Exactly! When you login now, if you don't have an account, it is created. And if your keys have been updated, we update them as you login! All one step! Best part is we detect that it is your valid POSTING key. Try to login with your active or master key or just the wrong key all together and it won't work! This simplifies the process for everyone!
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You should be using https ;) we support it and link to it ;)
FAQ: https://shadowbot.us/shadowbot/faq.php Join and Login: https://shadowbot.us/shadowbot/login.php News: https://shadowbot.us/shadowbot/news.php
We should be FORCING ssl is true ;) we will do that ASAP since we already support it! Thanks for the heads up!
I can attest it was very easy to create an account for a new user!
That is great to hear, one of or biggest goals for this upgrade is making everything smoother and easier for people to use!