on in the future is to transfer my sdb to steem and keep 80% of my steem invested and 20% liquid for trading. At least this way you can sell in the highs and farm/reinvest more in the dips

It is always worth keeping a little SBD on hand especially once you start to grow! This post is already expired so don't bother up voting it but it is useful for anyone who has not used the internal market yet!

I am guilty of draining my voting power. I started on here a couple weeks ago and I upvoted so many old posts (some of them from last year LOL!) I had no idea those didn't pay out. I also upvoted all the spam comments on my posts because I was happy that someone was posting at all. I havent checked out your bot yet...looks like Im going to do that right now :)

It is a new experience we are all so used to coming from the facebook style of just up vote everything you see. In a way this is better since it curates good content that you actually should be sharing instead of just every stupid thought someone blurted out online.

@shadowbot this is a great post to help us I will power up little steem I have now... Thanks

Eek! My SP is 69.... didn't realise I was that active. Time to lay off for a bit methinks!

Rigester on Shadowbot. But i don't know how to participate?

Once registered you are in, as we expand the services and tools over the next few months things will get much more exciting. Until then, simply try to follow the guidelines above.

Ok thank you

hi. help please. what is this vp.PNG ?

Your post was mentioned in the Steemit Hit Parade in the following category:Congratulations @shadowbot!

  • Upvotes - Ranked 1 with 1661 upvotes

He decided to leave shadowbot because he wanted to with the power of votes, leaving my voting power very low, the state of today to monitor the activities of my account and no doubt I was still using my account to vote. How strange that in order to get out of the bot you have to leave your publication key, no?

I think this is the direction for new users to understand the content or in the race

gracias por tan valiosa información, esto aclara muchas dudas, ademas es muy comprensible la explicación que das.

Up until last week I was earning shadow rewards but ever since they promoted me to shadow level 18 I have not received 1 shadow reward, what is going on?