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RE: Remember, HF19 is a Blessing!! Let's not Crash the Coin with Lowball Mass Sell Offs!

in #steemit8 years ago

exactly, that is all I ask for, a little steady pay and enough to save back for the future. My plan is to keep life simple, save save save, done sweating for money and I think this place is the key to that freedom we all need


i've worked so hard for money over the years. it's time to reap the rewards

Same here, its about time I get what I deserve for my efforts. So happy for you, its only going to get better from this moment on

all we need is more people to join and SEO would't go amiss on here as well

I am doing what I can to get people to Steemit, and a lot of other community members, I think this recent event will make a lot of people look into this