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RE: Was Steemit Less Negative When You Joined? Sunday Thoughts

in #steemit7 years ago

I love Steemit and am very optimistic about it's future. My reason for being on here in addition to enjoying the platform and having made some friends and connection on here is also wanting to be on the ground floor of something potentially very big.

Many of the biggest Youtube stars we have today are where they are because they were early adopters so whenever I see a new social media platform come out that looks promising I try to gain a foothold. I did that with Periscope, that didn't wind up playing out that well but you just never know.

I've been on here since last June and it was pretty negative when I got on. Steem was at a low price and had been that way for a while, it was before hardfork 19 which apparently leveled the playing field more with whales and the rest of us so it was kind of negative back then.

I think it's important however to distinguish between negativity and constructive criticism. I see some people bury their heads in the sand and are just dillusional saying Steemit or DTube is better than Youtube. I suppose we each have our own opinions but to me nobody is as good as Youtube at knowing what I want to watch and delivering it to me. Steemit and DTube really make me work and sort through a lot of stuff I'm uninterested in to find the stuff I am interested in. There's also not all of the same content, Steemit and DTube lacks a lot of longer form content.

I think some people feel like it's bad to say anything critical of Steemit and I think that is also bad in that you can't improve if you don't acknowledge your shortcommings so to say Steemit is awesome and its gonna kill FB and Youtube is basically saying Steemit doesn't need to improve.

I really like @brianphobos approach. He's one of the biggest advocates and cheerleaders of Steemit and I think he's responsible for bringing a lot of people on here and keeping a lot of people on here, honestly if it wasn't for him helping me along the way and keeping me motivated I would have left a long time ago and I see he's the same with many others. A ton of people I follow I see brian cheerleading them on, commenting on their posts. In a video recently he commented on how he feels like his growth isn't as good as it could be because he's honest and shares his opinion and isn't rah rah Steemit is the greatest all the time. I actually appreciate his measured approach and prefer it over people who act like Steemit can do no wrong.

One thing that's been annoying me a bit recently about Steemit is all these reserved accounts. I was wanting to start another account or channel about self improvement and all the names I wanted were taken which is fine if someone is doing something with them but most seem to be reserved by Steemit or are people just squatting. @selfimprovement @getmotivated @motivation @inspiration @motivated. I suppose in a sense that's not any different than any other social media site where you have to be clever to find a name ie @selfimprovement1 or something like that but that's my most recent annoyance lol.


I think thats really smart (being an early adopter on a platform) thats why I started here too, I have never written anything before but I thought I would have a movers advantage just because I was here before mass adoption. I am happy to hear that you are still optimistic and it comforts me that people were negative even back then, lol. I wish I would have thought out my user name more....but I didn't and now Im stuck with it. lol

Yeah whenever I see a new platform I want to be the first person in my niche, business and entrepreneurship on there. Not all of them workout, I gave VidMe a try, that platform was kind of a flop and is going to be shutting down soon but every now and again you luckout.

I know Gary Vee talks about how he really wishes he would have stuck to Youtube. He was one of the earlier adopters of YOutube and actually left for some other video platform, the name slips my mind but they gave him some equity and he thought it was going to be big. He always says had he stayed on Youtube he would have been one of the biggest Youtubers today and I think that's probably very true.

Have you thought about starting any new Steemit accounts or just trying to focus on building up one?

LOL I can barely keep up with the one account I do have...and I still dont have a "niche" figured out... I commend you for wanting to try to do a couple accounts. Maybe if I had some SP I would consider it, but alas I am still a plankton.

I've picked up a couple accounts for various niches, not sure what I'm going to do with them, right now just squatting for the most part, however I'm not sure it's a good strategy. If Steemit was like Youtube where I put up content and get paid forever I'd start in one niche and create like 100 posts and then move on to another niche and do the same. Due to the nature of Steemit ie only getting paid for 7 days and then it stops you almost need to continually be active and I agree keeping up with multiple accounts is alot of work, i agree i have trouble keeping up with one as well

The thing is, if Steemit becomes more like Reddit when they implement the "Communities" I am not sure if it will be a blogging platform as much, so niches might not be as important? Imagine if you wanted to talk about crypto youd go into your favorite crypto community, or cooking, or whatever else. Or maybe I'm thinking about it wrong and I have no idea what im talking about as usual lol!