I'm gonna have to say something here, though, about the trending page. I've made fun about it in the past, as well - a lot. But honestly, I don't think it's very fair to make a blanket statement call all of it "garbage", straight up.
The reason I don't enjoy it is the trending page has a lot of very general stuff. It almost never happens that I open the trending page and find something I want to click on.
It doesn't make content garbage, though. I'm sure there are people who enjoy some of that stuff.
However, it is something that does make me sad that there seems to be very little "daring" content at the top. It's all very safe - and to a guy like me, boring.
That's just my subjective view, though.
Oh not all of it is garbage by any means, I meant that when I do see a random out of place article at the top, I know why it is there.