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RE: How do we create a middle class?

in #steemit9 years ago

@jacor glad I saw this in my feed. The question certainly is how do we advance the growth of the middle class on a shorter curve than what is currently happening organically.

Right now it's a slow pace as the early adopters (us) who stay with it and post quality content regularly will be those that become the middle class as more and more users join.

What we don't know is how long that will take? How much does the user base need to grow. What kind of growth in active users do we need?

The robinhood initiative I read about today seems like a good idea to help the growth of the middle class...outside of that kind of blank in ideas.


Good to hear from you again @scaredycatguide :) That is indeed the question. How long will it take. Please read my comment to @mscleverclocks as I want to highlight the last paragraph :)

That is a very good point. Being that is how human nature works - the "herd mentality." When steemit does get a mass media exposure that mass wave of people come in - it's a total cluster f*ck and the consistent quality content gets lost in the sea. However, that wave dies down as all the people leave that didn't hit it big on their first few posts and we (quality authors) begin to float back to the surface until the next wave comes.

Wish I knew how may waves we have to ride out.