That's actually a very good idea. Just use your posting key instead of your master key. If someone gets hold of this, all they can do is make posts from your account! And you can change that key with your master key. A valuable lesson learned for all.
Many thanks for your kind words and it is curious that you mentioned tapping. I started doing this two months ago to deal with my nightmares... which are now gone! So have moved on now to release and let go of a whole bunch of things.
For the last few days it has been about the release my fear of not having any money and also to release my very old belief system that I have a terrible memory! Thought this would help me remember my email address I need for the account recovery. No luck yet, but I will keep you informed...
Many thanks again for your support and greetings from Bali 🙏🏻
Congratulations that you found tapping for yourself! I guess it were your words about getting over losing the money, that made me assume that you would be open to it. :D
Oh yes, the fear of having no money is actually also a big one for me too. Thanks for reminding me to work on that one.
I'm looking forward to hearing more about your tapping successes. In fact, I'm planning to write about my fasterEFT tapping journey here on steemit, but I'm not sure, if I'll translate everything to English or stick to German.
Anyway, I'm sure somewhere in your brain you'll find the information about your email-address. Just take a shower, go swimming, have fun at a party and it will suddenly show up, when you expected it least. :D
Greetings from Vienna!