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RE: Observations: the recent blacklisting of @andrianna

in #steemit8 years ago

In Russia $50 bucks are big amount of money for a teen. Of course depends for whom.

Here is the first post from Golos about how big is the salary of a professor.

From Google:

3200 Russian rubles = 55.1104 U.S. dollars

So, those $50 are actually a one persons monthly salary in Russia. Probably that is why she looks so scared and is not telling all the truth or not telling everything.


$50 are actually a one persons monthly salary in Russia

That cannot be, that would be well below third world wages! Wikipedia says the average monthly salary in Russia is RUR 33,614 ( $US 578.90 ), and a university professor will likely earn a bit more.

But anyway, wouldn't such a price then make it even more unlikely that she purchased it without making major changes to the account after the purchase, let alone making an effort in securing it?!

There is a link to a law that says about 0.25 rates for professors.

  1. Критериями присвоения ученого звания профессора являются:
    б) осуществление педагогической деятельности не менее чем на 0,25 ставки (в том числе на условиях совместительства) по образовательным программам высшего образования и (или) дополнительного профессионального образования по научной специальности, указанной в аттестационном деле, в организации, представившей его к присвоению ученого звания;

And this guy posts that all pensioners-professiors salaries were cut to those 0.2 rates.

So, you are right that full salary would be those 33000 rubles. But since they are cutting budgets then the reality is like that. And the only reason they still work for such salary is because his pension is probably not too big as well.

I do not know about her intentions or what she should be doing. Russians sometimes are irrational. I am not russian but have worked with many. 😉

Just some final thought.

If you are involved in some scam scheme - are you going to flood comments, write posts and make videos of yourself to proof that you are innocent?

Maybe yes, if you are really good at fooling people. And in that case I guess there is no way to get the truth out of her. 😉

My testimony in previous posts was not from the beginning, that's all for you, I hope after this testimony I will not have trouble. To force my testimony on these platforms, Steimit! If this threatens my life, then no one should force such publicity! But I to clear my name go to such sacrifices!
sherlockholmes 03:55ok, that does explain a lot
i have pledged personally to pfunk to unlist you
it is clear you are not impersonating or plagiarising
you will get off the blacklist, i will see to it personally