You've completely missed the point. We don't care about what the @dollarvigilante is doing, we care about what you're doing, and right now you're bashing Steemit with little evidence to substantiate your claims. You're the problem right now, not him.
Self-entitlement can be a bitch.
I explained the problem methodigally and with examples. I explained why I do what I do and why other people might be leaving. Throwing the "unsubtantiate claims" is ludicrous. My evidence is my public account and everything I wrote is based on that evidence. Everything I wrote is pretty much substatiated. I think you like to use fancy words that suit to ideological debates. Doesn't really cut it.
You don't grasp the magnitude about how TDV kind of types affect negatively someone who would join. Perhaps because you are into the anarcho-libertatian-blockchain mentality way too deep. You don't comprehend how cryptocurrencies are still frowned upon because most people involved are scammers or real criminals in the real world trying to get away. I offer constructive criticism.
I don't know but maybe english comprehension is not your thing. And btw, you haven't even scratched the surface quality wise or contributing anything beneficial for Steemit other than vocal cheerleading or to judge what I did so far. I don't think you are in any position to judge me, but thanks for trying.