"What is Steemit?"
That is a question that could elicit an entire range of answers from its thousands of users & visitors. Truth is, there is no absolute, fixed answer. To each of us, Steemit is something different and unique.
To some - myself included - it has been an incredible blessing, offering the opportunity to disengage from the traditional 9-to-5 world and earn a reasonable living through sharing writing & creative talents.
To others, it's been a community space in which to learn, explore new subjects & content, and broaden horizons on life through the exploration of different perspectives coming from a fresh community of innovative thinkers.
And yet to others... while, fill in your own blanks here.
Though regardless of what answers any of us might give, we can agree: Steemit has proved to be a game-changer.
The platform hasn't just been an improvement upon social media, where one can earn financial rewards for quality content. It's been a step forward in the direction of establishing new approaches to communal collaboration and compensation for contribution.
Here, we are undergoing an exercise in rethinking what value is and how we can design new economic models to reward its introduction into new, evolving ecosystems.
Sure, we can post something quick and earn a few bucks. But that's only the surface level.
We're in the midst of highly signficant shift in the larger world.
Our economic systems are about due for a revamp. Our relationships to money and commerce are nearing ready for a makeover. The nature of our engagement with our creativity and its applications to serve the advancement of new projects and initiatives that shall define and shape our shared future is morphing and undergoing revisions that we can't yet fully fathom the implications of.
And here, now, Steemit is a playing field for these processes of global transformation, idea exploration, and network building that is ushering in an entirely unprecedented era.

Now, that may sound all grand and idealized. And worded like that, it DOES all seem a bit more grandoise and spectacular than the day-to-day here might seem. But it's kinda true.
Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology have barely begun to make their mark. We are still the early adopters. And these technologies are probably going to change things to an extent similar to - if not far greater than - the internet did upon its arrival in society.
Think about it...
Never before, has it been so easy and simple to simply join as a community member, output some ideas and hit "publish," and reap the rewards back.
No extended relationship-building process. No contracts. No dealmaking or negotiations. No extended hassles and friction of setting up payment allocations, auto-deposits, cheque writings and cashing.
Join. Publish. Profit.
That fucking simple.

Now, though some of us have been able to turn Steemit into a means to pay the bills, it's really safe to assume that such an outcome may not be entirely realistic or practical for most people. And even for those - like myself - who have been making a living from their writing here, it is not necessarily a secure, steady, long-term income source which can be fully relied on. (Though I'll happily take those words back if Steem rises to $100+).
And maybe, that's not at all the point.
Sure, it'd be great to grow incomes on here such that it really becomes worthwhile to invest one's energy in using this as a platform on which to engage one's creativity and contribute at a scale that proportionately compensates the investment of time, energy, heart, and soul. Though immediate profit-potential aside, there is another question worth asking:
What may be incubated within this experimental grounds?
What might we create here that extends beyond the boundaries of Steemit and grows into entities in their own rights, which shall pay forward some of the blessings and opportunities found here?

There is a growing community here enriched in passion, vision, and talent.
There are many united by common ideals, who see this space as one from which amazing, world-changing things can grow.
We're here developing relationships. We're here developing ideas.
And at the intersection - growing our ideas and visions here together - there awaits a fucking goldmine of opportunities.
What shall we create...?

We herein, now have an open canvas infront of us.
Here, we can pose ideas. Ask questions. Share insights. Offer invitations to engage in the collaborative manifestation of cool fucking things that make a difference.
Maybe there are some ideas we've had stuck in our heads for a while and haven't shared.
Fucking share them.
Trust me. No one is going to "steal your idea." Everyone else is too busy living their own lives.
But. By speaking out your visions for the ways this community and this world might benefit from the development of those ideas you've held in for so long, maybe you'll usher in some support for them. Maybe, you'll make some new friends who share your vision of a better world. And maybe, the consequence of ONE PUBLISHED STORY here might be a venture that changes lives around the globe.
No bullshit.
Any one of us here could do it.

Though, the probabilities are that most of us won't.
And that's ok.
Not all of us are here to change the world. Not all of us want to.
Some of us are just here because we like to write and share. Some are here to read and learn. And that's perfect too.
Though regardless of what our individual aspirations are - on and outside of Steemit - we all do have opportunities here unlike anything we've had before.
Maybe that is to share ideas that shall benefit others - either directly through our writing, or to gather support and guidance to bring bigger business/project ideas to life.
Or, maybe the opportunity is one of skills development.
If we consider ourselves writers, this is quite the place to speed up and incentivize our learning curve. Each story written is a learning cycle. And through both rewards and comments, we're offered direct feedback.
The next piece you write and publish is NOT just one story. It is a stepping stone to a bigger, more important piece of your puzzle. It is a means through which you are actualizing the skill, insight, and resources required to actualize a much more far-reaching impact than anything that gets left behind here on the Steem blockchain - if you choose it to be.
And maybe you don't choose that. That's cool too.
Though since you're here anyways, why not dream a little.
Why not expand your vision and sense of possibilities for what could evolve out of your participation here, in this innovative space that is defining a completely new realm of what might come for the future of collaborative, creative, economic spaces emerging out of the evolutionary domain of crypto & blockchain tech?

Maybe Steemit never was the big kahuna, in the big picture.
(Or at the least, let's try on that idea and run the simulation to dive deeper into the idea at hand).
Maybe this is just a stepping stone. A vehicle to elevate ourselves to the next.
What your intentions and hopes are here... I don't fucking know. But, I'd guess that you have some inclination within you to realize some dream, achieve some goal, and make a difference in the world that is so much bigger than what we're doing here.
Yet, here we are.
And, there is some magic circulating in this space.
So, maybe we are exactly where we need to be right now. And this step is preparing us for what's to come.
Or, forget the fate & destiny-ish language. Perhaps, this step is the opportunity we've been waiting for - even if it doesn't look like what we'd hoped or expected. Perhaps this is the launch pad to what we choose to create next.

For myself...
It's probably best I don't give 100% of that answer away. Gotta leave space for surprises.
Though, to be transparent and vulnerable enough to lead by example... I have been feeling the counsel to shift part of my writing focus to the realm of novels. Which, shall also serve into the other area of focus I've been working towards. (Clues left in writing like this, should anyone's curiosity get the best of them and drive to follow the breadcrumb trail.)
And what does that have to do with this subject?
Well, this has been a training grounds. And still is.

This is a platform upon which I've exercised the opportunity to practice the skills of communication - though there really are alot more layers to it than just that, a phenomenon you may or may not have discovered, depending upon how far back you've been following my writings.
There has been profit. There has been relationship building. And there has been an exposure of new, inspiring ideas and content. Though more than anything, there's been an ongoing process of skill development. An internal growth of the foundational perspective, abilities, and capabilities to share ideas, articulating their essence - nurtured through the diligence invested in each piece written.
In my humble opinion, this is one of the greatest assets we are the midst of cultivating here:
The intellectual capital of our own inner resources, developed by engagement in continual effort here, contributing to the collective progression, one soul-infused story at a time.
And from here...
Well, that is a blank for you to fill in for yourself...

I love your post.. it has a lot of ideas to ponder , I can also see that you are a gifted writer. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
your welcome. and thank you for the feedback, it is dearly appreciated. 🙏
i am new to steemit, but it feel like that posting on steemit is much more rewarding that any of the other social media platforms.
Sup?! I took your post into some consideration and let the words ramble in notepad. To the question you posed :"Why not expand your vision and sense of possibilities for what could evolve out of your participation here, in this innovative space that is defining a completely new realm of what might come for the future of collaborative, creative, economic spaces emerging out of the evolutionary domain of crypto & blockchain tech?"
My response is --
To address this question first I am flooded with applications of a community social platform that have yet to be installed into our ways of life... Things like potluck alerts, empty bed notifications, art ins with no exclusive community as a necessary precondition for ones access to such things...
Its quite a ambitious dream, of living in harmony globally. What technology can do to help us recognize the equal value of the content culture curates regardless of location has implications beyond freeing mankind from the bondage of a skapegoating master-slave narrative. I'm thinking of a world where the stigmas the rich have for the poor are considered passé and the thriving curators of popular content are those most willing to share ideas homespace and a meal with just about anyone. So like the broader world views regarding industrial prison complex and medical bias about mental illness, these are things that need to come to terms with the equation of resources, the creation of value, the power every person with a steemit has to generate value, therefore the potential of every person with a steemit to contribute value... To help round out the major roadblocks in global functional and sustainable living strategies for everyone...
And once the idea that everyone has a place, to be -- catches on, the things I will want to do in that world become rewarding in themselves, as part of a group effort, a global effort to provide for our community and find a diplomatic, creative, and non partisan solution to the problems of world hunger, to create a world safe for families, to honor the children and the lessons of the children, as we would honor the lessons of our ancestors... all of our ancestors... And then enjoy the wildness and the freedom .
Thank you for asking such thought provoking questions. Cheers!
shite, man. now that is a quality comment!
your welcome. and thank you for such a passionate, thoughtful response. impressed & inspired. I was especially taken by this statement:
As on who is here to change the world and even worse I would like to see it change for the better .......
Steemit is a step in the right direction ...
But the big game is being played elsewhere ... the coins that can change the world will be under attack soon Monero Moons, Dash, Pivx & Zcash to name a few .....the centralised controlled coins will be hitting the markets soon with smart contracts and biometric id gps and full disclosure of every movement and purchase on the planet ... for those who control them the info will be worth billions alone... ... everyone will be buying into these coins as they shoot to the moon in value ...we are about to pay for our own demise lol...
Projects like these are the only ones we should support ... at least the way I see it...
Its like windows vs linux and opensource ...
Please pick the linux world this time people ....
But when the mainstream starts reporting on this soon ..it will be Etherium and smart contracts with bimetric id that will get reported on and that will be added to the big markets not the soon to be outlawed coins... The media campaign will hit mainstream soon we are at critical mass for keeping the lid on this I am thinking ... Its estimated the banking system can save 20 billion a year by switching to blockchain technology .... If that is true ...the bank coins will be hitting the market very very soon .. and most will not even know it happened as there bank card will look the same and have a few new digital feature on there online banking and phone app.. yup most will not even know it happened or realise what just happened ... Unless ..... Knowledge is power they say .... The pen mightier than the sword ... and until steemit the keyboards where controlled by youtube twitter facebook I know the thoughts posted here have been blocked removed and hidden from sight ... many times ...If the pen is mightier than the sword I can't wait for the day the keyboards roared ..... Monero Moons, Dash, Pivx & Zcash and i just love bitbean just had to toss them in ..and http://ammbr.com/
If I had joined 1 year ago perhaps.. but I'm flooded with bots now :(
Totally agree the bots are destroying this platform. Something should be done by the developers and/or witnesses to make this a more meaningful platform where humans are actually interacting not just bots automatically upvoting and commenting. I see posts with 6 views but already have 48 upvotes. How the hell that happen if not for the bots... ?
are bots able to upvote a post?
yeah. there are private ones and public sites like SteemVoter where one can setup a list of accounts to auto-vote on.
Nice post...
You're too cruel. omg my eyes!
Steemit is a life changer it even make no brainer person to use up there idle brain to mine some steem and sbd.
We were just talking about how revolutionary blockchain is today. It has the potential to distribute resources better and to bring almost everyone into the conversation. Really thinking about what I want to bring to that table is a big question. I've got my hands in a whole lot of pies. I'm passionate about feminism, children's rights, radical education shifts, travel, racial justice, and of course solar power and anything to do with sustainability. Maybe it's time to focus. Just writing that list has me feeling scattered.
Thought provoking as always. Look forward to continuing to watch your evolution.
sometimes we need to embrace the scatteredness prior to the focus.. :-)
I think that's true. I also think a day of quiet to really sit with what resonates the most would be really beneficial. I did a vision quest a few years ago, and it was such a blessing.
It was like you were reading off my thoughts! Im so excited to be "Incubating" here with it all!