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RE: Bot's are Destroying Steemit?

in #steemit8 years ago

Aww.. that's very kind of you to say! Thank you :-)

Ah okay I wasn't sure if I should be replying back to cheetah or not lol but I figured it would be good for others to see that it is my content loool. I really appreciate you taking the time to respond and will follow you so that I can learn more about the intricate ins and outs of steemit :-) Thank you again.


Your welcome! Hahah thank you for following me, I followed you as well! I already know your going to have an amazing article about the upcoming vote on the 25th about the Kurdish independence, can't wait to see your opinion! :)

Ah yesss... lol I have been posting quite a bit about this on all of my social media accounts. You look familiar so I am not sure if you already follow me on twitter (sarahabed84) Instagram (sabed84), or Facebook (Sarah Abed) but out of the three I would say I post the most on Facebook but I do try to post the same content when possible on the other social media platforms too. Monday will certainly be an interesting day. Some Kurds even burnt their Iraqi id cards already believe it or not lol. The next few days should be interesting too.. I think Barzani had told Baghdad that if they didn't come up with an alternative within three days that he was going to go ahead with the scheduled referendum on the 25 and I think today would have been day 3... we're gonna need to make some popcorn lol

Ahah I may look typical middle eastern 😂, I'll definitely follow your social medias! My biggest fear is the after math if they do separate, it's going to be an all out war there 😱. I'm actually a Turkmani Iraqi hahah so I know how crazy it's going to get there.

Oh and I just took a look at your posts and there are a bunch that I want to read. Lots of great topics. Keep up the great work! I will try to get to them this weekend.

I hope you enjoy them, I'm not that good at writing yet, been only 3 weeks practicing. I love some honest feedback on how to improve! 😊