Power potion for self acceptance ......Day 5

in #steemit7 years ago

Day 5 reclaim your power.jpg

Day 5.

Welcome to the last day of your 5 Day Challenge!

Today I am going to let you in on my biggest secret

I love love love love love love love love love it

I add it in to almost anything, I soak my feet in it, I bathe in it, I rub it on others and I diffuse the hell out of it


BERGAMOT OIL - The oil of self acceptance

enter angels singing ..........

Bergamot relieves feelings of despair, self-judgment, and low self-esteem. It supports us when in need of self-acceptance and self-love

Bergamot invites us to see life with more optimism. Bergamot has a cleansing effect on stagnant feelings and limiting belief systems

Because of core beliefs of being “bad,” “unlovable” and “not good enough,” Bergamot supports us at times when we hide behind a façade of cheerfulness. When we are fearful of revealing our true thoughts and feelings

Bergamot’s powerful cleansing properties generate movement in the energy system, which in turn brings hope. In this way, Bergamot is a wonderful anti-depressant. It awakens the soul to hope and offers courage to share the inner-self

Bergamot Re-ignites optimism and confidence in the Self, it imparts true self-acceptance

Bergamot teaches us to let go of self- judgment by learning to love ourselves unconditionally

Negative Emotions supported : Despair, low self-esteem, self-judgment, unlovable, hopeless

Positive Properties encouraged: Self-acceptance, optimism, confidence, hopeful, lovable, good enough

(Adapted from Emotions & Essential Oils, 4th Edition: A Modern Resource for Healing)

Here’s your final action:

If you have this in your collection begin to add it into your daily routines, try diffusing it, try a little in your favourite aromatic dressing blend, add some to a favourite roller ball or simply add a drop to your hands rub together and inhale to re-presence you to your innate power and internal goodness -

You are enough
You are more than enough

Repeat after me

if you don't have this in your collection - JUMP ONLINE AND GET IT NOW or private message me to get your hands on some!

Please feel free to share your own experiences