Ah, I should have known it'd be you. Dormant most of the time, but when someone is negative towards Steemit, there's Luke to the rescue.
Yeah, at a quick glance your posts seem to get engagement. But do you notice what the posts are about? They're about Steemit.
Kinda like on Facebook all the posts are about Facebook, am I right?
And get the fuck out of town with the "Congratulations for quitting smoking", man. Your comment started out good. I was like "Oh, Luke being angry, like an actual human being, instead of a robot", and then you go right back into robot territory by doing the "Oh, I'm on your side" shtick.
The reason I no longer hang around in libertarian circles is because libertarian circles are filled with people like you.
Also, how is it possible to make a post that doesn't seek attention? Making a post and hoping no one reads it?
Every single post on every single site seeks attention, that's the whole point.
Did you see the engagement on all the posts that aren't about Steemit?
Why do you care so much if I want to talk about Steemit? Why does that bother you?
I wasn't commenting about you being negative about Steemit, I was talking about you being disconnected with reality. That's what bothers me. You make claims which I refute with evidence from my own blog and you go on unphased as if nothing happened. It seems evidence can't impact your little negativity bubble of anger you seem to enjoy so much.
And no, I won't get the fuck out of town congratulating a fellow human being for no longer slowly killing themselves with cancer sticks. I genuinely care about people and their wellbeing because it creates the world I want to live in to see their lives improve. Is that concept truly beyond your understanding?
As to seeking attention, there are social norms about "Hey, here are my thoughts on this, what do you think?" compared to saying things which aren't true just to get a rise out of people.
That's petty bullshit.
I care deeply about the Steemit community. I hung out in person with 300 of them in Lisbon. When you call it fake, I call bullshit. Simple as that.
But hey, enjoy your angry rant.