... You're a very narcissistic creature aren't you.
People are always going to be who they're going to be. There's scammers and frauds in every corner of the internet these days so why act surprised that they're here.
I'm not cheerleading I'm putting you back in your place. You're acting as if Steemit has done wrong by you when in reality it's done nothing but give. Seriously, show some grattitude, man the fuck up, and do your thing. Who cares what other people are doing. Hell, if I spent my days caring bout what others were doing I'd be manic.
I love it when someone takes everything I say out of context in order to prove a point, as if breaking it down somehow makes you feel better.
Your rebuttals are unintelligible, like arguing with a semi-intelligent ape. How's that for an ad hominem?
@senseiteekay I should tell u that @kyriacos will never loose, dont try to explain anything to him, he is always right :P ... It is like u can be a
and more but... he is not a narcissist
Wondering why he is still here because he
There is Medium and other places for "good writers" too...
We all want to help to make Steemit a better place (I think, at least I want) but for sure with his way of criticizing (Im always right and everybody is wrong) he will not be going anywhere (followed only for people who like this way but, as far I can see, can not do much to change anything here... like other writers)
Ad hominems don't help your argument...
I left facebook because I want to be associated with a better culture. Is that an argument really? That "shit happens"?
No need to talk out of your ass. You haven't even managed to pull a proper argument yet.
I compare my contribution to others like all people do including you. Indeed it has given much but barely enough.
I did show "some" gratitude. Very few have "manned the fuck up" against whales like I did. check my posts. Your political correctness is overshadowed by a single hair hanging from my balls.
I don't care what others are doing. I explain why we don't have user retention.
You are impressive. You manage to commit at least 5 logical fallacies with each post. Let's see if you brake a record with the next comment.
pathetic-tier like the rest. You need to level up. i don't deal well with sheepled teenagers.