Hey Guys My Buddy Yong aka @GeekHustle from the Podcast Merch Minds is on Steemit Now!!!

in #steemit8 years ago

Hey guys, my buddy Yong of GeekHustle.Com and the Merch Minds Podcast is now on Steemit. You can check him out @geekhustle

I know we all are trying to bring more people on here to grow the community and to get a diversity of content from people into all different stuff and from all walks of life.


Personally I'm very into Entrepreneurship and Self Improvement and things like Amazon Merch and other online hustles and I'd like to see more of that type of content on here so I was super excited to see that Yong joined.

Young is a graphic designer and online hustler who runs a Podcast called Merch Minds with Glen from Hustler Hacks Youtube Channel.

This past Thursday I was a guest on their show. Glen and Yong are both super nice guys, do an awesome show and if any of you are into graphic design, tee shirt businesses or Amazon Merch you definately gotta check out their podcast which is available on iTunes or Podcast Addict as well as posted on Youngs site GeekHustle.Com.

If you guys are into Merch and/or graphic design in general definately check him out and give him a follow.

If you wanna listen to the show where we chatted Yong did a Steemit Post about it here



Thanks for the plug my man! :-)

What is your steem power Rules For Rebels?

I'm at 818 right now. If steem gets back around a buck I may load up on Steem and power up but seems like a lot of uncertainty in the crypto space right now so going to wait a bit and see what happens. One cool thing about Steemit you can view anyone's wallet, Steem, Steem Power at any time which is kinda neat.

wow thats heaps. I didn't realize you could check other peoples wallets. Did you invest heaps of money into it?

I put $250 into it back when it was cheap because I wanted to tier up to 500 steem power to get that slider scale to control your vote power even though I've yet to even use it lol.

I think on another occasion I put in $50.

I'm not 100% sure on the future of Steem nor any other crypto for that matter so I'm hesitant to dump a bunch of money in but if it drops below a buck I probably will buy some more.

I think that's one cool thing about Steemit the transparency. If I say I'm doing a giveaway of Steem everyone on the platform can look at my wallet and see if I actually followed through.

Why this is relevant, right now there's a lot of Youtubers claiming to give away free bitcoins or litecoins for watching their live stream but I question whether many of them are actually following through. @avilsd who's a Youtuber and also a guy on here recently made a video on this topic

Hi @rulesforrebels! I am following you! Good luck here!

hi there :)

Hi friend, very good !!!!!
You would help me with a vote in my Blog., Thanks !!! ;)