Good to know this Shiva. Congratulating you on reaching this milestone. I'm surprised to know that you have so many whale friends here! Wishing you every success to achieve the goals that you have set for 2018. I can see you have removed a name from your witness list. :)
I hope we can together participate in steemfest on 2019 or 2020 if I achieve something like you then. Keep going mate!
Thanks for your well wishes and iam glad that you noticed that removed name and i want to only promote good witness and don't want to give any false information to my followers so that's why i removed that name, and ya iam really excited to meet you in any upcoming Steemfeast 😇 and don't worry I didn't archive anything extraordinary here because i saw many people who done more better then me,iam jist trying to give my best with a healthy competition.
Hey.. you don't need to wait that long to meet me. If you come to down south, visit Kerala. I'm here!
Haha.. But you have. If not, you should and will!
Ohk done then, if i ever make any plans to visit Kerala then i will let you know about that,
And iam working on archiving extraordinary things here,so don't worry 😅