But well, people complain on a downvote on stackoverflow and spend 30 minutes explaining how to pose a question instead of using their supergeekbrain to answer it in 5 seconds.
As do the utopian "rules" on how-to-tutorial
humans ...
they can't be helped
steemit could have very well thrown in the towel by now, scrapped the money and left everyone to dry, filed for bankrupcy and get zero liability on anything.right on @thecryptodrive ,i think they should pin as long as its not "daily" updates. I see a lot of complaining but i don't see a lot of onboarding major accounts by people who claim to have the marketing skills.
But they don't , so i do agree, doubleplus points for not caving in and swimming upstream in the middle of a shitstorm on planet Crypton.
I betcha fiver if the price were to rise to $10 again people would still find something to complain about.
i'd say just keep going and whoever doesn't like it : there's always fakebook, you get an unlimited number of likes per day so people just post to watch their own feeds mostly imo.
And more : other than steem, flixxo and (if they come through) BAT there's none where you can step-in for free. I don't know of any fora like this running off of eos or tron or vitalsky-coin , ... maybe they exist but i'm sure the ETH won't come for free daily like it does here.
but it doesnt ??!?
orley so what do you call 10 100% votes a day ? those are vests in steem you give away and get for free, dearies.
I'm in to the very end but i hope this is just a bump and the phoenix rises stronger.
... i usually don't even react to all that crud because i dont know what people who are ranting actually accomplish for the chain themselves but in this case
well i didnt either, i just wanted to say i still believe and i agree with what you say here.
mad catter out
"And more : other than steem, flixxo and (if they come through) BAT there's none where you can step-in for free."
See all my social network profiles.
You inspired this post.
ive been on weku and minds but none of those are listed and can be sold, at least not when i was still checking it out, but i havent heard of most of the others :) thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!