Hard Fork 19 (HF19) Is hours away, time to get your vote on!!
A great change is about to befall the Steemit community, an equality for all to truly use your Steem Power in the right manner. But there are key things about this HF19 upgrade that you may need to be aware of and I will do my best here to point out the important sides to this hard fork that I think everyone should be aware of. This HF will go into effect on Tuesday, June 20th, 2017 at 15:00:00 UTC (less than 24 hours)
HF19 is a huge benefit to those in the lower range of Steem Power ownership here in Steemit. Before this fork the factors to the system sort of leveraged more influence towards the larger Steem Power holders. This is of course understandable due to the fact they worked hard to invest hard here but concerns arose from the top down that new users aren't enjoying Steemit due to this side of the system in place. New users have found that their voting power doesn't have much effect while being a newbie so to even out the playing field, Steemit is going towards a more linear ratio to spread the potential around for everyone to upvote and impact on their choices.
This linear approach should make everyone have a more equal say as to what content deserves the voting system rewards and I suspect will further make new users content to know there is an equal opportunity for all. Some have referred to this as “1 Steem Power, 1 Vote.” So the more Steem Power still gives you an upper hand and I believe this approach should further encourage users to hold as much Steem Power and thus growing Steemit for the future.
Voting power seems to be a hit and miss side to Steemit I find when I chat with users. Some are aware of it and others don't realize when they vote they are depreciating their underlying voting power which takes time to accumulate back. This holds a lot in the curation rewards and if you have 100% voting power your also in turn helping others earn more and they get less and less as that voting power goes down. I won't break down where its at currently seeing its hours for the change with the HF coming but I will break it down what to expect in this area after HF and how to check your voting power stats.
AS it stands with HF19, a single 100% vote will use 2% of your remaining voting power, meaning that 10 full-power votes a day will now max out all your voting power. I believe they will let you leverage per vote how much of that power you use with a slider but don't quote me on that if its in place, its a rumor I heard. This means if you use 100% you will have to wait I believe 24 hours for your power to regain itself. That is the rough basics I heard so far.
So how do you check your voting power? steemd.com is how I do it.
https://steemd.com/@sflaherty is my stat page, you just replace @sflaherty with your username and you will get to your page. In there if you look on the menu to the left side of the page...there is a VOTING POWER listing with the percentage you remain to have. This I would keep tabs on so you know where your at anyways, HF or not its a wise tool to remember with Steemit.

The biggest thing about this I love is the equality about to form over the community. I believe we will see more people wanting to grow their Steem Power to give more upvotes and help each other out, and really drive hard workers out there some income along the way. The best thing you can do is save back Steem Power always with Steemit but now I believe the lower guys will start seeing the impact of their Power Ups a little swifter.
Remember, we are still in BETA here and there are probably many more amazing features to come, but I commend the dev team on this and even the steemit whales for backing it and spreading some equality to Steemit. Looks like tomorrow will be a Steemit adventure, kind of feel like a kid before XMAS here!
Follow me @sflaherty
For those wanting to get more Steem Power, I did create an article today showing users how to mine through Nicehash and send it to Blocktrades to automatically get Steem Power for your wallets. This maybe a great read for all later, as it pertains to a way to get you more Steem Power coming in and Steem power is going to be a huge factor for your HF19 needs. Here is the link to that article:
How I Mine for Steem Power and Get Weekly SP Boosts: Nicehash ➥ Blocktrades ➥ Steemit Wallet 😁
Thanks for the write up. Very helpful. You have a new follower.
Thank you for the follow...I always follow my followers so I will add you as soon as I get done with the comment here. This should make it way better for everyone in Steemit, have a good feeling about this upgrade to the system.
my voting power is still tiny lol
Mine too lol. I seem to run mine down always cause I try to upvote all my comments lol. Starting to realize maybe I need to save those for all of your articles so it benefits you guys better lol. I see though you got an amazing amount of followers...that should eventually get you up there. Best thing, engage your followers and comment them on their posts,nudge them a bit and make friendships that usually will always benefit everyone
Interestingly, comments also have curation bonuses, I only found this recently ^_^
That they do, I found sometimes just taking a few days to comment around can be beneficial to the old wallet here. I more or less work for my author rewards but to see those come in now and then is an awesome bonus
Excellent information! Thank you for sharing.
Anytime, I figured this is going to be important for everyone so I hope it helped you understand it a little better, I know I am still trying to figure some parts of it out but I think I outlined the basics of the fork coming tomorrow. Plus I got to add MR. T to the article lol...been looking for a way to slap him in one of these lol
I still have a lot to learn. Info like this helps. 👍😎
I think in crypto we will always have to learn, things change a lot because its such a young technology. I tend to read a lot about crypto..the tech and news about it, it drives my fiance nuts but hey you gotta learn this stuff a lot lol. I will post more like this for you, got a few people always asking for new info so keep an eye out
P.S. You can't go wrong with Mr. T!
lol...MR T was the man and always will be.
Thanks for the Information and making it understand in such an easy way...coherent and lucid ...hats off...can't wait for HF19 ...Can't wait for Power ups....You jus earned a new follower and upvote...Thanks Again
Thank you, just wanted to make sure this was easy to understand that this HF will benefit everyone, seen a lot of posts where they weren't getting that side to this so wanted to lay it out as simple as I could. Sometimes guys here get to technical, its good for somethings but not so much when such an important update is being made. Just followed you back..thanks for the support and kind words
thanks for this explanation it really clears up a lot of the voting power stuff I didn't understand
Your welcome buddy. I figured this was important and an area we all should know about. Come tomorrow our upvotes should look marvelous lol...I hope to start growing my Steem Power as soon as I get my parents situated and doing better, cause the Steem Power is where it definitely will be at
This sounds like a big improvement. I was gonna put more cash in (only $1000), but what's the point if it makes little difference? Having all the voting power in the hands of a few means people posting content to please whales rather than just good content. Also makes it easy for someone to be targeted and have their work wiped out by malicious voting, seen some of this and it made me lose some faith in Steemit.
That is the very reason they are doing this, they want it fair and want people to come in prospering for using it. Even the whales have been not liking the way the voting works so I am glad to see they are also on board to let the little guys have a shot too. This should improve a lot for us. Now our votes count better, we can help our favorite authors get ahead and at the same time see our Steem Power doing work for us as we grow it. Win Win so far from what I seen and read about this.
I just upvoted. Here's to hoping that my upvote tomorrow will reward you more!
I will keep a look out for your articles.
Thank you for that. I am trying to fit in some tutorial stuff more too...just figured pass along what I find out and what I learned so it helps others here. Thank you for the awesome support...you got you some big upvotes coming soon from me as well
This post has been ranked within the top 25 most undervalued posts in the first half of Jun 20. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $27.47 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.
See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Jun 20 - Part I. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.
If you are the author and would prefer not to receive these comments, simply reply "Stop" to this comment.
Thank you! These articles are so friggin helpful! :-)
lol...I did it again didn't I ? lol...really glad that helped, tomorrow is a huge day for Steemit so I figured try to inform and make aware where the changes are coming to us. Its a good change though, bet your first vote will be massive lol
Heck yes, keep it coming and I will keep up voting and resteeming, finding it very helpful:-)
I will....I figured I better pass along what I crash coursed myself into learning with crypto lol...so many new people need it and I love helping so I will do this more often, promise
Greatly appreciated! :-)
Well thought out post! Excellent work.
I figured pass this stuff along because everyone should be prepared for the little changes coming. Glad it helped, get ready to Steem Power up, its going to make a lot of difference I suspect now
I really appreciate you breaking this down in a simpler format that kinda lays aside a bit of the computer metrics side of things that might not be everyone's strong suite. shyly raises hand this is the best post I have read on HF19 that i actually now have a better understanding. Before i didn't understand a lot of what people were saying and actually felt a little scared about this change. Knowledge is power. Thanks a ton
Anytime, everyone tends to get overly technical about this stuff so I kind of wanted to break it down where all of us have a better understanding of the change in a way it makes sense. I read a few posts and seen how everyone was freaking out due to the technical lay outs and it made it sound bad but actually this is a great HF coming...specially for those with not a lot of money involved yet. I understand the technical stuff but to be honest its not benefiting anyone to be overly techy about something that empowers everyone. Cut and dry about it, everyone will have equal voting say finally on Steemit, and that is well worth spreading around lol. Glad I helped you out, need to know anything let me know, I am always down to help and answer stuff if I have any knowing about it...I read too much on this stuff so I might be able to find out anything that may confuse anyone here...well I will try, its does get complicated sometimes lol
I have VERY crude understanding of the computer science side of it. So i may be hitting you up in the future. Thanks! :)
Door is open anytime, really great to meet you.
You also! ! Maybe you can answer a question for me. ..is there a max cap for the rep scores? I haven't seen anyone over like 72....
Funny you ask that because that was something a few weeks ago I was trying to find out but never found out. I did find a guy with 81 but the highest I seen. I think its endless though, its kind of rising on the value you make over time with your post earnings, so I believe the more you make over time the more it rises up. Sure it has an end point but yet to find literature on how high it goes
Okay that was sort of the impression i got too. Thanks for the info
Yeah, gonna be interested the first day. Also, you may want to check out my last post I share a link and summary of a tim ferriss podcast on crypto if you haven't heard it. Was real good, was with Nick Szarbo.
I will have to check it out in the morning but very curious to....missed that somehow but I will make it up to you with this new HF upvote coming in the morning lol...just late here in Florida. I am very curious to see how this comes off tomorrow, don't know about you but I feel like a kid before Xmas here lol
Yeah man, I do not know why or how I'm still up at this hour. Catch ya tomorrow when all the festivities start!
lol...I get like that too, specially on here, roll into great conversations and bam its almost dawn lol. I will definitely catch up with you tomorrow, we can chit chat and talk about how awesome Steemit has gotten....I have a feeling this HF is going to do a lot of good for those of us working so hard here. Will say this though, no matter what kind of money is made, its just great to be apart of this community...the help everyone gave me so I can help my parents has been a true blessing lately. Loads of stress lifted.
upvoted... about time to feel we can ALL grow this together.. otherwise what's the point :) thanks for posting
Couldn't agree more, its time this is equaled out and I believe that was the reason for this coming fork...now we can all grow and get ahead together. Great time to be on Steemit
Hi @sflaherty, great share! I am a relatively new blogger and just joined. It would be awesome if you would check out my latest post and hit the follow button if my content interests you. Thanks!
Awesome post, just commented after reading it. Just hooked you up with a follow...hope to see more great posts by you in the future.
Thanks @sflaherty :)
Anytime, you will do great here, you got a voice and your using it well..just keep at it and you will do great. I run a thing on FB and Twitter, plus a slack now for it called Steemit Blogger Central...we resteem articles and on our slack users post their stuff so others can follow and upvote. I am about to call it a night but I will share your stuff with everyone over there in the morning, maybe it will jump start you some, here to help so keep in touch.
Nice summary of a difficult subject! steem-on!!
Yea I figured simplify it, if I got techy on this one it might have made me lose people lol. Thanks my friend, figured get the word out
resteemed! I curate a lot and I am a little worried about what changes to my curating habits tomorrow will bring! lets see. i just guess i wont be able to vote for as many people.... which is a shame as i like to do that... i guess ill have to try to find the right balance with my voting % allocation. Can Let me know if you find any nuances, and ill let you know mine, maybe you can then do a follow up post to this one once we know more,...
Actually that sounds like a great idea, use the new system and write about what I seen of value with it and not. Curation rewards won't be effected by this, and actually think they will get a small bump up. Honestly the voting power thing is about the same in way they always said to only vote about 10-15 times a day...your votes after that really never did much for yourself or anyone because the power was too low usually if you vote that much in a 24 hour period. I am not clear though if it will replenish every day or still the 5 days it takes to fully regain like it does now. That part I am unclear on till its updated and I see it in action.
There is a fine balance to be struck between how much you vote and how long it takes to replenish your voting power. I assume this will change a lot tomorrow... Hope curation rewards do get a slight bump up. but lets see!
Tell you what, that voting power recovery time is hard on you when you grow. I tend to be low so much because I try to help the people that support me and that SBC project of mine, so I am upvoting as much as I can but have to lay low for a few days to be a benefit to anyone. I bet my supporters thing I am picky lol when literally I would upvote everyone if I could. I would even pay for upvote instant recovery lol...but they haven't done much talking about changing that much more than this coming fork
I am exactly the same. will be interesting to see!
Thanks for the tip on tracking our upvoting power.
This post came at a timely moment cos I read it about the time that HF came into action. So it helped me overcome the shock that I got when I saw the 500% increase in payments on my posts..had me wondering for a moment if it was a glitch on steemit.. Anyhow, it feels good to get some of the power passed down to us. Now when I upvote, I see a rise, albeit only a couple cents, in the payment. Still better than nothing! This baby minnow is growing!! :)
I had the same feeling to make sure this was a reality lol but its legit and definitely the facts. We are all about to do very well now
Thank you for this post. I am, very slowly, beginning to understand how Steemit works, thanks to posts like yours. I still have a LOT to learn, but everyday I learn a little more.
Its no problem, I try my best to make my techy posts more user friendly so I truly hope it helps you out. You need anything I am always here to help where I can. I been in crypto awhile but its always something you have to relearn because every project is unique lol. Glad you got use out of this one