Wow! I was not aware of this at all. And I apologise for my assumption. I will amend this information immediately. Perhaps it might be worth adding this info on your main page? Now that hacking seems to be a topical issue, I believe it would make people feel safer.
This info certainly makes me feel a whole lot better, as this new account was bought with anon.steem! Thanks for your awesome service by the way 🙏🏻
And your suggested systems of proving identity make a lot of sense.
I have written to and explained the full story... and I hope they will let me verify my identity with something as simple as a video call :)
Thank you for tagging @ned & @sneak here. I hadn't thought of that.
@samstonehilltube :D this is quite unfortunate, I wrote a bit longer of a comment and I'm sorry you lost your "fortune"
First of contact the team and ask them, any of the devs on chat, ned, sneak whoever on the rocket chat.
Second you've done the best already, I was tired of watching scam posts, but it is how it is, I was going to write a security 101 ... What I've learned from games is "Never tell anyone your password" privacy is important as is thinking, you basically went into the perfect storm, but next time, if steemit needs your password, what for, why would they, there is no reason, they have their accounts..
Pfishing is going on since emails exist even before that, people have been getting scammed out of property, whatever weak points you have will be exploited if there is gain to be earned .. some people are like that, anyways freezing accounts would be nice in such occasions, but I'm not sure how features would be implemented without the potential for abuse..
Just keep in mind there are many greedy and stupid people..
I'm happy you have grown so much :)
and that you have spread what you have earned, whatever is lost rarely is, I'm sure you will make it back up in no time, in the case of the account not getting recovered.
There was a famous quote from a millionaire that he can make everything back up even with a shirt on his back, I hope this is a worthwhile experience to any ego driven mind, which is all of us. Possessions are not worth anything and we have put a lot of value into a lot of objects
Ridiculous Account Security in a decentralised app..
I'm sure you will pull back, you have a beautiful life :)
Let the traps fall into themselves.